Copyright 1999 by Steve Phillips
Artwork Copyright 1999 by Patricia Phillips
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ISBN 978-0-9849
A composite English translation of the Bible has been used throughout
Narrow Way Media and Publication
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
+234 816 284 8242 +234 805 913 3185
In every life the influences for good or ill are numerous. In reflecting upon the author’s spiritual pilgrimage as a Christian begun over 40 years ago, the following have profoundly affected this man for everlasting good.
To each I owe a debt of gratitude unable to be repaid: only may your investment in the author’s life not prove to be in vain, for Jesus’ sake. To each of you I would say:
“May the Lord reward your work, and your wages be full from the Lord,
the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge”
Ruth 2:12
To you, therefore, is this, the fruit of your labors, lovingly dedicated in deepest humility for the advancement of the faith which, once for all, has been delivered to the saints.
Clyde Cowan
My spiritual father, who taught me to sacrifice all things for the sake of the gospel,
who demonstrated that the Word of God has answers for all of life,
and who tirelessly proved the value of discipling one soul.
Marchant King
The most saintly man I’ve ever known, at whose feet I learned the exacting scholarship of “proving all things” and who unfolded the glories of Christ on every page of Scripture. His legacy and the crowning glory of his life was the grand “private environment” of union with Christ.
Jack Welch
Whose methodical and disciplined approach to life and the Scriptures coupled with his affectionate oversight forged a course of ministry to which this volume attests.
Jean Phillips
My mother, from whom I learned to joyfully persevere through sufferings without complaint,
to selflessly love all, even those who despitefully use you, and to finish one’s course with grace and the praise of Christ upon the lips.
John Cattermole
A disciple indeed and a friend that has “stuck closer than a brother,” who has often refreshed me and whose faithful wounds and smiting in kindness, especially at the lowest points of my spiritual journey, have, more than once, strengthened these feeble knees.
Dan Faust
Whose strength is truly the joy of the Lord in selfless giving, esteeming others above himself.
His quiet unhurried level headedness has preserved me from many a hasty path.
The darling of my bosom, truly a helper made for her husband, whose guileless sincerity and intense insistence that the Lord Jesus have preeminence in all things, have, through her gentle quietness, made her precious in the sight of God
and awesome as an army with banners to me.
You are greatly loved of your husband.
DE is spiritual boot camp, a rigorous disciplined spiritual exercise that prepares the soul for spiritual advance. It will test you to the core, challenge your preconceptions, and force you to focus on ultimate eternal issues as they are discovered by you in the Word of God.
The purpose of the DE is to equip the faithful for their works of service to which the Lord Jesus has called them. Development of consistent, disciplined, and godly character is its ultimate objective. “The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and an unhypocritical faith” – I Tim.1:5.
The DE is intentionally limited in its scope. It is designed to serve as a foundation for life and ministry. Any foundation laid establishes the parameters and scope of a structure. The DE is intended to supply a strong support for all that later is to be built upon it. Its spectrum encompasses the whole counsel of God, and, in this sense, is comprehensive. You will become equipped with the essential elements needed to grasp the remaining Scriptures not addressed during the sessions.
The sessions are presented sequentially and progressively, being patterned after that of the order of the Scriptures themselves. It is not without reason that Gen.1:1 is the starting point and Rev.22 is the conclusion. The unfolding revelation of God’s Word builds successively upon the previous ones until the whole is culminated in the book of Revelation itself.
Therefore, maximum benefit and understanding will be obtained by pursuing the individual sessions in the order encountered. The sessions are designed to be completed together with the daily reading schedule outlined in the section following entitled OVERVIEW. In this way, the disciple is exposed to the whole of the Word of God while focusing his concentration on selected passages. The sessions will provide the framework necessary to rightly interpret the daily readings and the daily readings will shed further light upon the sessions themselves.
The OT is examined first as it quite obviously provides the needed background for understanding the NT. Studying the OT and NT sessions combined with the daily reading, provides the needed context to formulate the doctrines of the Scriptures. Basic Doctrines can only be deduced within this necessary broader context of the Scriptures as a whole. Attempts to establish doctrines apart from this frame of reference are both foolish and dangerous. It is for this reason that doctrinal matters form the final considerations of the DE.
There are more than 5000 questions contained in the DE. The questions in each session have a two-fold purpose. They first are designed to stimulate careful reflection upon the actual words of the text under examination. The disciple must encounter the Word of God and seek the Lord Himself for insight into and application of the Scriptural truths being studied. The approach is therefore investigative rather than informative. Thus, the disciple must seek the Lord rather than being told what to believe per se.
Secondly, the questions, in a cumulative sense, will help to orient the mind of the disciple to investigate the remainder of the Scriptures in a similar manner. They will train the faculties of perception to follow disciplined principles of inquiry. As such, they will impart an asset for life extending beyond the immediate benefit derived from the sessions themselves.
Maximum benefit will be obtained by utilizing these study sessions in conjunction with all 7 aspects described in the section following entitled OVERVIEW. The sessions contained herein may be employed as a comprehensive curriculum for Bible schools or missionary and discipleship training ministries. They may be adopted in whole or in part as the core of or as supplemental to existing teaching materials.
They can serve as a study guide to ensure that believers are taught the whole counsel of God. Individual sessions can serve as points of discussion for Bible study groups. DE can serve as a reference tool in addressing doctrinal questions and evaluating church practices.
The following abbreviations are used throughout:
KJV [King James Version], NASB [New American Standard Bible], NIV [New International Version], & [and], i.e. [that is], etc. [and things like these], OT [Old Testament], NT [New Testament], v. [verse], f [and following], a [“a” attached to a reference indicates 1st part of a verse]. The OT was originally written in Heb [Hebrew] The NT was originally written in Gk [Greek].
Gen. – Genesis Ex. – Exodus Lev. – Leviticus Num. – Numbers Deut. – Deuteronomy Josh. – Joshua Jud. – Judges I Sam. – I Samuel 2 Sam. – 2 Samuel 1, 2 K. – 1, 2 Kings 1, 2 Chron. – 1, 2 Chronicles Ez. – Ezra Neh. – Nehemiah Esth. – Esther Ps. – Psalms Prov. – Proverbs Eccl. – Ecclesiastes S. of S. – Song of Solomon Isa. – Isaiah Jer. – Jeremiah Lam. – Lamentations Ezek. – Ezekiel Dan. – Daniel Hos. – Hosea Ob. – Obadiah Mic. – Micah Nah. – Nahum Hab. – Habakkuk Zeph. – Zephaniah Hag. – Haggai Zech. – Zechariah Mal. – Malachi
Mt. – Matthew Mk. – Mark Lk. – Luke Jn. – John Rom. – Romans I Cor. – I Corinthians 2 Cor. – 2 Corinthians Gal. – Galatians Eph. – Ephesians Phil. – Philippians Col. – Colossians I Thess. – I Thessalonians 2 Thess. – 2 Thessalonians I Tim. – I Timothy 2 Tim. – 2 Timothy Tit. – Titus Heb. – Hebrews Jas. – James I Pet. – I Peter 2 Pet. – 2 Peter I Jn. – I John 2 Jn. – 2 John 3 Jn. – 3 John Rev. – Revelation
The DE is a self-paced approach. If pursued on a full-time basis, its 151 sessions can adequately be accomplished in one year. Doing one session weekly will entail nearly three years to complete. The sessions contained in the remainder of this volume are only one portion of 7 aspects comprising the DE.
The sessions are not intended as an academic exercise though requiring concentrated diligent study to complete. They are an aid to seeking the Lord Himself to reveal His ways to the disciple that, in obedience to God’s Word, he might become transformed thereby into the image of Christ Jesus our Lord. To the extent that any of these aspects are minimized, the resulting transformation and equipping will be incomplete or circumvented.
[1] SCRIPTURE READING according to the following daily schedule. One chapter per day is to be read from each of the six sections making a total of six chapters per day that are to be read.
[1] Genesis – Esther: Narrative/History containing examples, warnings, and illustrations.
[After reading Esth. 10, return to Gen. 1]
[2] Job – Malachi: Poetry and Prophesy [Psalms and Proverbs will not be read as part of this section since they are covered in # 3, 4. After reading Mal.4, return to Job 1].
[3] Psalms: Prayer, Worship, and Deliverance in affliction [After reading Ps. 150, return to Ps. 1].
[4] Proverbs: Wisdom for all of life [After reading Prov. 31, return to Prov. 1].
[5] Matthew – Acts: The life of Christ and of the church [After reading Acts 28, return to Mt. 1].
[6] Romans – Revelation: The Doctrine of the Scriptures [After reading Rev.22, return to Rom. 1].
During the course of one year, sections 1 and 2 will be read approximately once each. Sections 3 and 6
will be read about twice each, section 5 nearly three times, and section 4 twelve times.
[2] INDIVIDUAL STUDY OF THE WORD OF GOD focused upon the following three areas:
See TABLE OF CONTENTS for specifics covered.
[3] DISCUSSION Share with others for mutual encouragement. Stir them up to love and good deeds. Benefit from their input in the spirit of I Cor.10:15: “I speak as to wise men, you judge what I say.”
(4) PRAYER Adore God, confess to Him, ask for daily bread, uphold others, and seek for the kingdom of Heaven to be advanced in this world.
(5) EVANGELISM Reason with people about the things that really matter: things of eternal significance.
(6) SERVE The greatest among you is a servant. The DE does not equip you to become a lord. Lowliness is its aim. “I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more” [I Cor.9:19].
(7) BREAKING OF BREAD “Do this in remembrance of Me:” from “house to house” [Acts 2:46], on the “first day of the week” [Acts 20:7], “as often as you [do it]” [I Cor.11:26]. You don’t need a minister or a large number. It’s a simple gathering in which the Holy Spirit directs all who know Christ to express their thanks in hymns, songs, praise, teaching, prayer, exhortation, confession, testimony, and worship.
Session Description
Figure I Bible History
1 Genesis 1 & 2: Creation, Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve, marriage
2 Genesis 3: Serpent, sin, seed of Christ, earth cursed, cast out of Eden
3 Genesis 4 & 5: Righteous Abel, wicked Cain, beginning of world system
4 Genesis 6 – 9: Noah, flood, ark of salvation
5 Genesis 10 & 11: Nimrod, Babel, one culture with many languages
6 Genesis 11 & 12: Call of Abraham, enters Canaan, goes to Egypt
7 Genesis 13: Abraham & Lot
8 Genesis 14: Abraham and Melchizedek
9 Genesis 15 & 16: Abraham: believes God, takes Hagar, Ishmael born
10 Genesis 17 & 18: Abraham: circumcision, 3 visitors, prayer for Sodom
11 Genesis 13, 14, 19: Lot and Sodom
12 Genesis 20 & 21: Abraham: Lies about Sarah, Isaac born, Ishmael out
13 Genesis 22: Abraham’s offering of Isaac
14 Overview of Exodus
15 Exodus 12: Passover
16 Exodus 13 – 15: Firstborn, Red Sea, Song, Marah, & Elim
17 Exodus 16: Manna
18 Exodus 17 & 18: Water from Rock, Amalek, & Jethro’s advice
19 Exodus 19 & 20: Mt. Sinai, Law given, 10 Commandments
Figures 2, 3 The Tabernacle
20 Tabernacle overview
Figures 4,5,6,7 Tabernacle Furnishings
21 Tabernacle: All furnishings
22 Priests, Garments, Consecration
23 Leviticus 1 – 7: Sacrificial offerings
24 Leviticus 23: Feasts
25 Numbers 13, 14, 21: Kadesh-Barnea rebellion, Serpent in the wilderness
26 Joshua 1 & 2: Preparation to enter Canaan, spies & Rahab
27 Joshua 3 & 4: Crossing Jordan
28 Joshua 5: Gilgal, circumcision, Captain of the Lord’s host
29 Joshua 6 & 7: Jericho, sin of Achan
30 Joshua 8 – 10: Ai and Gibeon
31 Psalm 1 & 22: The blessed man, the cross of Christ
32 Psalm 119: The Word of God
33 Isaiah 53: The suffering Messiah/Jesus Christ
34 Daniel 9: Prayer and the 70 “weeks”
Session Description
1 Matthew 5: Beatitudes: “Blessed are…”
2 Matthew 5: Law fulfilled, “I say to you…”
3 Matthew 6: The Lord’s Prayer, God and Mammon, do not be anxious
4 Matthew 7: Judging, do unto others, narrow way, false prophets, rock
5 Matthew 13: Parables of the kingdom
6 Matthew 16: I will build My church
7 Mark 7: Traditions of men, out of the heart proceeds evil
8 Luke 14: Discipleship
9 John 1: Jesus, the Word made flesh
10 John 3: Born again, For God so loved, He must increase
11 John 13: Washing the disciples’ feet, love as Christ loves us
12 John 14: Prepare a place, Jesus: Way, Truth, and Life, love and obey
13 John 15: True Vine, bearing fruit, hatred of the world
14 John 16: Holy Spirit convicts world, reveals Christ
15 John 17: Jesus’ prayer, gives the Word, unity, love, and glory
16 Acts 2: Pentecost 3,000: teaching, fellowship, break bread, prayers
17 Acts 7: Stephen
18 Acts 10: Gentiles saved
19 Acts 15: The life of the church
20 Romans 1: Gospel, wrath of God against all ungodliness
21 Romans 2: Sin, judging, conscience, sin under law, true circumcision
22 Romans 3: None righteous, not even one, righteousness of God by faith
23 Romans 4: Justification by faith, Abraham is father of all who believe
24 Romans 5:1-11: Peace with God, saved by His Life
25 Romans 5: 12 – 6:11: Adam & Christ, crucified with Christ
26 Romans 6:12-23: Slaves of God
27 Romans 7: Powerless under law of sin
28 Romans 8:1-17: Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
29 Romans 8:18-39: Nothing can separate us from God’s love
30 Romans 9: Sovereign choice of God
31 Romans 10: Confess Jesus as Lord and you will be saved
32 Romans 11: Israel removed and Gentiles grafted in
33 Romans 12: Bodies as a living sacrifice, spiritual gifts, God avenges
34 Romans13 & 14: Government, love, the flesh. Weak brother, conscience
35 Romans 15 & 16: Benefit of OT, the gospel, greetings
36 I Corinthians 11: Women’s head coverings, Breaking of Bread
37 I Corinthians 15: Resurrection
38 2 Corinthians 2 & 3: New covenant
39 2 Corinthians 5: Judgment seat, new creation, ambassadors
40 Galatians 1-3: True gospel, Faith/law, Spirit/flesh, no life from law
41 Galatians 4-6: Hagar, circumcision, life and fruit of Spirit, cross
42 Ephesians1: Blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ
43 Ephesians 2: Saved by grace/faith, Jew and Gentile in one body/temple
44 Ephesians 3: The mystery. Paul’s prayer
45 Ephesians 4: Unity of the body, corrupt mind, the new man
46 Ephesians 5: Purity, filled with the Spirit, Christ and church, marriage
47 Ephesians 6: The whole armor of God
48 Philippians 2: Mind, humility, exaltation of Christ, Timothy’s testimony
49 Philippians 3: True worshippers, to know Him, citizens of heaven
50 Colossians 1: Christ preeminent
51 Colossians 2: Christ: Wisdom, fullness, and reality. Rules don’t sanctify
52 2 Thessalonians 2: Deception, the man of sin, false signs
53 Hebrews 1: Christ is better than prophets and angels. He is God.
54 Hebrews 3 & 4: Faith and disobedience in Israel’s history
55 Hebrews 7: Christ our High Priest like Melchizedek
56 Hebrews 8: The New Covenant
57 Hebrews 11: The testimony of the faithful throughout time
58 James 2: Faith & Works
59 2 Peter 1: Qualities of virtue and the Holy Spirit’s inspiring of the Word
60 I John 1 & 2: Fellowship in the Light, love not the world, anointing
61 I John 3 – 5: The tests of Life: righteousness and love
62 Revelation 1: Christ revealed in glory
63 Revelation 2 & 3: Christ’s message to the 7 churches
Session Description
1 God: Genesis 1:1
2 God: God is Spirit
3 God: God is Light
4 God: God is Light
5 God: God is Love
6 Man: As created by God
7 Sin: Genesis 3, its origin
8 Sin: Its extent
9 Sin: Its guilt and corruption
10 Christ: Incarnation
11 Christ: His manner of life
12 Christ: With His disciples
13 Christ: As Prophet, Priest, and King
14 Christ: Symbols and illustrations describing
15 Salvation: Substitution and Propitiation
16 Salvation: Resurrection
17 Salvation: Ascension and Intercession
18 Salvation: Predestination and Repentance
19 Salvation: Justification and Works
20 Salvation: Forgiveness and Regeneration
21 Salvation: Cross and Union with Christ
22 Salvation: Law
23 Salvation: New Covenant and the Law
24 Salvation: Security and Assurance
25 Salvation: Justification and Sanctification in Rom. 5 – 8
26 Salvation: Sanctification
27 Salvation: Sanctification
28 Salvation: Discipleship
29 Salvation: Priesthood of all believers
30 Salvation: What is the Gospel? – The Problem
31 Salvation: What is the Gospel? – The Solution
32 Salvation: What is the Gospel? – Response & Results
33 Holy Spirit: Deity and in the OT
34 Holy Spirit: Filling & Baptism
35 Holy Spirit: Symbols describing, Zech.4
36 Word of God: Description
37 Word of God: Inspiration, the two women of Prov.1-9
38 Word of God: Types
39 Word of God: NT use of OT
40 Prayer: Aspects & Conditions
41 Prayer: Elements
42 Angels: Nature & works
43 Satan: Origin & character
44 Satan: Schemes
45 Satan: Resist the devil
46 Church: Foundation and description
47 Church: Leadership
48 Church: Leadership
49 Church: NT Pattern
Figures 8 & 9 NT Pattern for the Church
50 Church: NT Pattern
51 Church: Discipline
52 Last Things: Conditions
53 Last Things: Rapture, Tribulation, 2nd Coming of Christ
54 Last Things: Resurrection. Judgment, Heaven & Hell
[Session 1] GENESIS 1 & 2 Familiarity with Figure 1 will aid in your understanding of the OT.
v.1 What does the phrase “in the beginning” tell us about God?
