- 1 Where Are We?
- 2 Christ the Threat
- 3 Perish Pastors
- 4 Bible Babble
- 5 No Religion
- 6 Brick for Stone
- 7 Bow or Burn
- 8 Bow or Burn
- 9 Cursed
- 10 Blind Liars
- 11 Stumbling Block
- 12 Slayer Self
- 13 Bishop Balaam
- 14 Thou Shalt Suffer
- 15 Shadow Preacher
- 16 Deliverance Deceivers
- 17 Hate Like God
- 18 Worldliness
- 19 Dust Bin Sermons
- 20 Pride & Dust
- 21 Slay the Beast
- 22 Pointless Prayer
- 23 Pattern
- 24 Nazareth
- 25 Incantation
- 26 Oracle
- 27 Shrines
- 28 Sects
- 29 Extorting Bribes
- 30 Unmasked
- 31 Hypocrisy
- 32 Leaven
- 33 Silent Sharing
- 34 Orality & Writing
- 35 Which Jesus?
- 36 This Same Jesus
- 37 Biblical Heresy
- 38 Sick, Sick, Sick
- 39 Iron Cage
- 40 Shimmering Drop
- 41 Self Subdued
- 42 Stinging Power
- 43 Restituting Ruins
- 44 Word Worth
- 45 Come
- 46 Fragrance
- 47 Word of the Word
- 48 Retching Rhema
- 49 Humility
- 50 Two are One
- 51 One is Two
- 52 The Weak Christ