What does the word “created” tell us about God?
What qualities must one have in order to create?
Is there anything that comes before God?
What does this mean both literally and spiritually?
What is the difference between the “universe” and the “heavens and the earth”?
Which does man use to describe things? Which does God use?
Explain the spiritual significance of “heavens and earth” [see Isa.55:8,9; Col.3:1,2].
What are some foundational truths learned about God and man from this verse?
v.1-31 How do the progressive steps of the physical creation illustrate the new creation in Christ Jesus [see 2 Cor.5:17; Eph.2:10]?
v.1-5 See Jn.1:1-3. What is the relationship between these two passages?
Who created the heavens and the earth [see Gen.1:26; Jn.1:1-3; Ps.104:30]?
What is the spiritual dimension of light and darkness [see Jn.8:12; 12:35,36; 2 Cor.4:4-6; I Jn.1:5-7]?
Why did the Lord not leave things formless, void, and in the darkness [see I Cor.14:33,40]?
v.4,6,7,14,18 What word is repeated in each of these verses?
What does this tell us about the Lord and our relationship to Him [see 2 Cor.6:14-18]?
v.9-13 What 3 things are emphasized in these verses?
What is the spiritual significance of each?
v.14-19 What were the purposes of these various light bearers?
What spiritual meaning do they have [see Mal.4:2; Phil.2:15; Mt.5:14; S of S 6:10; I Cor.15:41]?
v.20-25 How would you describe the number and varieties of life described in these verses? [See Jn.10:10; Gal.5:22,23; 2 Pet.1:5-7].
v.26-31 Who is speaking in verse 26 [see Isa.48:16]?
What does this tell us about the nature of God?
In what ways does man differ from animals?
What is the image of God?
How does being male and female yet being one relate to the image of God in mankind?
What was the purpose of man’s creation [see Isa.43:7]?
What was the crowning glory of the creation?
v.1-3 What qualities of God’s character are seen in these verses [see Jn.4:34; 2 Cor.8:10,11; 2 Tim.4:7; Phil.1:6]?
v.7 What aspects make up man’s being [see I Thess.5:23]?
Where does life come from?
How dependent are we upon the Lord? Explain.
v.9 What trees were in the garden?
What was true of all these trees [see Gen.1:31]?
v.15- 17 What was man to do in this garden?
What was he not to do?
What was to be the consequence of disobedience?
Define death both physically and spiritually [see Job 34:14; Isa.59:2; Eph.2:1; Rev.20:14].
If there was nothing evil or corrupting in this tree in itself, why did God say do not eat of it?
What was the essence of this test?
v.18-25 Why was the woman made?
Do helpers lead, rule, command, and direct? Explain.
What roles and responsibilities do male and female have as created by God [see 1 Cor.11:3,7-12; Eph.5.22,23,33; I Tim.2:11-15]?
What did Adam learn from naming the animals?
What was this lesson meant to remind him of when God brought his wife to him?
Why was a bone taken from his side and not from his foot or his head?
What is the Lord’s design for marriage [see Mt.19:3-9]?
Describe Adam’s state while his bride was being formed.
What are the parallels between this section and Eph.5:22-33?
What are we to learn from their being naked and unashamed?
[Session 2] GENESIS 3
v.1 Who is this serpent [see Rev.12:9]?
Did he appear to the woman in all his evil and fearfulness? Why (see 2 Cor.11:14,15]?
Define subtle/crafty.
What are schemes/wiles/strategies [see 2 Cor.2:11; 11:3; Eph.6:11]?
What was his purpose in asking her this question?
He was attacking the _________ of God’s Word.
In Genesis 2:4,5,7,8,9,15,16,18,19,21,22; 3:1 the title “Lord God” is found. Satan calls Him “God.” Why did he do this and what is the difference between the two?
The Lord had said, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely” – Gen.2: 16. The devil said, “You shall not eat from every tree of the garden.” What is the difference in emphasis?
What would the devil have us focus upon; what would he have us forget?
v.2,3 If a question is raised regarding the truth of God’s Word, whom should we seek for the answer [see James 1:6; Jn.16:13; I Jn.2:27]?
With whom did the woman discuss this?
Did her statement here show that she believed what the Lord had said [see Gen.2:16,17]? Explain.
What was she relying upon as she replied?
How did her response illustrate the need for obeying the warning of Heb.2:1?
Where did she get the idea that she should not touch it [see Mt.16:22,23]?
Where did Peter get these thoughts noted in Mt.16:22,23?
What did the woman not do when the truth of the Word was questioned [see 2 Cor.10:5]?
How did the woman refer to the Lord as in verse 3?
What was already taking place in her mind as she reasoned with the serpent?
v.4 Rom.6:23 says that “the wages of sin is death.” What does the devil say here?
The devil would have us believe that the Lord is not ___________: that nothing of what we are told in Rom.1:18, Eph.5:6, and Col.3:25 will come to pass.
v.5 What was the source of this “revelation” about God? Would she have ever known these things from reflecting upon and believing the Word which the Lord had spoken to her?
Is something else needed beyond the Bible and the Lord Himself in order to understand what He has spoken to us [see 2 Pet.1:3,4; I Jn.2:27; Ps.119:18,104,105] ?
What is the source of this hidden and secret ”truth” about the Lord and His Word?
Were Adam and Eve like God already [see Gen.1:26,27]?
Did they already know good and evil [see Gen.2:15-17]?
Why then did Satan suggest that these things were not true?
The implication is that God is not _________ and therefore is withholding these good things from them.
v.6 How did the woman see that the tree was good for food and a delight to the eyes [see Gen.2:9]?
How did she “see” that it was desirable to make her wise?
What happened when she touched the fruit?
How does this relate to her misquoting of the Word of God in v.3?
How is the truth of Heb.2:1 illustrated here?
Since she did not surely die when she touched the fruit, what was her heart strengthened to do?
What does I Tim.2:13,14 tell us about this event?
v.7 Satan had said that their eyes would be opened. Were they opened in the sense that he had led them to believe? Explain.
In what sense did they know that they were naked [see lsa.61:10; 2 Cor.5:3,4]?
What clothing did they lack [see Job 29:14; Rom.13:14]?
What were they attempting to do by sewing fig leaves together?
What did these coverings fail to do [see Isa.59:6]?
v.8 What does sin and disobedience lead to?
v.9 Why did the Lord ask this?
Who seeks whom in this sinful world [see Rom.3:11; Lk.19:10]?
v.10 Why did Adam say he was naked after covering himself with fig leaves?
Why was he afraid [see I Jn.4:17,18; Isa.33:14]?
If he was trying to hide from the Lord, why did he answer when the Lord said, “Where are you?”
v.11 What is the answer to this first question [see Rom.2:15,16]?
What is the answer to the second question?
Did the Lord ask whether they had touched the fruit or whether they had eaten of it? Explain.
v.12 What was Adam trying to do by the answer he gave?
What was the first thing he said; the last thing?
Why did he answer in this order?
What was he trying to blame for his sin?
Who was Adam actually blaming for his rebellion [see Ex.16:2,7,8]?
v.13 Whom did the woman blame for her transgression?
Did the Lord ask her what she had done or why she had done it? Explain.
v.14 Does the Lord ask the serpent what he had done or why he had done it? Explain.
v.15 Who is the seed of the woman [see Gal.3:16]?
What will He do to the head of the serpent?
What will the serpent do to His heel?
What is the significance of each?
How was this bruising of the serpent’s head accomplished [see Jn.12:23,24,27,31,32; Col.2:14,15; Heb.2:14,15]?
v.16 What specific judgments came upon the woman because of her sin?
In what sense will she desire her husband [see Gen.4:7 where the identical words for “desire” and “rule” are used]?
v.17 What did Adam listen to?
What did he not listen to?
Was Adam deceived [see I Tim.2:14]? Explain.
v.17-19 What specific judgments came upon the man because of his sin?
What should the fact that we are dust always remind us of?
v.20 “Eve” means “Living/Life”. Why did Adam call his wife this rather than “the mother of all death”?
How does the truth of v.15 enter into the answer to this question?
v.21 How did the Lord respond to this naming of his wife?
What does the Lord think about our own works of righteousness and self-effort?
Who provided these garments for Adam and Eve?
How were these garments obtained?
What instruction did this provide for them [see Heb.9:22]?
v.22-24 What had Adam and Eve forfeited all right to?
Why was this so?
In order to partake of the tree of life what would they have needed to do?
What would happen to any who attempted to reach the tree of life while yet in sin and under the sentence of the Lord’s judgment?
How does Mt.10:39 relate to this passage here?
[Session 3] GENESIS 4 & 5
v.1-5 What was the difference between Cain and Abel [see Heb.11:4; I Jn.3:10-12]?
What does “in the process of time/the course of time” mean?
v.4 How did Abel know to bring this type of offering [see Heb.11:4; Rom.10:17; Lev.3:16,17]?
v.5 How does Gen.3:17-19 relate to the acceptability of Cain’s offering?
v.1-8 Comment on these statements: Cain was the first Pharisee [see Mt.23:27-35].
Religion is a mask for hatred of God [see Jn.8:37-44].
v.7 What was the Lord asking Cain to do?
v.8, 9 How do Cain’s actions here show who his father really was [see Jn.8:44]?
v.10 What did Abel’s blood cry out for?
What did Christ’s blood speak of [see Heb.12:24]?
v.12,16,17 What was to be Cain’s punishment?
What did he do instead?
What does this tell us about the motivation in building the first city?
Why did he name it after his son [see Ps.49:11; Gen.49:3]?
v.19 What deviation from God’s order is seen here [see Gen.2:22-24]?
Why was this not good [see Mt.19:4-6; Eph.5:22-33]?
v.20-22 What three broad categories of activity developed from the city dwellers?
How are each of these employed in the hands of sinful men [see I Tim.6:10; Joel 3:9,10; Isa.14:11] ?
v.23,24 What type of government or rule did Lamech establish?
What, in essence, was Lamech doing by this declaration [see v.15 and v.24]?
v.16-24 How many times is the Lord mentioned in this section?
What does this tell us about the city of man?
Summarize the key elements in the city of man from this section.
v.26 What does it mean to call upon the Name of the Lord [see Ps.4:l-3; 18:3; 50:15; 80:18; 86:5; 105:1; 116:13; 145:18; Jer.29:12,13; 33:3; Zeph.3:9; Rom.10:12,13; 2 Tim.2:22]?
v.1-3 What is the difference between “in the likeness of God” and “a son in his own likeness”?
v.4-32 What is repeated over and over throughout this section?
v.21-24 What was different about Enoch?
Describe Enoch’s life [see Heb.11:5; Jude 14,15].
What does this tell us about what it means to walk with God?
[Session 4] GENESIS 6-9
v.1-5,11-13 Describe the condition of man as noted here.
What is the relationship between v. 5 and v.11 [see Mk.7:20-23]?
v.6,7 Why was the Lord grieved?
What does it mean that God repented of making man?
In what ways does the whole episode of the judgment and the ark picture salvation in the Lord Jesus [see Heb.11:7; I Pet.3:18-22; 2 Pet.2:5; 2 Cor.5:17]?
Specifically describe how each of the following contributes to this picture: [a] The condition of man [b] The flood water [c] The ark [d] Noah, his family, and the animals [e]Coming out of the ark [f] The altar [g] The rainbow.
Do the Scriptures describe an isolated local flood or a worldwide event [see 2 Pet.3:5-7, 2:5]?
v.6-12 What was the purpose in sending out the birds?
Which of the birds showed him what he was wishing to know?
What is the dove a picture of [see Mt.3:16]?
How is the believer guided [see Gal.5:13-24]?
v. 20 What parallel can you see between this and Rom.12:1?
v.2 What protection does God give man?
v.3,4 What dietary restrictions were given to man here?
What restrictions did the Lord Jesus give [see Mk.7:18,19]?
v.5, 6 Does God make provision for capital punishment? [see Rom.13:1-7] Explain.
How does the image of God relate to this?
v.9-17 In essence, what is this covenant?
Where else do we find the rainbow [see Ezek.l:26-28; Rev.4:2,3]?
What is the significance of the rainbow?
v.20-29 What was Canaan’s sin [see Ex.20:12; Deut.5:16; Deut.27:16; Ezek.22:7; Lev.19:3; Eph.6:2,3]?
What does it mean to honor your father and mother?
[Session 5] GENESIS 10 & 11
v.6 What do we know about Ham and his son [see Gen.9:20-25]?
Ham means “tumult.” Cush means “black terror.” Mizraim is the Hebrew word for “Egypt.” Put means “afflicted.” Canaan means “a trafficker.”
Describe the lineage of Ham.
v.13,14 Casluhim means “as forgiven ones.” Caphtorim means “as if to interpret.”
What does the Philistine not have?
What parallels are seen with 2 Tim.3:5-9?
How do I Sam.5 & 6 illustrate that they have neither forgiveness nor truth?
v.15-19 From their later history, describe the Canaanites [see Lev.18:20-28; Deut.12:31; 18:9-14].
v.25 In what sense was the earth divided in the days of Peleg [see Gen.11:1,8,9]?
v.7,8 What does Cush [black terror] give birth to?
Nimrod means “one who rebels.” In what sense was he a mighty one?
v.9 “Before” can mean “up against,” as in an army coming before a rival kingdom. What type of hunting was he noted for [see Ezek.13:18-23]?
v.10 Babel means “confusion.” Where did his kingdom begin and what characterized it?
v.12 What characterizes “the great city” [see Rev.17:18; chapter 18]?
v.1,2 Where did man settle?
Who ruled over them there [see Gen.10:10]?
v.3 How is burned brick different from stone?
Which does man build with?
Which does God build with [see I K. 6:7; 1 Pet.2:5]?
What is the unifying element in man’s building?
What is the unity in God’s building [see Jn.17:21-23; Eph.4:3]?
v.4 What was the Lord’s stated purpose for man [see Gen.9:1]?
What was man’s stated purpose here?
Why did they wish to build this tower?
Compare the city of Cain [see Gen.4] and the kingdom of Nimrod.
What common principles of government can be seen in both?
v.6 What type of unity does God hate? Why?
Which kind of unity does God establish (see Ps.86:11; Ps.133; Jn.17:11, 21-23; Eph.4:3,13]?
v.6-9 Why did the Lord confuse man’s language?
When all men of the world can freely communicate with each other, exchange their ideas, collaborate, and build together what develops?
[Session 6] GENESIS 11 & 12
v.27-32 What motivated Abraham to leave Ur [see Acts 7:2-4]?
How did he know where to go?
Who went with him?
Was this obedience? Explain.
Haran [the city] was the northernmost city of the Chaldean empire which was the land of Abraham’s birth. Was it the Lord’s will for him to settle there? Explain.
When did he leave Haran?
Terah means “delay.” What does this tell us about our associations [see I Cor.15:33; Mt.10:37]?
v.1 Was this the first time that the Lord had told Abraham this [see Acts 7:2-4]?
What does the Lord do if His children do not obey Him [see Heb.12:5-11]?
v.2 What comes first, being blessed or being a blessing [see Gal.1:16]?
What is the principle gained from this?
v.3 How does our orientation to the people of God demonstrate our orientation to God Himself [see I Jn.5:1,2]?
How will all people be blessed through Abraham [see Gal.3:8,14]?
v.4 In what sense did Abraham go forth as the Lord had spoken to him if Lot went with him?
v.5 “They set out…thus they came.” What is the principle seen here [see Phil.1:6; I Pet.1:3-5]?
v.6-8 How does 2 Cor.5:7 relate to the Lord’s promise while the Canaanite was then in the land?
What do the altar and tent represent [see Heb.11:8-10,13-16; I Pet.2:11; Heb.13:10; Rom.12:1]?
v.10 What is a famine?
What does it illustrate [see Deut.8:2,3]?
Should Abraham have gone to Egypt [see Gen.12:1,5,7]? Explain.
What does Egypt picture in the Scriptures [see Ex.12:12,13; 13:3, Isa.19:11-15; 31:1-3; I Jn.2:15-17]?
v.11-13 Was this true [see Gen.20:2,11-13]? Explain.
What was Abraham’s motivation in doing this?
What comment does Phil.2:3,4 make on these actions?
v.14-17 Does approval from men indicate approval from God [see Jn.12:42,43; Gal.1:10]? Explain.
v.18,19 What answer could Abraham give to this?
v.20 Why did they escort him?
Was this an honor to Abraham?
Was it honoring to God? Explain
[Session 7] GENESIS 13 v.1-4 Where did Abraham return to?
What is the spiritual lesson to be learned from this?
What was there no mention of while he was in Egypt?
What progress had he made spiritually during that time?
v.1,5, and 12:5 How is Lot described in these verses’?
What is the difference between walking with God and walking with Abraham [see 2 Chron.24:2,17,18]?
v.5-9 Why was there strife?
What was Lot willing to do about it?
What of Abraham?
What lesson is there that “the Canaanite was then in the land”?
v.10,11 “Lifted up his eyes” is the same phrase as in Gen.39:7. What does tell us about Lot’s desire?
How did the land appear to him?
What was the difference between the garden of the Lord and the land of Egypt in Lot’s mind?
What does Egypt picture in the Scriptures [see the question on Gen.12:10 above]?
On what basis did he choose [see 2 Cor.5:7]?
v.10-13 What was Lot attracted to?
What characterized Sodom [see Ezek.l6:49,50]?
v.14-17 How was the lifting up of Abraham’s eyes different than that of Lot’s?
The Lord desired that Abraham would both “see” the land and “walk” through it. What is the spiritual principle [see Jn.13:17; Col.2:6,7; Jas.1:22; Mt.7:24-27]?
v.18 Mamre means “causing fatness” [as in abundance]. Hebron means “communion.” Describe Abraham’s life at this point.
What is the significance of the tent and the altar [see question on Gen.12:6-8 above]?
[Session 8] GENESIS 14
v.11,12 What is the difference between Gen.13:12 and these verses?
What did Lot lack in these verses?
Why was he taken captive?
What does Sodom represent?
What power did Lot have over the enemy while living in Sodom?
v.13-16 Where was Abraham dwelling [see Gen.13:18]?
What does this place represent?
What was Abraham able to do that Lot could not?
How did he defeat the enemy?
What does the sword represent in the Scriptures [see Eph.6:17; Heb.4:12]?
What influence did Abraham have on the 318 men of his household?
v.17,18 Who met Abraham before the king of Sodom did?
How does this relate to I Cor.10:13?
v.18-20 See Hebrews 7. Who was Melchizedek?
What does his name mean?
What does Salem mean?
Which is first, righteousness or peace?
What is the significance of that order [see Isa.32:17]?
What do priests do?
What did this priest bring?
What do these things signify?
Who blessed whom?
What did this indicate about the Old Testament priesthood?
How is the priesthood of Christ superior to that of Levi?
v.21-24 How did Abraham meet the temptation facing him here [see v.19]?
What is the king of Sodom concerned about?
What of Abraham?
Why did Abraham refuse this offer?
What is the principle [see 3 Jn.7,8; 2 K.5:15-27]?
[Session 9] GENESIS 15 & 16
v.1 Why did the Lord say this to him at this time [see Gen.14:22-24]?
v.2,3 Why was this a concern to Abraham [see Gen.13:16]?
v.4-6 What did Abraham believe [see Gal.3:6-9]?
What does it mean to be justified by faith [see Rom.4]?
v.12-21 How did this answer the question Abraham asked in v.7,8?
v.9,10,17 See Jer.34:18-20. Did Abraham pass between the pieces of the sacrifice?
What did?
What did this represent [see Lev.9:24; I K.18:24,38; I Chron.21:26]?
v.13-16 What was the iniquity of the Amorite [Canaanites] that was not yet full [see Lev.18:19-30; 20:2-5; Deut.12:29-31; 18:9-14]?
v.17,18 How did this appearance of the Lord in a flaming torch manifest itself in Israel’s later history [see Ex.13:21,22]?
v.1-5 Was this an act of faith or of sight [see Gal.4:23]?
Where did Abraham get this Egyptian slave [see Gen.12:16]?
How does this illustrate Gal.6:7?
Was this God’s means of fulfilling His promise to Abraham [see Gen.17:18-21; Gal.4:30]?
What is the difference between promise and works?
v.6-9 Is harsh treatment a legitimate reason to not do what you ought [see I Pet.2:18-23]?
v.12 What will characterize Ishmael?
Has this described his descendants [the Muslim peoples]? Explain.
v.l3,14 Beer-Lahai-Roi means “The well of the Living One who sees me.” What does this mean for the believer in the spiritual life?
[Session 10] GENESIS 17 & 18
v.1,2 How long had it been since the birth of Ishmael [see Gen.16:16]?
Why this length of time between the Lord visiting him?
How does the Lord now reveal Himself to Abraham?
What significance does this revelation and the command given to him now have at this time in his life?
What is the difference between walking before God, walking with Him [Gen.5:22], and walking after the Lord [2 K.23:3]?
Which was Abraham command to do? Why?
v.1-8 What was the covenant based upon, God’s ability or Abraham’s [see Rom.4:17-25; Rom.4:1-5; 2 Cor. 12:9,10]?
What is the difference between promise and performance?
What is the fulfillment of a promise dependent upon?
How does this describe the essence of the new covenant and the basis upon which righteousness is received [see 2 Cor.3:5-18]?
How is Jn.6:63 illustrated in Abraham’s history?
v.9-27 Why is circumcision a fitting sign of this covenant?
What is the spiritual significance of circumcision (see Col.2:11,13; Deut.10:16; 30:6; Ex.6:12; Jer.6:10; Rom.2:28,29; Phil.3:3]?
If physical external circumcision is not the issue before God, what is [see I Cor.7.l9; Gal.5:6; 6:15]?
v.18,19 Why does God reject Ishmael [see Jn.6:63]?
What is the principle shown by this?
v. 1-8 Describe Abraham’s relationship to these 3 persons.
Who were they [see v.16,22; 19:1; Heb.13:2]?
After his circumcision in chapter 17, what does Abraham now experience once again?
What is the principle shown by this [see I Jn.1:5-9]?
v.10-12 What is the obtaining of his child based upon?
Why did Sarah laugh?
Is this different than Abraham laughing in Gen.17:17?
What spiritual principles are seen in her response?
v.17,18 Why did God not hide from Abraham what He was about to do [see Ps.25:14; Prov.3:32; Amos 3:7; Jn.15:14,15]?
v.20, 21 What is the judgment of God always in accord with?
v.23 Why did Abraham ask this question?
v.23-33 List the elements of genuine prayer seen in this section.
On what basis did Abraham make his appeal to God?
[Session 11] GENESIS 13, 14, 19
LOT- Love not the world. The name “Lot” means “a wrapper.” See 2 Pet.2:7,8; Lk.17:32.
v.1,5; Gen.12:4 What is repeated 3 times about Lot?
What is the difference between walking with Abraham and walking with God?
v.7-9 What was Lot content to tolerate between him and Abraham?
What could Abraham not tolerate?
To whom had the land been given [see Gen.12:1,7]?
What was the relationship between Abraham and Lot [see Gen.11:27]?
What does Abraham call Lot?
Who approached whom?
What was Abraham willing to do that strife might cease?
v.10,11 In what sense did Lot ”lift up his eyes” [see Gen.39:7 where this same phrase is used]?
What two things did this valley look like to him?
On what principles did Lot make his decisions [see 2 Cor.4:18; 5:7; Jas.1:7,8; I Jn.2:15-17?
Why was Lot content to be separated from Abraham?
v.12,13 Where did Lot choose to dwell?
What did this tell us about the inclination of his heart [see I Cor.15:33]?
How did the meaning of Lot’s name reflect his character?
v.11,12 Where was Lot now living?
What happened to him while there?
What did he loose by dwelling in Sodom?
Why did the Lord allow this to happen to him [see Heb.12:5-9]?
What was Lot unable to do against the enemy?
v.14-16 How did the Lord rescue him?
How did Abraham deliver him?
What is the sword a symbol of [see Eph.6:17; Heb.4.12]?
Why was Abraham able to do with 318 men what kings and their armies could not [see I Sam.17:45-47]?
v.1 Where was Lot now?
What was the significance of being “in the gate” [see Deut.22:15,24; 25:7; Ruth 4:1; Prov.22:22; 24:7; Isa.29:21; Amos 5:10,15]?
v. 2-5 Why was Lot so eager to have the angels come into his house?
Describe the corruption of Sodom.
v.6-8 How does Lot address the men of Sodom?
What does this tell us about his orientation?
What was he trying to prevent?
How did he go about it?
How are the truths of I Cor.15:33 and Gal.6:7,8 seen in Lot?
v.9-11 Did the men of Sodom consider Lot to be their brother?
Describe what they thought of his being their “judge”?
See Lk.22:25,26. Which of the types of leaders described here did Lot resemble?
How does v.11 show the depths of depravity in the hearts of the Sodomites?
v.12-14 Including Lot and his wife, how many were in his extended family?
How does this relate to Abraham’s prayer of Gen.18:26,32?
What was Lot responsible to do according to the Word of the Lord through the angels?
Why did Lot’s message seem as a mocking jest to his sons-in-law?
v.15,16 What was the command?
Why did he linger/hesitate?
How do the angels’ actions illustrate salvation by grace?
v.17-22 How do vs.19-20 illustrate the principles of Lot’s life?
On what basis does Lot plead that he does not need to obey the Word of the Lord [see Rom.6:l,2,15]?
Zoar means “small.” In what ways does this name describe Lot’s life?
v.26 Why did she look back?
Was she righteous [see Gen.18:23,25]?
Where did she learn that the Word of God need not be obeyed in all its particulars [see v.17-22]?
What is salt used for?
See Lk.17:32. What are we to remember about her?
v.29 On what basis was Lot saved from the fires of judgment [see Gen.18:25]?
v.30-38 Where did Lot’s daughters learn such practices [see v.8]?
v.30 What did Lot discover about his self-chosen refuge?
Describe this final episode in his life.
What legacy did he leave for following generations?
Describe Moab and Ammon [see Jer.48:29; I K.11:7; Lev.20:2-5; Deut.23:3,4].
[Session 12] GENESIS 20 & 21
v.1,2 Gerar means “to bring up the cud.” What sin does Abraham again commit [see Gen.12:11-13,18,19]? How is I Cor.10:12,13 illustrated by this?
v. 3-7 How did the Lord view Abraham’s and Sarah’s actions?
v.6 What does this verse tell us about God?
v.8-10 Was this an honor to Abraham?
What of to God? Explain
v.11 Did Abraham have any basis for thinking this way [see Prov.3:5,6; Jn.7:24; 2 Cor.5:7]?
What was Abraham not concerned about here?
v.12 What do you think Abimelech thought about this explanation?
Was it untrue? Explain.
Does the end justify the means [see Rom.3:8]? Explain.
v.13 Was this an accurate description of the events from Ur unto Canaan?
Was the Lord glorified by it? Explain.
Whom is Abraham ultimately attempting to blame for his deceptive actions?
v.14-16 What rebuke is given to Sarah by saying that the silver given to Abraham was a “covering of the eyes/veil” to her?
What does a veil picture in the Scriptures [see Gen.24:65; I Cor.11:3-16]?
In general, does the world know how a believer ought to conduct himself?
How do they respond if we are living other than we should?
v.17-18 What was the Lord teaching Abraham by having him pray for Abimelech?
v.1,2 When did God fulfill His promise?
What determines when the Lord acts?
v.8-10 What conflict ensued?
What was the resolution [see v.12]?
What is the spiritual significance of this incident is as taught in Gal.4:21-31?
v.11-13 Why was Abraham distressed?
Will the Lord accept a co-regency of Isaac and Ishmael? Explain.
Why did Ishmael become a nation [see Gen.17:20]? Note: Ishmael is the father of the Arabic peoples.
v.22,23 When Abraham is walking with the Lord what does Abimelech recognize about him?
What does he also not forget?
v.25 What does this tell us about Abraham?
What does it tell us about the Philistines?
[Session 13] GENESIS 22 v.1 Why does the Lord test us [see Deut.8:2,16; Ex.16:4; 20:20; Job 7:18; Deut.13:3]?
Is this the same as tempting us [see Jas.1:2-4,12-16]?
v.2 What was the Lord requiring Abraham to give up?
v.3 What was the repeated lesson of Abraham’s life that he now immediately responded to in faith [see Prov.3:5,6; 2 Cor.5:7]?
v.5 What does this indicate about Abraham’s faith?
What did he believe the Lord would do [see Heb.11:17-19]?
v.6-9 Describe the relationship between Abraham and Isaac
v.10-12 What kind of response did Abraham have to the voice calling to him from heaven?
v.13,14 Who actually was slain? What was it that was provided?
Hebrews 11:19 describes this as a “type” or “parable” or a “figure.”
Whom does Abraham picture? Isaac? What about the altar/wood? The fire/knife? The ram?
What does Abraham and Isaac’s relationship picture?
THE EXODUS 1 – 18 POWER Brought out into liberty.
THE LAW 19 – 24 HOLINESS Brought under responsibility.
TABERNACLE 25 – 40 GRACE Brought into communion.
Outline of Exodus
Bondage in Egypt [1,2] Call of Moses [3-6] Plagues on Egypt [7-10] Passover [11-13]
Red Sea [14] Song of Deliverance [15] Manna [16] Water from Rock/Amalek [17]
Counsel from Jethro [18] The Law Given [19-23] Covenant Ratified [24] Tabernacle [25-31]
Golden Calf [32] Moses Intercedes & Law Re-given [33-34] Tabernacle Erected [35-40]
EXODUS 1 – 11
Moses’ requests: 5:1-3; 7:10; 7:15-16; 8:1-4; 8:20-23; 9:1-4; 9:13-19; 10:1-6
Pharaoh’s refusals: 5:2; 7:13; 7:22-23; 8:15,19,32; 9:7,12,34,35; 10:11,20,27
God’s 10 replies in judgment: 7:20; 8:6,16,24; 9:3,10,22; 10:12,21; 11:5
Pharaoh’s compromises: 8:25; 10:9-11,24
Distinction between Israel and Egypt: 8:22,23; 9:4-7,26; 10:23; 11:7
In what ways do the opening chapters of Exodus picture man’s condition in sin [see Ex.1:11-16; 5:2-9; 12:12,13; Jn.8:34; Mt.9:36; I Jn.5:19; Rom.7:23; 2Cor.4:4]?
[Session 15] EXODUS 12 EXODUS 12
What does this whole incident portray [see I Cor.5:7]?
v.1 Where does God’s message of deliverance come to Israel?
What kind of condition were they in?
v.2 In what sense was this to be the beginning of months [see 2 Cor.5:17]?
v.3,4 What does this tell us about the sufficiency of the lamb?
Was any household too large for it?
What does this tell us about the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus [see I Jn.2:2]?
v.5 Why must it be unblemished [Mal.1:6-14; I Pet.1:18,19; 2 Cor.5:21; Heb.7:26,28]?
Why a male one year old [see Ps.89:19]?
How does this relate to Christ and His death?
v.6 Why is it to be kept 4 days?
What parallels are there to the life of the Lord Jesus [see Mt.3:17; Jn.8:29; 14:30; I Pet.1:19]?
Why was the lamb slain [see Heb.9:22]?
v.7,13,23 What does this illustrate?
What provision did it make?
Why on this basis did God withhold judgment?
Where was the blood applied?
v.8 Why did God direct them to eat this?
How does Jn.6:48-58 relate to this?
What does leaven represent [see I Cor.5:6-8]?
Why did the Lord have them eat bitter herbs [see Ex.1:14]?
Why was the bread to be unleavened [see Lev.2:11]?
v.9-10 How much of the lamb was to be roasted?
What does this tell us about the Lord Jesus’ suffering on the cross [see Mk.10:38; Ps.75:8; Ps.11:6; Jer.25:15]?
Why was any remaining portion of it to be burned?
v.11 What were they to be immediately ready to do?
What is the lesson for us?
v.12 The Passover event was both _____________ upon Egypt and ____________________ for Israel.
v.17-20 What began on the day the lamb was slain?
What does the Lord expect from the believer from the outset of his redemption?
A week [7 days] is the normal course of our life. What does not eating anything leavened for 7 days represent?
v.34,39 Why did the Israelites not mix leaven with their bread?
v.35,36 Does God want the “help” of outsiders [see Gen.14:22,23; Ez.4:2,3; 3 Jn.7,8]?
If not, then how is this to be understood?
v.38 Who went with the Israelites [see Num.11:4]?
What were their motives in going?
Who will always be among the real people of God [see Mt.7:15; Mt.13:24-30; 2 Tim.2:20]?
v.43-48 What lessons do we learn from there being no foreigner, sojourner, hired servant, or uncircumcised being able to eat of the Passover?
Do any of these have worthy, serious, and committed interest in the things of God? Explain.
[Session 16] EXODUS 13, 14, 15
v.1-16 To whom do the first-born belong?
Who are the first-born ones [see Heb.12:23]?
By God’s act of redeeming them, what became true of them [see I Cor.6:19,20]?
v.17 What do Philistines represent and how do they react to the people of God?
v.19 Why did Joseph not want to be buried in Egypt [see Heb.11:22]?
What would an Israelite constantly be reminded of by looking at his bones?
v.20-22 What person of the Godhead does the pillar of fire and of cloud represent [see I Cor.10:1,2; 12:13; Rom.8:14; Gal.5:18,25]?
What was the purpose of this in their midst [see Num.9:15-23]?
From Num.9:15-23, what two things always worked in concert before the Israelites moved?
If we are to be guided in the Lord’s path, what two things must be in harmony [see Rom.8:14; Ps.43:3]?
v.5,8 Why did Pharaoh chase Israel?
v.9 Describe Israel’s circumstances.
v.8,10,11 What contrasts are seen in Israel’s attitudes and actions here?
v.11,12 In essence, what are they saying?
v.13,14 What did Moses reply to them?
Do you think they thought this was good advice?
Was it?
When does God deliver?
What are we to do in “impossible” situations?
v.15 How do we harmonize this command with Moses’ in v.13,14?
v.16-18 How would God be honored through Pharaoh [see Rom.3:5-8; Rom.9:14-18]?
v.21,22 With what does this correspond to in the Christian Life [see I Cor.10:1,2]?
What does Egypt represent?
What does baptism signify [see Mt.3:6,11,12; Rom.6.3-6]?
v.26-31 What did the Lord deliver Israel from here [see Acts 26:18; Col.1:13,14]?
Summarize the spiritual lessons of this chapter.
v.1 Who is singing this song?
Who was this song for?
Why did they sing?
v.2 What two things characterize God’s people?
v.3-10 What is the theme of the song in these verses?
In verses 11-13?
v.3-13 Why do we always have cause to praise the Lord?
Compare these verses with Ex.14:10-12. How are the people now viewing their circumstances in retrospect?
What does this tell us about complaining and disbelief’?
v.14-16 Who are the peoples mentioned here?
Had this occurred as of yet?
What is described?
v.17 What is an inheritance?
To whom does this inheritance belong?
What does the Lord inherit [see Eph.1:18; Deut.32:9; Jer.10:16]?
v.18 Which kingdom is being referred to here?
v.22-24 What had they just said in v.13?
Why are they now doing this? How did they come to be in this place [see Ex.13:21.22]?
What are we in danger of even after victory [see I Cor.10:12]?
What had they expected?
Why did the Lord allow this expectation to be frustrated?
v.25 What solution does the Lord provide for their need?
What does this represent [see I Pet.2:24]?
What was this test designed to do?
v.26 What was crucial to Israel’s well-being?
What are these diseases [see Ex.9:3,8-11; Deut.7:15; 28:58-60]?
v.27 Why didn’t the Lord lead them directly to Elim rather than Marah?
Why did He now bring them here?
Why do we not trust the Lord as we should?
[Session 17] EXODUS 16 EXODUS 16
v.1 What did they have at Elim?
Why did Israel leave Elim [see Ex.13:20,21]?
v.2 Why did they grumble against Moses rather than God?
v.3 What are the people remembering here?
What are they forgetting?
What do they think about God?
How does what we truly believe about the Lord affect how we act?
What is the purpose of food [see Mt.6:10,11]?
v.4 How does God respond to their unbelief?
What was God’s purpose in allowing this?
v.4,5 What were the people to do?
v.7-12 Who were they really complaining against?
v.13-15 What did God provide for them?
What had they complained of lacking [see v.3]?
What does this tell us about God?
In the context of this whole chapter, how does the manna illustrate the Lord Jesus [see Jn.6:31-35, 48-58]?
What else does the manna picture [see Deut.8:2,3,16]?
v.16-18 What determined how much each one should gather?
What does this tell us about our study of the Scriptures?
v.19-21 What were they to do each day?
What did it require to do this [see I Tim.4:15; 2 Tim.2:15]?
What were they not to do?
What was the Lord teaching them by this daily routine?
What would happen if they did not gather on any given day?
What happens if you don’t eat?
What was the Lord teaching them by allowing a stored up portion to become rotten?
Why must it be gathered in the morning?
What lesson does this teach us about the study of the Scriptures?
v.22-26 Why were they to collect 2 days’ supply on Friday?
v.27 Why did some of the people go out to gather on the Sabbath?
What were they thinking?
v.28,29 With every command God makes _____________________ so that we can obey Him.
v.31-34 What was the manna to be a reminder of?
What else was it a reminder of [see Num.21:4,5]?
v.35 Why did the manna cease [see Josh.5:12]?
Should we expect that supernatural signs
[Session 18] EXODUS 17 & 18 EXODUS 17
v.1 Why did Israel come to Rephidim [see Ex.13:20,21]?
The word “Rephidim” means “supports.” What did they find to support them here?
What did they not find to support them?
Did their own weakness or sin bring them to this place of testing? Explain.
How are believers to live [see 2 Cor.5:7]?
v.2 Who was the Israelites’ complaint against?
v.3,7 What are the Israelites thinking about God?
v.5,6 How did God respond to their unbelief?
v.5 How was the rod of Moses used on the Nile [see Ex.7:14-21]?
What does the striking of the rock picture [see I Cor.10:4]?
What does striking the rock provide?
What does this represent [see Jn.7:37-39]?
After this event, what was Moses to do for the water to be supplied [see Num.20:7,8]?
Why was he not to strike the rock again?
v.8 Amalek, grandson of Esau [see Gen.36:12], represents the flesh in the Scriptures. What do we see happening immediately upon the rock being struck and the water given?
What does this illustrate [see Gal.5:17]?
What is the flesh [see Jn.6:63; Rom.7:18; 8:3-13; Gal.5:13-24; I Pet.2:11]?
v.9-13 How was the victory won?
What does Moses’ activity picture?
What does Joshua’s sword illustrate [see Eph.6:17; Heb.4:12]?
What does victory for the Christian depend upon?
Can you be victorious without being attacked?
What then do all Christians experience [see I Pet.5:7-9]?
v.14-16 What is God’s evaluation of Amalek/the flesh?
v.8 How does Moses describe their experiences?
What does this tell us about the Christian life?
v.13,16 What were the people doing?
Why were they doing this?
As each waited to speak to Moses, do you think they were having an enjoyable time of fellowship?
What would have been better [see Mt.5:25,26]?
v.17-23 Was Jethro’s advice good? Explain.
Did Moses’ spiritual gift suit him for this work?
v.20-22 If Moses taught them God’s truth, why would they only be capable of dealing with minor disputes?
v.23 On what basis did Jethro suggest that Moses follow his counsel?
v.24 What is lacking here [see Ex.6:2,10; 7:8; 12:1; 13:1; 14:1]?
v.24,25 Did Moses make the right decision? Explain.
What is the lesson for us?
[Session 19] EXODUS 19 & 20
v.4 Before speaking about the people’s responsibility, what does God first remind them of?
What is the picture here?
v.5,6 What is required from a redeemed people [see Jn.14:15; I Cor.6:19,20; I Pet.1:2]?
What three things characterize God’s people here?
What three moral attributes of God are seen in these three things?
How are they displayed?
v.8 Was this a proper response?
In what way was it an improper response; in what way was it proper [see Deut.5.28,29]?
v.9-19 God reminds them of His redemption, speaks of their responsibility, and they promise to do all that He has required. How did God reveal Himself at this time to them?
Why did He do so?
v.23-25 What were the bounds around the mountain designed to teach Israel [see Heb.12:18-21]?
v.2 Before the Lord speaks the Law, what does He remind them of?
What is the lesson for the Christian?
What do these passages tell us about the Law [see Rom.3:19,20; 4:15; 5:20; Gal.3:24; I Tim.1:9; Gal.2:21]?
Why can Law never bring about righteousness [see Rom.7:12-14; 8:3; Gal.3:21,22; Heb.7:12,18,19; 8:6-8,13; 10:1]?
v.2,3 Why are they to have no other gods before the Lord?
What principle from Gen.1:1 is seen in this?
v.4 What is an idol?
Does it have to be an external image [see Ezek.14:3]?
v.5 Define worship [see Deut.30:17; Jer.13:10; Rom.12:1,2].
How is an idol served?
Whom are you serving when you serve an idol [see I Cor.10:19-22]?
Can idols and the living and true God be served at the same time [see Mt.6:24; 2 Cor.6:14-17; I Jn.5:20,21]?
What is jealousy in the proper sense?
What does this tell us about God’s thoughts for His people [see Jas.4:4,5]?
What principles are seen in this verse?
v.6 How do we show love for God?
v.7 What does it mean to take the Lord’s name in vain [see Prov.28:9; Jer.7:8-11; Mt.6:5-7; Lk.18:9-14]?
v.8-11 What is the Lord desiring for man by this command?
What type of Sabbath does the Christian have [see Heb.4:9-10]?
Who was the Law given to [see Ex.31:12-17]?
Have the Gentiles [nations] ever been under the Law [see Rom.2:14; Eph.2:11,12]?
What was the sign of this covenant between God and Israel?
What is the significance of Mark 2:27,28 with respect to the Sabbath?
What does Col.2:16,17 tell us about the Sabbath?
Is a Christian obligated to keep the Sabbath? Explain.
[Session 20] TABERNACLE
The noun “tabernacle” means “tent.” The verb “tabernacle” means “to dwell.” Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the diagrams and illustrations of the tabernacle [see Figures 2 and 3]. Note: A cubit is about 18″ (46cm) long.
Jn.1:14 The word “dwelt” is literally “tabernacled.” What then does the tabernacle picture?
2 Cor.5:4,6 What does the tabernacle/tent picture here?
What does it represent in Rev.21:3?
Throughout the Scriptures, God regularly speaks to man by the use of symbols. We first want to examine the symbolic significance of the materials and numbers connected with the tabernacle.
Exodus 25:1-7
Gold – the undimmed glory of God – Job 22:25a; Rev.21:10,11,18; S of S 5:11a
Silver – redemption – Ex.30:11-16; 38:24-27
Bronze – judgment – Rev.1:5; 2 Kings 25:7
Blue – heavenly – Job 22:12
Purple – royal – Esth.8:15; Ezek.23:6
Scarlet/Red – true glory of man [“Adam” means “scarlet”], the guilt of sin – Isa.1:18
White – purity – Rev.7:14; Isa.1:18
Linen – righteousness – Isa.61:10; Zech.3:3-5; Rev.19:8,14
Goat – atonement – Lev.16:5-10,15-22
Ram skin dyed red – sacrificial devotedness – Jn.1:29; Isa.1:18
Badger/porpoise skin – undesirable outward appearance – Isa.53:2 and/or resistance to impurities
Acacia/Shittim wood – incorruptible humanity of Christ – Jn.8:29,46; Heb.7:26
Oil – Holy Spirit – Zech.4; 2 Cor.1:21,22; I Jn.2:20,27
Spices – fragrance of a life that is pleasing to God – 2 Cor.2:14-16; Eph.5:2
Precious stones – God’s people – Ex.28:9, 21
Numbers in the Scriptures also regularly have a symbolic significance beyond the actual literal way that they are used.
1 – unity, primary, source
2 – testimony, relation, confirmation, distinction
3 – reality, resurrection
4 – weakness, earth, experience
5 – grace
6 – man
7 – perfection, rest, completeness
8 – new beginning
10 – human responsibility
12 – manifest rule of God, God in government
40 – testing
[Session 21] TABERNACLE “The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us” – Jn.1:14
Exodus 25 [see Figure 4]
v.10,11 In reference to Christ, what is the significance of the ark being made of wood and gold [see Col.2:9; Jn.1:14]?
v.17 What made the golden lid a seat or place of mercy rather than a seat or place of judgment [see Lev.16:2,15,16]?
See I Sam.6:19,20. Why was this a place of judgment rather than a place of mercy?
What was exposed before the Cherubim when these men raised the lid of the ark?
v.18-20 What attribute(s) of God do the Cherubim represent [see Gen.3:24; Ezek.1:1-7,11-14; 10:1-5; Rev 4:5-9]?
What do they constantly have before their faces?
v.16-21 What was placed in the ark?
What other items were placed in it [see Heb.9:4]?
What are these three items a reminder of to Israel [see Ex.32:7,8,19; Num.11:4-6,18-20; 21:5; Num.16:1-3,11,13]?
What were they a reminder of to the cherubim?
What do these three items tell us about the Lord Jesus [see Jn.8:29; 2 Cor.5:21; Jn.6:31-35,48-51; Eph.1:20-22 , i.e. What is it that distinguishes God’s appointed leader in this passage and in Num.17]?
v.22 On what basis does God meet with man [see Rom.3:25. The Greek word “propitiation” here is the same word that is translated “mercy seat” in the OT]?
Exodus 26 [see Figure 5]
v.31 What do these colors and the Cherubim tell us about the person of Christ?
v.33 What was the purpose of the veil?
What does it picture [see Heb.10:19,20]?
Of what significance is Mt.27:51 in light of Ex.25:22; Heb.10:19,20; and Jn.14:6?
Exodus 30 [see Figure 6]
v.8 With reference to Christ, what does the incense picture [see Ps.141:2; Heb.7:25]?
v.10 What must occur first before the incense can be burned?
Upon what basis does the Lord Jesus intercede for us [see Heb.7:25-28]?
v.9,34-38 What is strange incense?
What does it picture [see Prov.28:9; Mt.6:5; Lk.18:9-14]?
Who was the incense for?
Why was this prohibition given [see Jas.4:3]?
LAMPSTAND Exodus 25 [see Figure 6]
v.33,34 An integral part of the lampstand was the almond. It is a symbol of resurrection life [as in Num. 17:1-10].
What three things are necessary then for there to be light or testimony [see also Ex.27:20; 30:7b,8a]?
v.37 What was the purpose of the lampstand in the holy place?
What does it represent for the spiritual priest of the NT [see Jn.1:4,5; 8:12; 12:35,36; 2 Cor.4:6]?
How does the lampstand picture the believer [Rev.1:20; Phil.2:15]?
What does Christ as the lampstand illuminate?
Exodus 25 [see Figure 6]
v.30 What was the table for?
Leviticus 24
v.5 How many loaves were there?
v.7,8 What did they represent?
With the table representing Christ in the above passages, what does this picture for us?
v.9 With the bread picturing Christ, what was its relationship to the priests and what did this supply for them?
Exodus 30 [see Figure 7]
v.18-21 What is the purpose of the laver?
What does bronze represent [see Rev.1:15; 2:18,23]?
See Ex.38:8. What are mirrors used for?
What do they suggest about the laver [see Jas.1:22-25]?
What parallels are there with John 13:8-10 and Eph.5:26 [the word “washing” in Eph.5:26 is the same word that is translated “laver” in the OT]?
What is absolutely essential before one can serve the Lord [see 2 Tim 2:21]?
Exodus 38 [see Figure 7]
What was the first thing a person encounters when coming into the tabernacle court?
What was the purpose of this altar?
v.1,2 What was the largest piece of furniture?
What does this suggest about its importance?
What must first be taken care of as one would approach God?
Horns represent power in many places in the Scriptures. What does the sacrifice of Christ have power to do?
v.4 Where did the fire burn in the altar?
What does this tell us about Christ’s sufferings?
What is judged on the brazen altar [see Num.16:37-40]?
Exodus 28
v.2,5 What were these garments meant for?
What do they tell us about the Lord Jesus, our High Priest?
v.9,10,12 Where were these stones carried?
What does the shoulder represent?
Was there any distinction between the individual tribes here?
How are the people of God represented in the presence of God?
v.15,17-21,29 What is the difference between these and the former stones?
Where are these carried?
What does over the heart suggest?
What do both of these descriptions tell us about Christ as our High Priest and believers as His people?
v.33-35 The High Priest’s ministry was always characterized by ________________ represented by the bells and ____________________ by the pomegranates.
Can there be true testimony without fruit or fruit without testimony? Explain.
v.36-38 What was Israel’s guarantee of acceptance before God?
What is the Christian’s guarantee of acceptance [see Jn.17:19; Eph.1:6]?
Exodus 29
v.4 What is the first aspect of consecration [see Jn.13:10; Tit.3:5]?
v.5 What is next [see Isa.61:10; Rom.13:14]?
v.7 What follows this [see I Jn.2:20,27; 2 Thess.2:13]?
v.10,11,14 What is necessary here for service to God?
v.15.16,18 What aspect does the whole burnt offering bring in here?
What does the laying on of hands signify [see Lev.1:4; 16:21,22; Num.8:10,11]?
v.19,20 What is the purpose of ears; hands; feet?
What are all three to be cleansed by?
v.24 What must the priest’s hands be full of before he can serve God?
What are the Christian’s hands to be full of [see Jn.1:16; Eph.3:19; 5:18]?
v.27 What were the priests to feed upon?
What does the thigh picture; the breast?
What is to sustain us as believers?
Summarize the qualities necessary for true service to God from this session.
[Session 23] OFFERINGS
Leviticus 1-7.
There are five offerings divided into two types.
The first three are the burnt, meal, and peace offerings. These are voluntary offerings.
The second types are the sin and trespass offerings. These are required.
What do the following characteristics common to all the offerings tell us about the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus?
[1] Spotless [see Heb.9:14]
[2] Hand laid on the head of the sacrifice [see 2 Cor.5:21; Lev.16:21]
[3] Slain [see I Pet.1:18,19]
[4] Special direction for the blood [see Heb.9:12,23,24]
[5] Blood and fat always for the Lord [see Lev.3:16,17; Rom.3:25; I Jn.2:2]
The general significance of each of the offerings is as follows:
Bunt – Total voluntary self-giving
Meal – Righteous character
Peace – Fellowship
Sin – Sin completely put away
Trespass – Restitution
Whole Burnt Offering
Leviticus 1
v.3,4,9 What is the basis of our acceptance before God?
v.3,10,14 What animals could be offered as burnt offerings?
What provision did this make for the people?
v.6-9 What parallel is seen here with Rom.12:1,2?
What is the difference between placing individual pieces upon the altar and placing the whole animal all at once?
Which did the Lord direct them to do?
Leviticus 6:8-13
How often should the whole burnt offering be on the altar [see Ex.29:38-42]?
Where did the fire come from upon the altar of sacrifice [see Lev.9:24]?
Was the fire ever to go out?
What do these things picture in reference to Christ? in reference to believers?
Leviticus 2
v.1 What do the ingredients of this offering represent about Christ?
v.3 In picture, what sustained the priests?
v.4-7 What two aspects of Christ’s sufferings do these verses present?
v.11,13 What was prohibited; required?
What does leaven picture [see I Cor.5:6-8]?
Honey is sweetness from what source, above or below?
What effect does salt have upon what it is applied to?
Leviticus 3
v.1 What characterizes a male, a female?
How are both aspects seen in Christ?
v.2 What two aspects of our peace are seen in this verse [see Col.1:20; Eph.2:14]?
What is peace?
v.16,17 What is always God’s portion in the peace offering?
What is fat?
Why did God value it?
What does the blood picture [see Lev.17:11]?
Leviticus 7:34 What were the priests’ portions?
What do they represent?
What provided strength for their service?
Leviticus7:19 Who could eat the remainder of the sacrifice?
Leviticus 4
v.2 Was there an offering for premeditated intentional sin? Explain.
v.6 What does sprinkling the blood seven times indicate?
v.7 Why was some blood applied to the horns of the altar of incense [horns represent power many times in the Scriptures]?
v.11,12 What does this picture [see Heb.13:11,12]?
Leviticus 5:1,4,7,11 List the things that render a person guilty in these verses.
What is the Lord telling us in v.7,11 [see Rom.10:13; Jn.3:15]?
Leviticus 5 & 6
v.5:15; 6.2,3 What sins are dealt with here?
What is “against the Lord’s holy things” [see Lev.22:1-10]?
v.5:16; 6:4,5 What is required in each case?
v.5:17-1 9 Does ignorance remove guilt?
Does it lessen it [see Lk.12:47,48]? Explain.
[Session 24] FEASTS
Leviticus 23
v.1-3 Sabbath What is this a reminder of to believers?
What type of Sabbath do Christians keep: resting one day per week or a spiritual rest in Christ from their own works [see Ex.31:13-17; Mk.2:27,28; Col.2:16,17; Heb.4:9-11]?
v.4-5 Passover Review Exodus 12 [Session 15]. What are the chief elements of the Passover?
v.6-8 Unleavened Bread See Exodus 12 [Session 15]. What does leaven represent [see I Cor.5:6-8]?
Why does this feast immediately follow the Passover?
v.9-14 First Fruits See I Cor.15:20. How does this represent Christ and His resurrection?
What is its waving before the Lord a promise of?
v.15-21 Pentecost What does the number 2 suggest?
What must occur for grain to become a loaf?
Why is there leaven present?
Is the leaven active and living or has its work and effect stopped?
What does Pentecost picture in Acts 2?
v.24-25 Trumpets What was this to be a reminder of [see Num.10:10]?
What effect does hearing a trumpet blown have on the listener?
What would the Lord desire that His people be alert to and mobilized for?
v.26-32 Day of Atonement
Leviticus 16
v.2-6 Can anyone approach the presence of God anytime, anyhow?
Who alone can enter the Lord’s presence?
What is required for him to do so?
Aaron must be acceptable before God himself before he could intercede for the people. How does this picture the Lord Jesus, our great High Priest [see Heb.2:17; 4:14-16; 7:24-28]?
v.7-10 There were two aspects involved in accomplishing atonement for the nation, the slain goat and the live one.
v.11-14 Aaron must first have a right to enter the presence of God before he could do so in another’s behalf. What qualified Aaron for this?
Comment on the significance of the blood and the incense.
v.15-19 What atoned [covered] for the sins of the nation?
What was the significance of the blood being applied to the mercy seat [see Ex.25, Session 21]?
v.20-22 What was “placed” upon the live goat?
Where was it taken?
What does this illustrate about our sins?
v.29-32 Who alone worked on this day?
What was the people’s part?
How does this picture the Lord Jesus and our role in salvation?
Whose is the work of atonement?
Whose is the response of repentance and rest?
Leviticus 23
v.33-44 Tabernacles [Booths] What characterized this feast [see v.40,42,43; Neh.8:9-18]?
What was their joy in?
What was it to be a reminder of [see Lev.25:23; I Pet.2:11; Heb.11:9,13-16]?
[Session 25] NUMBERS 13,14,21
v.1,17-20 What were these men to do?
Why were they to do this?
What does the Lord want His people to have direct knowledge of?
v.25-33 What did the spies think about the land?
What did they think about those living in the land?
What was different about Caleb from the others?
Why did the others say they could not go up into the land?
Why did Caleb say they could?
v.1-4 How did Israel respond when they heard the report of the spies?
Why did they do this [see Neh.9-17]?
v.5-10 How did Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb respond when they heard the words of Israel?
Why did they do this?
How is 2 Cor.5:7 illustrated by this incident?
v.11,12 How did the Lord respond to Israel’s actions?
Why did He say this?
v.13-19 On what basis did Moses appeal to the Lord?
What is a compelling reason for God to answer prayer?
What was Moses’ concern and desire [compare with v.12]?
What does this tell us about true leadership and humility?
v.20-25 How did the Lord respond to Moses?
Why would Caleb be brought into the land and not Israel?
Describe the spirit of each [see Josh.14:6-14].
v.26-35 How did the Lord respond to Israel?
How are they described in v.27?
Against whom is all grumbling directed [see Ps.51:4; Ex.16:7,8]?
How is Gal.6:7,8 illustrated here?
v.36-38 How did the Lord respond to the spies?
v.39-45 Had Israel repented?
What is repentance [see 2 Cor.7:9,10; Mt.3:2,8]?
Was this an act of faith on the part of Israel?
What is genuine faith [see Rom.10-17]?
Were the Israelites true believers [see v.2-4,10,11,22]?
How are the Israelites described in Hebrews 3:7 to 4:6?
From the Hebrews’ passages, list the specific ways they responded to the Lord.
List the specific ways they responded to the Word of God.
What does it mean to have a hardened heart?
How can we not have a hardened heart?
See Heb.3:13. How is sin deceitful?
How many real believers were among Israel?
How many are there in the church [see Mt 7:13-23; 2 Cor.12:20,21; 13:5; Rev.3:14-21]?
What is the relationship between disobedience and unbelief and between obedience and faith?
What is the warning for us from this history [see I Cor.10:5-11]?
v.4,5 What does discouragement/impatience result in?
Who did they have to blame for the length of the journey [see Num.14:32-35; Deut.1:2,3]?
What are we not believing about God at such times?
Did they have food?
What did they think about the Lord’s provision of manna for them?
What does the manna represent [see Jn.6:31-36]?
v.6 How does a bite from a serpent kill?
What does this picture [see Rom.6:23; Jas.1:14,15; Rom 7:11,24]?
v.7-9 Did the Lord do as the people requested?
What is the difference between removing the serpents and remedying the effect of them?
What was the Lord’s solution to the poison of sin within them?
What does this brass serpent represent [see Jn.3:14]?
How are Rom.8:3 and Phil.2:7 illustrated here?
In order to make a brass serpent it must be forged in the fire. How does this show what the Lord Jesus endured on the cross [see 2 Cor.5:21; Rom.1:18; Rom.5:9; Mt.26:39 and Ps.11:6 with Jer.25:15]?
In what sense were they to look at the brass serpent?
See 2 Kings 18:4. What can even the means of God’s blessing become to us?
What are ways in which this has happened among Christians?
Outline a gospel message from Jn.3:14.
[Session 26] JOSHUA 1 & 2
The book of Joshua portrays our entering into possession of our spiritual blessings in Christ:
Canaan – Place of spiritual blessings.
Rahab – Faith.
Ark of God – Christ.
Jordan – Death and resurrection.
Gilgal – Self-judgment – the Word applied to cut off fleshly tendencies.
Jericho – Power of the world.
Nations – Spiritual forces of wickedness.
Joshua – Pictures Christ and/or spiritual leadership.
Why did God bring Israel out of Egypt?
Why does the Lord bring us out of sin?
v.1,2 What was Moses not able to do [See Acts 15:10; Num.20:5,8-12; Deut.34:4,5; Rom.10:4]?
v.2,3 “I am giving;” “I have given.” What is the difference between the two?
How did Israel possess Canaan?
Though already given, how would it be possessed?
What does it mean to walk in the provision of Gad?
v.4 How is Canaan described here and in Deut.12:9,10; Deut.6:10,11; and Lev.26:7,8?
Summarize what these passages tell us about God’s provision in the Lord Jesus.
v.5 Who is the “I” in this verse?
Does this mean that there will be no opposition at all or that there will be no successful opposition [see Jer.1:18,19]? Explain.
v.6,7,9 What was needed to enter into what God had provided?
Where does the Christian obtain strength and courage [see Ps.27:1-3; Eph.3:16; 6:10; 2 Tim.1:7]?
v.7,8 “Prosperous” is translated elsewhere in the OT as “push forward, advance, break out, come [mightily], go over, be good, meet [fitting], or victorious.”
“Success” is translated as “be prudent, have insight, understanding, or skill” as in Ps.119:99.
Define true prosperity.
The word “meditate” means “to chew the cud” [like a cow or goat]. How does this explain why the Word of God is not to depart from our mouths?
What place do the Scriptures have in true prosperity’?
v.11 Who was responsible to prepare for entering into God’s provision in Canaan?
What did this require?
What is the parallel for the Christian?
v.12-15 Read Numbers 32. How was the choice of these 2 ½ tribes viewed by the remainder of Israel?
Did these 2 ½ have an interest in possessing the land of God’s choosing?
Were they obeying God by not entering Canaan? Explain.
What resulted in the nation of Israel because of it [see Prov.6:16,19; Ps.133:1; I Cor.1:10]?
What did they do since they did not dwell where the Lord’s tabernacle was [see Josh.22:10-29]?
How was this viewed by the people of God?
What should they have done [see Josh.22:19]?
What excuse did they give for the altar [see Josh.22:26-28]?
How is 2 Tim.3:5 illustrated here?
v.1 Why did Joshua send spies [see Num.13:10]?
What does this tell us about Joshua?
v.2 How did they know these men were Israelites?
What does this illustrate [see Jn.15:19; Phil.2:15]?
v.4,5 Was this right for her to say?
See Heb.11:31 and Jas.2:25. How do we reconcile her lie with these passages?
What does her protection of the spies tell us about her relationship with God?
Do the ends ever justify the means [see Rom.3:8]?
v.6 At the time the spies came, was Rahab a practicing harlot?
What does Isa.19:9 tell us about her present occupation?
v.9-11 Was she a true believer before or after receiving the spies? Explain.
v.14 Why did they speak of the land as not yet theirs?
What is the lesson for the Christian?
v.18-21 Why a scarlet cord?
What does it represent [see Ex.12:7,13]?
[Session 27] JOSHUA 3 & 4
v.1,15 What did Israel see as they lodged at the edge of Jordan?
What are we to learn by this [see Jn.6:63; 15:5; Rom.5:6; 2 Cor.3:5]?
v.3-6 What were they to fix their eyes upon in order to cross Jordan?
What are Christians to focus upon [see Heb.12:2; Ps.123:1]?
v.7-13 What would be the guarantee and assurance to them that they would possess the land in victory over their enemies?
How does this illustrate Col.2:14,15?
v.14-17 What did the ark completely cut off by going into the midst?
Did any of the waters of the Jordan come upon Israel?
How are Jn.5.24 and Rom.8:1 illustrated by this?
v.1-8 What do these 12 stones represent?
Which side of the Jordan were they placed on?
What were they to be a memorial of?
Why did the 12 men carry them up rather than Joshua?
v.9,18 What did Joshua place in the midst of Jordan?
What happened to these 12 stones?
What do these 24 stones picture [see Gal.2:20; Col.2:12; 3:1-3; Rom.6:3-6; I Pet.2:24]?
For the Christian, why is this necessary before the enemy is encountered?
v.14 What was it that exalted Joshua in the sight of the people?
What is it that has exalted the Lord Jesus so that we fear Him [see Phil 2:5-11]?
v.19-24 What was this a testimony of?
What were the sons to see evidenced in the fathers?
[Session 28] JOSHUA 5 v.1 What power does the enemy have against the Christian who is dead, buried, and raised with Christ [see Lk.10:19; Eph.6:10; Jas.4.7; 1 Jn.4:4]?
What power does the enemy have against a Christian who gives place to the devil [see Eph.4:26,27; Mt.16:22,23; I Pet.5:8,9; I Thess.3:5; 2 Cor.11:3]?
v.2-9 What does circumcision picture [see Col.2:11; Rom.2:28,29]?
What is to be circumcised in a believer [see Deut.10:16; 30:6; Jer.4:4; 9:25,26; Ex.6:12; Jer.6:10; Lev. 19:23]?
What was to be used to cut off the flesh?
How do Christians cut off the flesh [see Heb.4:12]?
How does a Christian do this [see Rom.8:13; Col.3.5]?
v.8 After they were circumcised, were they strong in themselves to encounter the enemy?
What does this show us [see 2 Cor.12:9,10; 4:7; I Cor.2:3,4]?
v. 9 Without being circumcised, the Israelites appeared no different than Egyptians. The Name of the Lord was reproached because of it. What is the parallel for the Christian [see Rom.2:17-29; I Pet.2:11,12]?
v.10 What does the Passover represent [see Ex.12, session 15]?
Why must a person be circumcised in order to keep the Passover [see Ex.12:48]?
v.11,12 How long had the Lord fed them with manna [see Ex.16:35]?
Had they eaten it during the 400 years in Egypt?
Did they eat it at any time after these verses in Josh.5?
Was this miracle dependent upon their claiming it by faith [see Ex.16:2,3; Num.11:4-10; 21:5]?
Why did the manna cease?
How did the Lord provide for their lives after this time?
v.13-15 Who was this man with a drawn sword in his hand [see Ex.23:20-23; Num.22:31]?
Whose side was He on, Israel’s or Jericho’s? Explain.
Why did Joshua fall to the ground before Him?
What was His message to Joshua [compare Ex.3:4,5]?
What was on Joshua’s sandals?
What must not be brought into the presence of this holy God [see I Jn.2:15-17; 2 Cor.7:1; Eph.5:26; 2 Pet.2:20]?
[Session 29] JOSHUA 6 & 7
v.1-5 What principle is illustrated here [see I Sam. 17:45-47; 2 Chron.20:15-17]?
v.8-10 What was not to be heard in this battle?
What was heard?
Of what value are the thoughts and words of man in spiritual conflict [see Mk.7:6-9; Col.2:20-23]?
When was the only time that they should speak?
What is the principle [see I Pet.4:11; Tit.2:1; Ezek.3:27; Jer.15:19]?
v.17-19 What were the things in the city devoted to?
Can believers keep for themselves what belongs to God [see I Cor.6:19,20; Dan.5:14,18-23]?
v.20,21 What caused the walls to fall?
What caused the destruction of the peoples?
How is I Cor.15:10 illustrated by this?
v.22-21 What do these verses tell us about the Word of the Lord [see Ps.19:7-11; Rom.3:3,4; 4:20,21; Tit.1.2; Heb.4:12,13; I Kings 16:34]?
How is Gal.2:18 illustrated in v.26 [see I Kings 16:34]?
v.1 Was this an evil [see Josh.6:18,19]?
Who sinned, Israel or Achan? Explain.
v.2-5 What was Israel thinking about their own abilities?
Was their assessment correct?
Had they returned to the camp at Gilgal?
What does Gilgal represent [see Josh.5, session 28]?
How is Jer.17:5 illustrated here?
v.6-9 What was the concern of Israel as expressed in this prayer?
What was the last thing mentioned in v.9?
What is to be our first concern [see Lk.10:41,42; I Cor.10:31]?
v.10 Was the Lord pleased with this prayer [see Prov.28:9,13]?
v.11,12 What does the Lord require for Him to deliver His people?
What specific things had they done?
How are the truths of Jn.3:27, Rom.12:3, and I Cor.4:7 seen as lacking in v.11?
How does the Lord view their sin, as individual or collective [see I Cor.5:6-8]?
v.13 What does the Lord require among His people [see Heb.12:14; 2 Cor.6:17,18; 7:1]?
v.14,15 What do these verses illustrate [see Lk.12:3-5]?
v.16-19 How is Num.32:23 illustrated in Achan?
v.20,21 What led to Achan’s sin?
Where did his sin begin [see Mk.7:21-23]?
What did he not do [see Mt.22:20,21]?
What does I Tim.6.8-10 tell us about Achan’s sin?
How has this affected the people of God both then and now?
v.22-26 How is the sin of Achan judged?
What is covetousness in reality [see Col.3:5]?
How is covetousness seen as idolatry in Achan’s actions?
If we would judge our own sin, what would we be spared from [see I Cor.11:29-31]?
If sin is judged, what does the valley of Achor become [see Hos.2:15]?
What is the spiritual lesson?
[Session 30] JOSHUA 8 – 10
v.1-9 How is this different than Josh.7:2-5?
v.10-23 What strategy did Joshua use in this battle [see v.1,2,18]?
v.24-29 Why did the Lord have Israel utterly destroy the Canaanites [see Gen.15:16; Lev.18:20-30; Deut.12:29-31; 18:9-12]?
What is the difference between v.27 and Josh.6:17-19; 7:11]?
v.30-35 What is the difference between cut and uncut stones?
What is the altar of God to be built of [see Ex.20:25]?
Why does wielding an iron tool defile the altar of the Lord?
Why did Joshua build this altar and write a copy of the law upon it [see Deut.27:1-8]?
What place does the Word of God have among the people of God?
v.3-15 How did Joshua and the people evaluate the Gibeonites?
How does God evaluate people [see I Sam.16:7; Lk.16:15]?
What did they fail to do [see v.14]?
What was Israel trusting in [see Prov.3:5,6; 28:26; Jer.17:5-9; Num.15:39; 2 Cor.5:7]?
What did Joshua think he was doing in v.15 [see Deut.20:10,15,16]?
What was he actually doing [see Ex.23:31-33]?
v.16-27 Should Israel have slain them since they were enemies who had deceived or allowed them to live since they had sworn to them by the Lord [see v.18-20; Num.30:1-2; Jud.11:35; Ps.15:4; Eccl.5:4-6]? Explain.
How is Ga1.6:7,8 illustrated here?
Does it glorify the Lord to have Gibeonites performing service in the house of God?
What is the result of walking by sight and making covenants while doing so?
v.1-11 How was the enemy defeated [see v.8-11,14,42; I Sam.17:45-47; 2 Chron.20:15]?
v.12-15 What was the purpose of this sign and wonder?
v.16-27 What does putting the feet on the necks of the kings show [see Lk.10:19; Jn.16:33; Rom.5:17; 6:14; 8:37; 2 Cor.2:14]?
v.42 How was victory sustained and conquest gained?
[Session 31] PSALM 1 & 22
v.1-3 What does it mean to be blessed?
What is the difference between knowing and delighting; between reading and meditating?
What conditions must occur in a person before he can walk?
What types of counsel are there [see Jas.3:13-18; Isa.11:2; 30:1,2; Ps.33:9-11; 106:43; I Chron.10;13,14; Prov.22:20,21]?
What is the progression from “counsel” to “path” to “seat”?
In what sense should we delight in the Word of God [see Prov.2:1-6]?
What is the result of such delight and meditation [see v.3; Jn.15:5,7 8; Jer.17:5-8]?
In what sense will he prosper [see Josh.1:8, Session 26]?
v.4-6 How are the wicked different from the man of v.1-3?
What is chaff and what is its end [see Isa.29:5,6; Mt.3:12]?
What does it mean that the Lord “knows” the way of the righteous [see Jn.10:14,27; 2 Tim.2:19]?
PSALM 22 Written 1,000 years before Christ, prophesying the cross.
v.1 Who spoke these words [see Mt.27:46]?
Why were they spoken by the Lord Jesus?
v.2-5 Did God answer Him by delivering Christ from the cross?
Did He answer others in times past?
Why did He not answer this cry [see Isa.53:5,10; Mt.26:39; Acts 2:23; Heb.5:7-9]?
v.6-8 Why did the Lord Jesus Christ describe Himself as a worm [see Isa.53:3; Lk.18:31-33]?
How was the mocking and scorn of wicked men fulfilled at the cross [see Mt.27:39-43]?
What value did men see in the Lord Jesus [see Isa.53:4; Mk.15:16-20,29-32]?
v.9-10 Was the Father in heaven pleased with the Lord Jesus?
Was the Lord Jesus pleased with the Father?
v.11-13,16 How were men described in these verses?
Did any come to help the Lord Jesus at this time [see Ps.69:20,21]?
v.14-18 What physical sufferings of crucifixion are described in these verses?
How did Jn.19:24 fulfill v.18?
How did Jn.20:25 fulfill v.16?
v.19-21,24 Did the Father in heaven hear His cry for help?
v.22-24 How was v.22 fulfilled in the Lord Jesus [see Ps.40:6-10; Heb.2:9-12]?
In what way did the Father “help” the Lord Jesus [see Acts 2:23,24,29-36]?
v.25-31 Who is praising in the great congregation [v.25]?
Who else is praising [v.26]?
How great will be the kingdom of the Lord Jesus who bore our sins at the cross [see v.27-29]?
How long shall He reign [v.30,31]?
What is it that they will declare that He has done [see v.31; Jn.19:30; Heb.9:12,26; 10:12,14]?
[Session 32] PSALM 119 Read the entire Psalm
What is the relationship of the Word of God to each of the following:
Purity v.9,11,133 What is to be the effect of the Word of God coming to our hearts?
What does it mean to “hide/treasure” the Word in one’s heart?
What is meant by having one’s footsteps established in the Word?
Counsel v.24,118,160 In what sense is the Word our counselor?
What happens to a person who wanders/errs from the Word?
Of what value is any other counsel?
What is a sum?
What does this tell us about the Word?
What types of counsel are there [see Jas.3:13-18; Isa.11:2; 30:1,2; Ps.33:9-11; 106:43; I Chron.10:13,14; Prov.22:20,21]?
False Ways v.29,101,104,128 Upon whom or what are we dependent for truth?
What is expected once truth is granted?
What toleration of error should we have in our own hearts?
What place is given for our own opinion about things?
Liberty v.45,165 What is a person free from by walking in the truth?
What is peace and what is its source?
Receiving v.50,107 What should we never neglect in time of affliction?
What will the Lord do if we abide in His Word?
Joy/Delight v.92,111 Where is lasting joy to be found?
How can we be “sorrowful yet always rejoicing” -2 Cor.6:10?
Meditation v.97,99 What are our heart and mind to always be full of?
What does abiding in His Word result in?
Understanding v.98-100,105,130 Where does understanding come from?
Why does the Lord grant light to us?
Our Devotion v.147,148 Of what value was the Word to the Psalmist?
How diligent are you to seek it?
[Session 33] ISAIAH 53 Read Isa.52:13 through to the end of chapter 53.
To whom is this passage referring? Explain.
Isa.52:13 How is this similar to Phil.2:7-9?
Isa52:14 How was this verse fulfilled [see Mt.26:67; 27:14,26,30; Mk.15:15,19; Lk.22:63,64; 23:11,22]?
v.1 Who believed the message of the gospel about the Lord Jesus [see Jn.12:36-41; Rom.10:15-17]?
v.2 Is the dry parched ground what sustains the tender plant?
Who is this tender sprout/shoot/branch/plant and what will He do [see Isa.4:2; 11:1-5; Jer.23:5,6; Zech.3:8; 6:12,13]?
Was there anything outwardly in the Lord Jesus that would distinguish Him or draw men to Him [see Mt.13:54-57; Mk.6:2-3; Lk.9:58]?
v.3 How were these things seen in the Lord Jesus [see Jn.1:10,11; Mk.3:5; Jn.6:60,66; 7:20; 8:48,52,53; 9:16,24,29; 10:19,20; 11:35; Lk.19:41,42; Mt.27:63]?
v.4 In what sense did the Lord Jesus bare our sorrows and grief [see Mt.8:16,17]?
Even though He did this, how did men look at Him [see Mt.27:41-43; Gal.3:13]?
v.5 Why was the Lord Jesus wounded?
In what sense were we healed by His stripes, physically or spiritually [see I Pet.2:24]?
What is the basis of peace [see Isa.32:17; Rom.5:1; Eph.2:13-17; Col.1:20]?
v.6 How is this truth seen in I Pet.2:24,25 and 2 Cor.5:21?
v.7, 8 How do we know that this passage refers to the Lord Jesus [see Acts 8:30-35]?
How did the Lord Jesus conduct Himself before His accusers [see Mt.26:39-68; 27:12-14; Lk.23:8-10; Jn.19:9; I Pet.2:21-23]?
v.9 Who were the wicked men [see Lk.23:32,33]?
Who was the rich man [see Mt.27:57-60; Jn.19:38-42]?
Did the Lord accomplish righteousness and bare our sins by means of violence [see Isa.42:1-4; Mt.12:14-21]?
v.10 In what sense was the Father pleased to bruise/crush Him [see v.6; Heb.10:5-10; Jn.1:29]?
Who is His seed [see Isa.61:8,9; Ps.22:30; I Jn.5:1,2]?
How will this One who has been delivered unto death have His days prolonged [see Rom.4:25; 5:9,10; I Cor.15:45; Heb.7:24,25]?
What is the pleasure of the Lord in this verse [see Heb.2:9-12; Ps.147:10,11; 149:4; Lk.12:32; Eph.1:5,9; Phil.2:12,13]?
v.11 What has satisfied God [see Rom.3:25; I Jn.2:2; 4:10. Propitiation means satisfaction of the righteous demands of the holy God against sinful men]?
How will the Lord Jesus justify men [see Rom.3:24-26; 5:9; 2 Cor.5:21; Tit.3:5-7]?
v.12 Where does spoil/ booty come from [see Eph.4:7,8; Col.2:15]?
How did God divide Him a portion with the great [see Phil.2:9-11]?
[Session 34] DANIEL 9
v.1-3 What was Daniel doing while in captivity?
v.4-19 Compare this prayer with those found in Ez.9 and Neh.9. What are the similarities?
What elements comprised the prayer of Daniel?
Does he speak about “them” or “us”?
What is the difference?
What was the essence of their sin?
List the various words that describe their sin.
List the various words that describe the Lord.
v.13 What did Israel not do?
v.17-19 What was the basis of Daniel’s appeal to the Lord?
v.20-23 On what basis does the Lord reveal truth to us [see Mt.13:11,12]?
v.24 Seventy “weeks” [KJV] or seventy “sevens” [NIV] are determined to accomplish what 6 things?
What is the holy city [see Isa.52:1; Lk.21:24; Rev.11:2]?
When will transgression be finished and sin ended in Israel [see Lk.21:24; Rom.11:11,12,25-27; Rev.1:7; Zech.12:10,11; 13:1-2]?
When was “reconciliation” [KJV] or “atonement” [NASB] for iniquity made [see Rom.5:10; 2 Cor.5:19; Col.1:20]?
When and how will everlasting righteousness be brought in [see Jer.23:5,6; Rom.1:17; 3:21,22]?
How long will the vision and prophesy be sealed up [see Dan.12:4,9; Rev.22:10]?
Ezekiel describes the temple which will be built in the future [see Ezek.40-44] after the destruction of the sanctuary by the wicked prince [see Dan.9:26]. This may be the temple which will be anointed.
v.25 From the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple at the time of Ezra and Nehemiah [see Ez.1:1; 4:24; 6:1-3,13-15] until the Lord Jesus is 7 “sevens” plus 62 “sevens” or 483 years.
What kind of troublous times were there at the time of Ezra and Nehemiah’s building [see Ez.4:1-7; Neh.2:19,20; 4:1-3,7,8,11,12,16; 6:1,2,6-9,10-14]?
Why is the Messiah called the Prince [see Isa.9:6]?
v.26,27 In what sense was the Messiah cut off [see Isa.53:8; Mk.16:21; Lk.24:7]?
Who is this other prince who is to come [see Dan.7:23-25; 8:9-13,23-26; 11:31,32,36-39; 12:11; Mt.24:15; 2 Thess.2:3,8-10; Rev.13:1-18]?
When was the city and sanctuary to be destroyed by those who were from the wicked prince [see Mt.24:2; Lk.19:41-44]? By 70 AD the Romans had destroyed Jerusalem and the temple.
Is the flood of v.26 literal or figurative [see Nah.1:8]?
v.27 This describes the 70th “seven” referred to as the “Tribulation.”
What will happen in the middle of this final 7 year period [see Mt.24:15,21,22; Dan.11:31,32]?
[Session 1] MATTHEW 5
v.1-12 Read the parallel account in Lk.6:20-26 and compare.
v.3 Define “poor in spirit” [see Isa.57:15; 66:2; Rev.3:17; Ps.16:2].
What is the basic idea of a kingdom’?
Who are the key individuals in a kingdom?
What are the 2 basic functions of a king?
What is the basic responsibility of the subjects of the king?
In essence, what is the kingdom of heaven?
v.4 What does it mean to mourn [see Ps.119:136; Ezek.9:4-6; Isa.22:12-14; Amos 6:4-6; Jer.13:l5-17; 2 Cor.12:21; Isa.53:3; Jas.4:8-10]?
v.5 Who is humble [see Ps.37:9-11; Mt.23:12; I Pet.5:5,6; 2 Chron.17:4; Num.12:3; Mt.11:29]?
What is the relationship between the kingdom of heaven and humility [see Dan.4:30-37?
How does being as a child add to the concept of humility [see Mt.18:3,4]?
v.6 Why do people hunger and thirst?
What happens if hunger and thirst are not satisfied?
How often do people hunger and thirst?
What do these things tell us about how and why we are to hunger after righteousness?
How does Jn.6:35 relate to this verse?
Define righteousness.
v.7 What does Lk.10:30-37 tell us about mercy?
v.8 How necessary is personal purity [see Heb.12:14]?
How can we be made clean [see Jer.2:22; 13:23; Rev.7:14; Jn.15:3; Eph.5:26; Tit.2:14]?
v.9 How is peace made [see Isa.57:18-21; Col.1:20; Eph.2:13-16; Rom.5:1; Jn.14:27; 16:33; Col.3:15; Ps.119:165; Gal.5:22; Isa.26:3; Prov.14:30; Phil.4:6-7,9; Jas.3:18]?
v.10-12 What types of persecution are there?
What is the relationship between being persecuted and being in the kingdom of heaven?
Why did the world hate the Lord Jesus [see Jn.7:7]?
Why does the world hate Christians [see Mt.10:16-23; 2 Chron.36:14-16; Jn.15:18-21; Acts 7:51-57]?
Summarize what it means to be blessed in the kingdom of heaven.
[Session 2] MATTHEW 5
v.13 What is salt useful for?
When does salt become useful and effective?
What would cause it to lose its taste?
v.14-16 What is the source of light in the believer?
What is this light?
What contrast is there between being set on a hill and being placed under a bushel?
In what sense does it give light to all?
Will all glorify the Father in heaven? Explain.
v.17-20 How does Jn.1:23,35-37 illustrate vs.17-19?
How does Mt.17:2-8 also illustrate the role of the Law and Prophets?
In what sense[s] does the Lord Jesus fulfill the Law and Prophets?
What was the basic purpose of the Law [see Gal.3:21-26]?
v.20 What kinds of righteousness are there [see Rom.9:30-33; Phil.3:8,9]?
What did the righteousness of the Pharisees consist of?
v.21-48 What relationship does the Lord Jesus have to the Law?
v.21-26 What is the basic principle of this section?
v.21,22 What is the difference between these 2 verses?
v.23-26 How do these verses relate to the idea of reconciliation [see Prov.16:7; Rom.12:1a]?
What is contained in the idea of reconciliation?
Compare these concepts to the life of the Lord Jesus. What was true of Him in these regards?
v.25,26 Why would a person not choose to settle a matter with his opponent?
v.27,28 What is the difference between these 2 verses?
v.29,30 Do eyes and hands cause us to sin [see Mt.15:18-20]?
What is the point of saying that they should be cut off or plucked out if they are not the actual cause of sin?
v.31,32 What was the basic outlook regarding divorce in Jesus’ day [see Mt.19:3]?
What does the Lord say about it here?
What is God’s basic thought and directive about divorce [see Mal.2:14-16]?
v.33-37 Why should we not make oaths?
v.38-42 What is different about v.38 and the verses that follow?
v.43-47 What two types of love are being contrasted here?
How is it possible to love as the Lord Jesus states here [see Rom.5:5; Gal.5:22; I Jn.4:19]?
v.48 How does 2 Cor.2:15,16; 3:5,6 relate to this verse?
In what sense are we to be perfect in the context of verses 43-48?
What is perfection [see Phil.3:12,15]?
[Session 3] MATTHEW 6
v.1 What is the difference between this verse and Mt.5:16?
v.2-7,16-18 What motivates your inner life and outward actions?
v.8 If the Father in heaven already knows what we need before we even ask, why then do we pray?
What is prayer [see I Jn.5:14,15; Jn.15:7; Prov.28:9; Jn.9:31; Lk.11:5-10; 18:1-7,9-14; Jn.17; Eph. 1:16-18; 3:14-21; Eph. 6:18-20; Heb.5:7; Acts 4:31; I Thess.5:17; I Tim.2:1,2,8; Rom.10:1; Ps.5:1-3; Ps.66:16-20; Ps.141 :2; Prov.15:8; Rev.5:8; I Sam.12:23]?
v.9 What does the phrase “in this way” or “after this manner” mean?
v.9-13 What key elements of prayer are included in these verses?
v.9 What is the first and foremost concern that is expressed by this verse?
v.10 How does this verse express the essence of our requests to God?
v.11 What is the difference between this request and seeking after prosperity and wealth?
v.12,14,15 In what measure can we expect to be forgiven?
“Forgive” means, literally, “to send away.” How does this describe the type of forgiveness that we should extend toward others [see Eph.4:31,32; Col.3:12,13]?
What will result if we do not forgive?
v.13 On what basis can we be delivered from evil?
v.19-21 What is treasure [see Eccles.5:10-17; Prov.8:10,11,18-21; Prov.23:4,5; I Tim.6:8-12,17-19]?
How is treasure in heaven stored up?
What is the purpose of money [see Lk.16:1-13; Eph.4:28; I Tim.6: 17-19]?
v.22,23 Can we see in the darkness?
What prevents light from entering our eyes?
In the context of these immediate verses what prevents this?
v.23-34 Why can two masters not be served?
Why are prosperity and material riches never to be sought after by a true child of God?
Why is it unnecessary to seek after them [see Heb.13:5]?
v.25-31 Why should we not be anxious?
What types of things do we become anxious about?
Why do we become anxious?
What are our thoughts concerning the Lord Jesus at such times [see Prov.12:25; Ps.37:1,7,8]?
v.32-34 Compare Phil.4:6,7. What does seeking first His kingdom and righteousness mean [see Rom.14:17]?
Is the Lord promising to supply to believers all the things that the Gentiles/pagans seek or those things necessary to life which God knows that we need? Explain.
[Session 4] MATTHEW 7
v.1-5 In what sense are we not to judge?
Are we to judge our brother at all [see I Cor.5:12,13: 6:1-6]? Explain.
What will be our standard of measure when we do judge in a proper manner?
Hypocrisy means, literally, “to put on a mask” in order to play a role in a performance. What does this tell us about the manner in which we are to assist those who have a speck in their eye?
What is the overall message of this section?
v.6 What does it mean to not cast pearls before swine [see Mt.11:25,26; 13:58; Ps.62:4; Prov.9:7-9;
12:15; 17:10; 18:2; 23:9; Mt.26:62,63; 27:12-14; Isa.39:2-6]?
v.7-11 What is it that we are to ask the Father for?
What ideas are contained in the terms “ask,” “seek”, and “knock” [see Jas.4:2,3]?
v.11 What does the Lord Jesus tell us about men?
Define evil [see Rom.3:9-18].
v.12 How does this relate to Mt.22:39 and Eph.5:29?
v.13,14 What will a broad way accommodate?
What of a narrow way?
What does the number of people traveling upon each tell us?
What is a gate?
What is the way?
Where does it lead?
Does the word “find” relate to v.7,8? Explain.
v.15 What disguise and cloak of deception do these ones wear [see Jer.23:9-40; Acts 20:29,30; 2 Cor.11:13-15; 2 Tim.4:14; 2 Pet.2:1-3]?
v.16-20 What is fruit [see Eph.5:9]?
If they are known by their fruit, what does their disguise consist of?
Good fruit or bad fruit is a result of what?
How necessary is it to bear good fruit? Explain.
v.21-23 How do these verses relate to verses 15-20?
How do verses 16-20 relate to “doing the will of my Father in heaven” [see Jn.15:8]?
Are performing signs and wonders an evidence of having saving faith?
Did the Lord Jesus say: “I knew you at one time” or did He say: “I never knew you”?
What is the difference?
If the Lord Jesus never knew them, how were they able to do these things; by what power [see 2 Thess.2:9,10]?
What kind of generation seeks after a sign [see Mt.12:39]?
What should we rather seek after?
v.24-26 Who is the wise man?
Who is foolish?
v.28,29 Why was it amazing to them to hear teaching with authority?
What is teaching with authority [see Lk.24:25-27,32; Mk.7:7-9,13]?
[Session 5] MATTHEW 13
Parables of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven
The Sower – v.1-9,18-23 Wheat and Tares – v.24-30,36-43 Mustard Seed – v.31,32
Leaven – v.33 Net – v.47-50
What do these 5 parables have in common?
v.11,12 How is insight into the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven obtained [see Mt.11:25-27; I Cor.2:9-16]?
v.12 What is the necessary ingredient for progress in the spiritual life?
On what basis will the Lord reveal more of His ways to us?
What results if we do not have a response of obedience to the Lord’s Word [see Lk.8:18]?
v.13-15 Why did the Lord speak to them in parables?
Why did they not understand?
v.18-23 Why does a sower plant seed?
Of what value are fruitless plants to the sower?
What prevents fruit from developing and maturing?
v.22 What are thorns [see Mk.4:19; Lk.8:14]?
v.23 Why was the Word understood by them [see v.13-15; Mk.4:20; Lk.8:15]?
What is true of each of these ones?
How is it that some seeds bear more than others?
v.24,25 Where were the tares growing?
How can it be possible that two opposing types of life can be growing side by side in the kingdom of heaven?
Is this a mystery? Explain.
v.26 When did the tares become evident?
How does this relate to Mt.7:16-20?
v.30 What did the sower keep?
What did he do with the rest [see Heb.6:7,8; Mt.3:12]?
Who were cast out into outer darkness [see Mt.8:11,12]?
Is this a mystery?
How can we know that we are true believers [see Mt.7:16-23; I Jn.2:29; 3:14]?
v.31,32 Do mustard seeds actually and naturally grow into trees?
How then could this happen?
What are the birds [see Mt.13:4,19; Rev.18:2]?
Where are these to be found?
v.33 What is leaven?
How does it work?
What does it do under the right conditions?
What stops the process of leaven?
Is leaven presented as something good or evil in the Scriptures [see I Cor.5:6-8]?
What parallels exist between this verse and Zech.5:6-8?
How does 2 Thess.2:7 relate to this verse? Explain.
What develops from this mystery aspect of the kingdom of heaven [see Rev.17:5]?
v.34,35 Ps.78 gives a general history of what?
How is this Psalm a parable [see Ps.78:1-4,8]?
How does this relate to the kingdom as a mystery?
What is the mystery of the kingdom of heaven?
v.44-46 Who is the one who is seeking: a person [see Rom.3:11] or the Lord Jesus Christ?
What is the field [see Mt.13:38]?
In what sense did the Lord Jesus buy the world [see I Jn.2:2]?
What was contained in the world that He paid the price for?
What was this treasure [Eph.5:25]?
In what sense did the Lord Jesus buy one pearl [see Eph.5:25]?
What is this pearl?
[Session 6] MATTHEW 16
v.1-4 What kind of request was this?
What was obvious to them about the weather that was not obvious to them about the age in which they lived? Explain.
Who seek supernatural signs and wonders?
Why is this so?
v.5,6 What is the connection between these verses and the previous ones?
v.7,8 What were the disciples doing here?
What should they have done if they had a question about what the Lord had said?
v.11,12 What is leaven [see questions on Mt.13:33 previously]?
What did the Lord Jesus say about the most respected religious leaders of His day?
Did the “great” teachers of God’s people teach them the truth of God’s Word [see Jn.5:37-47; Jer.5:30,31; 8:8; 23:36; Mt.22:29]?
What does it mean to teach with authority [see Jn.3:31,35; 8:26,28,40; 12:49; 15:15; Tit.2:11-15]?
v.13-15 What difference does it make as to what our opinion of Jesus Christ is?
Did the Lord expect that His disciples would share the opinions of men about who He was? Explain.
v.15-17 Where did Peter obtain this understanding about the Lord Jesus?
Where does such knowledge originate for anyone [see Mt.11:25-27; Mt.13:11; Jn.6:44,65; Jn.12:37-40; 17:6; Acts 5:31; 13:48; 16:14; Rom.9:14-18; I Cor.2:9-14; Eph.1:17,18; Eph.2:8-10]?
v.18 What will the church be built upon?
Who will build the church?
Whose church is it?
Why will the gates of hell not prevail against the church?
What are gates representative of [see Deut.22:15,24; 25:7; Ruth4:1; Prov.22:22; Prov.24:7; Isa.29:21; Amos 5:10,15]?
What is the relationship of Peter [whose name means: “a stone/rock”] to the Rock [“large rock/bedrock.” See I Cor.10:4]?
Has there ever been a time in which the true church has been ruined or destroyed [see Eph.3:21]?
v.19 The phrases “shall be bound” and “shall be loosed” in the King James Bible are translated by other versions as “have been bound” and “have been loosed.”
What is the difference?
Does Heaven bow to the will of man or does man bow to the will of Heaven? Explain.
v.21-23 Why did Peter say this to the Lord?
Was he aware of the source of his thoughts?
Who has access to our minds [see Mt.16:17]?
If our minds are set upon the things of man, what is the source of such thoughts [see Jas.3:15]?
v.24-26 What does it mean to deny oneself?
What is self?
In the society in which Jesus lived, who took up crosses?
Jesus said, “Follow me.” Where was He going [see Mt.16:21]?
How do we “save” our lives?
How do we lose them?
What is it that you desire to gain in this life?
One soul is of greater value than what?
v.27 What will each man receive on this day?
[Session 7] MARK 7
v.2 What had the Pharisees observed?
Did all of Jesus’ disciples not wash their hands?
Did the OT anywhere command men to wash their hands in this way?
Where then did this teaching come from?
What genuine type of tolerance/forbearance does the Lord Jesus display?
v.3,4 How had the teaching of the Pharisees been like leaven [see Mt.16:11,12]?
v.5 Why did they ask this question of the Lord?
What was their standard?
What did they expect everyone to do, including the Lord?
If someone did not comply, what would this indicate to the Pharisee?
There are 3 stages of man’s tradition: [1] the “Useful” stage where a practice is helpful in achieving a godly objective [2] the “Necessary” stage where it is thought that the objective cannot be accomplished in any other way and [3] ”Idolatry” where others will be punished if they do not obey the tradition. Where were the Pharisees on this scale?
What is idolatry [see Ezek.14:3-5; I Jn.5:21; Col.3:5]?
v.6 What is hypocrisy?
v.6-7 What did these men actually believe and follow [see Jn.5:37-47]?
Is it our words or something else that tell us what people believe [see I Cor.4:19,20]? Explain.
What effect do false concepts have upon our worship?
v.8,9,13 What two options always face man?
What is the net effect of man’s traditions? What should be done with them once they are discovered?
v.10-13 Under what pretense did the Pharisees rationalize their disobedience?
Which of the two is “Legalism:” insistence upon obedience to the Word of God or insistence upon man’s tradition?
v.14-23 Why can external things not defile us?
What does?
Which of the things listed here are you capable of doing?
What is the origin of each of them?
Do the categories “clean and unclean” have to do with the ideas of “healthy and unhealthy” or of “spiritual and unspiritual”? Explain.
What spiritual benefit does food impart to the Christian [see Rom.14:17; I Cor.8:8; Col.2:16,17,20-23]?
What was the point of “clean and unclean” animals in Leviticus 11?
What is the spiritual lesson resulting from Jesus’ declaration that all foods are clean from v.19?
[Session 8] LUKE 14
v.1 Why were they watching Him [see Lk.6:6-11]?
Who were present at this dinner?
v.2 Would a Pharisee normally invite someone like this?
Why was he there in front of Jesus?
Dropsy is a partial heart failure resulting in swelling of the body. How does dropsy illustrate the condition of the Pharisees?
v.4 Why did they keep silent?
Why did the Lord heal this man and send him away?
v.5,6 How does Deut.22:4 relate to this?
What is different about this silence and the one in v.4?
v.7-11 What is the point of this parable?
Who was being addressed in v.1-6?
Who is addressed here?
Describe the “atmosphere” at the dinner table.
What is humility [see Isa.66:2; Ps.51:17]?
v.12-14 Who had been invited to this dinner [see v.1]?
What was the motive for inviting those whom he did?
What place does self-seeking have in God’s kingdom?
v.15 What is the typical conversation about at social gatherings?
What does someone usually do if tenseness develops at such occasions?
Why did this man consider this to be a “safe” comment?
v.24 How does this verse respond to the statement of v.15?
v.18 What is an excuse?
What other interests were of more importance to these people than God’s interests?
v.21 What connection is there between poor, crippled, blind, and lame with v.1?
What do these conditions represent spiritually?
v.25 Is popularity a thing to be encouraged? Explain.
v.26 What do all of these ones listed have in common?
Define hate. Are love of self and hatred of self compatible?
How does Deut.13:6-11 relate to this verse?
What is the point of this verse?
v.27 Who carried crosses?
How were they viewed by their society?
What will being a follower of the Lord Jesus involve [see 2 Tim.3:12]?
What must the multitudes be thinking at this point?
v.28-30 What is the purpose of a tower [see Isa.5:2]?
What happens to the fruit if you don’t have one?
Was the average poor person a landowner capable of building a tower?
Is the point of “counting the cost” to have us rely upon our own resources or to face us with our own lack of ability?
v.31,32 What options are you faced with if an enemy is about to attack you?
What hope do you have of victory being outnumbered 2 to1?
v.28-32 Is the point of these two stories that we rely upon self and our capabilities or that we are actually totally dependent upon the Lord?
v.33 The NIV translates this as “…any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my
disciple.” A very literal translation is as follows: “every one of you who does not say ‘farewell’ to all the resources from himself cannot be my disciple.”
What is it that we truly possess which might be contributed toward being a disciple [see v.26; 2 Cor.3:5; Phil.3:4-8]?
v.34,35 Can salt become un-salty? Explain.
If salt is not salty, is it actually salt?
What does this tell us about what a true disciple is?
From this chapter summarize the nature of a genuine disciple.
[Session 9] JOHN 1
v.1-5 What parallels exist between these verses and Genesis 1?
v.1 What is a word?
Who is the Word [see v.14]?
Why is this an appropriate title for the Lord Jesus?
v.4 What is life?
How is the Lord Jesus the Light of men?
v.5 How is light extinguished [see Jn.12:35]?
v.6 What does it mean to be sent from God?
What is the difference between being sent from God and sent from men [see Jn.1:19,24]?
v.7,8 What does it mean to bear witness of the light [see Jn.5:33-35]?
v.10,11 Why did the world not know Him [see I Cor.1:21]?
Why did His own not receive Him [see Jn.3:19,20; 5:44-47; 7:7,13,17; 8:37,38,45-47; 12:37-43; 15:21-25]?
v.12,13 Why did others receive Him [see Mt.11:25-29]?
What does it mean to receive Him?
Is everyone a child of God?
What things do not make one a child of God?
v.14 The Word dwelt [literally, “tabernacled”] among us. What illustrations of the Lord Jesus are found in the tabernacle [see OT Key Passages, Sessions 20-24]?
Describe grace and truth as seen in the Lord Jesus.
v.16 What does everyone who has received the Lord Jesus possess [see Col.2:9,10]?
What is grace and truth?
How is it given to believers?
v.17 What was given through Moses?
What is the essence of law?
How is it contrasted with the Lord?
v.18 How can we know God?
What is the relationship of the Father and Son here?
v.23 Why did the religious leaders need to make the Lord’s way straight [see Jer.2:13; 5:30,31; 8:8,9;
v.26,27 Why did they not know Him?
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v.29 What does this tell us about the Lord Jesus [see Lev.16:15,20-22; I Cor.5:7]?
v.38 What question does the Lord Jesus ask those following Him?
v.51 What is the illustration being referred to by the ladder [see Gen.28:12]?
What does this tell us about the Lord Jesus?
[Session 10] JOHN 3
v.2 Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus by night?
What did he think that he already possessed?
v.3 Jesus’ answer told Nicodemus what?
Of what value had his entire religious upbringing been to him?
v.4 Nicodemus’ answer showed that he had what?
v.5 Since he was the teacher of Israel, what should he have understood [see Ezek.36:25-27]?
What is water a symbol of [see Eph.5:26]?
What role does the Word of God have in the new birth [see I Pet.1:23-25; Jas.1:18; Rom.10:14-17]?
What role does the Spirit of God have in the new birth [see Jn.3:5,7; 6:63; Tit.3:5]?
v.6 Of what value is the flesh [see Jn.6:63; Rom.7:18; 8:6-8]?
What is the flesh [see Rom.8:5-9,12,13; I Cor.3:3; Gal.5:19-21; Col.3:5; I Pet.2:11]?
v.8 What is this telling us about the work of the Holy Spirit?
v.10 Why did he not understand what the Lord Jesus was saying [see Jn.8:43,47]?
v.11 What is implied in this statement?
How can one be a teacher of the Scriptures and not know God and never have seen Him?
v.14,15 What are the parallels between the cross of the Lord Jesus and the serpent in the wilderness [see Num.21:4-9 and OT Key Passages, Session 25]?
v.16 How has God expressed His love for the world?
Are further demonstrations necessary to show His love for mankind [see Rom.8:32]?
Define perish.
What is eternal life [see Jn.17:3]?
Is the emphasis in eternal life upon the length of that life or in the quality of life? Explain.
Who pays for a gift, the giver or the receiver?
What is the only appropriate response to being presented with a gift [see Jn.1:12]?
v.17,18 What is the relationship between these verses and John 5:22,27-29?
v.19-21 How do men demonstrate their love of the darkness?
What does light do?
How does this relate to Mt.5:14?
v.27 Why were people going to the Lord Jesus for baptism?
What is the source of any testimony or influence for God?
v.29 Why did John rejoice?
Does this describe you?
v.30 What is the spiritual principle expressed here?
v.32 What kind of followers were these [see Jn.3:26]?
v.33,34 In what sense do we set our seal that God is true by receiving His witness?
Is it possible to receive some of the Holy Spirit but not all of Him? Explain.
v.36 “He that believeth not the Son” [KJV] “He who does not obey the Son [NASB] “He who rejects the Son” [NIV].
What is the relationship between believe in the first part of this verse and disobedience/rejection in the second part [see Heb.3:18,19]?
What is wrath [see Rom.1:18; 2 Thess.1:7-9; Rev.14:10,11]?
[Session 11] JOHN 13
v.1 What occurred at Passover [see Exodus 12, OT Key Passages, Session 15]?
What kind of love does the Lord Jesus have for His own?
v.2 How does this relate to Eph.4:27?
Describe Judas [see Mk.3:13-16,19; Mt.10:1-4; Jn.6:70,71; 12:4-6; 13:10,11,27,30; Mt.26:14-16,25,47-50; 27:3-5; Acts 1:16-20; Ps.109:1-20; Ps.41:5-9; Lk.16:13].
v.3-5,12 How does this event illustrate Phil.2:5-11?
v.6-11 Why did Peter object to this?
What does the dirtying of the feet picture?
Is it essential for the Lord Jesus to wash His disciples’ feet?
What does the “bath” picture; the “foot washing”?
What does it mean to have no part with Christ?
v.12-17 What was the significance of Jesus washing their feet as an example?
What are we therefore to do?
Is a literal washing of others’ feet the point of this example [see I Tim.5:10]? Explain.
v.16,20 How does the Lord Jesus send us [see Jn.17:18; 20:21]?
What does it mean to be sent [see I Tim.1:12; I Thess.2:4]?
What connection exists between the Christian, the world, and God?
v.31,32 Glory is the outshining of excellence, the manifestation of moral perfection. How was the Father glorified?
How did the Father glorify the Son?
v.34,35 How was this a new commandment?
How did the Lord Jesus love us [see v.1]?
A disciple, by definition, is a learner. What are we to be learning according to these verses?
What will be our testimony in the world?
v.36-38 What did Peter think about himself?
What did he think about the Word of God spoken by the Lord Jesus [see Mt.26:31-35]?
What two options are always before us [see Prov.3:5,6; 2 Cor.5:7]?
[Session 12] JOHN 14
v.1,2 What is the house of God [see I Tim.3:15; Gal.6:10; Eph.2:21,22; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; I Pet.2:5; 4:17]?
The word “mansion/dwelling place/abode” is used only twice in the NT, here and in v.23. What is this place that is being prepared?
Is it a literal building or is it the believer himself?
How is it that this happens?
v.3 In what sense was the Lord Jesus going to “come” to them [see v.16-18]?
“…that where I am, you may be also.” Where is the Lord Jesus [see v.10,11,20]?
Does the phrase “where I am” include more than the idea of a location merely?
Does it also imply being like Him? Explain.
v.4-6 Who or what is the way?
What is the difference between having the truth and being the truth?
Which is true of the Lord Jesus?
Have any of God’s prophets claimed to be the truth or merely to bring the truth? Explain.
Is there any other way to forgiveness and acceptance with the Father? Explain.
v.7-10 What does this tell us about the Lord Jesus?
What connection is there between what the Lord Jesus spoke and the Father doing His works?
v.10-12 What works did the Lord Jesus do [see Lk.7:22]?
In what sense will believers do greater works; greater in quality or in quantity?
What is the great work that the Lord Jesus was anointed for (see Isa.61:1,2; Lk.4:17-21]?
What is the great work that the church is anointed to perform [see Jn.15:26,27; 16:7,8; 20:21-23;
Acts 1:8; Lk.24:44-49; Mt.28:18-20]?
v.13,14 Does repeating the words “in Jesus’ name” mean that we are praying in His name?
See I Sam.25:5-9: What did it mean to “pray/ask” in David’s name?
What requests were David’s men making, their own or his?
Whose word instructed them what to ask, their own or David’s?
What does this tell us about the nature of true prayer and praying in Jesus’ name?
What significance does this give to praying according to the will of God [see I Jn.5:14; Mt.6:9,10]?
On what basis will prayer be answered?
v.15-20 To whom will the Father give the Holy Spirit?
In what sense does the believer behold and know the Holy Spirit?
How is it that the believer will be able to behold the Lord Jesus?
What does this tell us about the ministry of the Holy Spirit [see Jn.16:13-15]?
What is the most essential knowledge that the Holy Spirit brings to us [see v.20]?
v.21-24 How is love defined here?
On what basis will the Lord Jesus reveal Himself to an individual?
Is the love of the Father for the Christian conditional? Explain.
v.25-27 What is one of the primary works that the Holy Spirit will perform?
What is peace?
What is its source?
v.28,29 Will the coming of the Lord Jesus to His own people be recognizable by them?
In what sense was/is the Father greater than the Son [see Jn.17:5; Mt.24:36; I Cor.15:24-28]?
In what sense is the Father not greater than the Son [see Jn.1:1; 10:30; Col.2:9; Rev.5:11-14]?
v.30,31 Who is the ruler of the world [see Jn.12:31; 16:11; 2 Cor.4:4; Eph.2:2; 6.12; I Jn.4:14; 5:19]?
What does it mean “he has nothing in Me”?
How was the love of the Lord Jesus for His Father shown?
[Session 13] JOHN 15
v.1 See Isa.5:1-7. How is the Lord Jesus the true Vine?
v.2-6 How is it that a branch bears fruit?
When does it bear fruit?
What must take place before it does?
What is fruit [see Eph.5:9; Gal.5:22,23; 2 Pet.1:5-8)?
Is every branch equally fruitful [see Mt.13:23]?
v.2 What happens if a branch bears no fruit?
What does it mean to be pruned/cleansed?
v.5 How dependent are we upon the Lord Jesus?
What is it that cannot be done apart from the Lord Jesus?
v.6 Is the one being described here actually saved?
What is the difference between being taken away in v.2 and being thrown away in v.6?
Do both end up in the fire?
Who is gathering them [see Mt.13:40-42]?
v.7 What conditions are mentioned here and in John 14:14?
What is the relationship between them?
v.8 What is the evidence of being a genuine disciple?
What glorifies God?
v.9 How has the Father loved the Son?
Did the love of God prevent sorrow, affliction, or evil actions of others from coming upon the Lord Jesus?
What type of circumstances can we expect during our own lives?
Are our circumstances a gauge of God’s love or favor? Explain.
v.10,11 How do we abide in the Father’s love?
What is the source of joy?
v.12 How is this possible [see I Jn.4:7-21]?
v.13-17 Who are the friends?
What privilege do friends have that others do not?
v.18-25 Why does the world hate Christians?
Why did the world hate the Lord Jesus [see Jn.7:7; 8:44]?
v.15,20 Are believers still slaves? Explain.
v.26,27 What will the Holy Spirit do when He comes?
How will He do this?
[Session 14] JOHN 16
v.1 How is it that the Lord’s Word can keep us from stumbling [see Ps.119:9,11,105,165]?
What is stumbling?
v.1-4 What does this tell you about the religious status quo?
What type of people will be the persecutors of believers [see Acts 26:9-11; Phil.3:4-6]?
Why do they do this [see Jn.7:7; 8:36-47; I Jn.3:12,13]?
v.7,8 Why is it an advantage for the Holy Spirit to come?
To whom was the Holy Spirit to come?
What would be the means of His conviction of the world?
v.8-11 Our conscience convicts us of what?
The Holy Spirit convicts or convinces us of things that our conscience never could. What is the difference between conviction of sins [plural] and conviction of sin [singular]?
What is the root of all sin?
Our conscience convicts us of unrighteousness. What does the Holy Spirit convict us of?
Is the Holy Spirit’s conviction here related to judgment to come or of judgment which has already been accomplished? Explain.
Paul was speaking about what in Acts 24:24,25?
In the preaching of the gospel, should we speak about the same things that the Holy Spirit is speaking to men about? Explain.
v.12-16 How is truth imparted to the believer?
What is the primary work that the Holy Spirit does?
How is it that the believer will see the Lord Jesus?
v.17-19 Whom were the disciples inquiring of to understand the Lord’s Word?
Did they receive any satisfactory answer? Why?
v.20-22 When was He speaking of?
Why did each respond as they did [see Rev.11:8-10]?
What is a source of constant joy to us?
Do you rejoice always? Explain.
v.23-24 What is another source of joy?
What does it mean to ask in the Father’s name [see Jn.14:13,14, Session 12]?
v.25-27 What does this tell us about the Father’s relationship with the believer?
Is His love [here it is the Gk. Word phileo] spoken of as conditional in these verses? Explain.
v.28-32 Were the disciples humble while congratulating themselves here? Explain.
v.33 What effect is the Word of God to have [see Ps.119:165]?
What is the difference between “in Christ” and “in the world”?
What does it mean that the Lord Jesus has overcome the world?
[Session 15] JOHN 17
v.1 What motivated the Lord Jesus?
How was it that the Father was to be glorified?
v.2,6,9,24 How are believers described in these verses?
What are the implications of this?
v.2 What is the specific authority mentioned here?
v.3 What is eternal life?
What type of knowledge is this?
v.4 What does this tell us about glorifying God?
v.5 Why did the Lord Jesus pray for what was rightfully His?
v.6-8 How did these know who the Lord Jesus is?
v.9-18 In what different ways is the word “world” used in these verses?
v.9,10 In what sense are we given to the Lord Jesus and yet are the Father’s?
Does v.10 extend beyond believers to include other things as well? Explain.
What is true of all His own?
v.11 What does it mean to be kept in His name?
In what sense are believers “one” even as “We”?
v.12 What name was given to the Son [see Mt.1:20-23]?
How did the Lord Jesus guard them?
v.13 What was the joy of the Lord Jesus [see Heb.1:9; Ps.40:6-8; Heb.2.11,12; 12:2; Mt.11:20-27]?
What is to be the purpose of the Word the Lord Jesus has spoken according to this verse?
v.14-16 What does it mean to not be of the world [see Jn.8:23; 7:17; Rom.12.2; Phil.3:19,20; Col.3:1-5;
I Jn.4:5,6; Col 2:20-23]?
Why does the world hate the believers?
v.17-19 What does it mean to be sanctified?
How was the Lord Jesus sent into this world [see Jn.10:36; Phil. 2:5-8; Heb.10:5-7; Jn.6:38]?
v.20 Why was it called “their” word?
v.21-23 What is unity [see Eph.4:3,4]?
What demonstrates unity to the world?
Has the Lord Jesus’ prayer been answered?
Is there unity in His church which He has built for Himself?
Define glory [see Ex 33:18,19].
How has the Father loved the Son?
v.24-26 What is the love of God connected with?
What is the knowledge of God based upon?
[Session 16] ACTS 2
v.2,4,6,11 What parallels can be seen between these verses and Isa.59:19-21?
v.4,6,11 What is the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit [see Acts 4:8-12,31; 9:17-20; 13:9-10,49,52 and 14:1; 6:5-7,10; 7:55,56; Mt.10:19,20; Lk.1:15,41,42, 67; Eph.5:18; Ex.35:30-35; Deut.34:9; I Sam.10:6,10; 2 Sam.23:2; 2 Chron.20:14; 24:20]?
v.4-11 What is speaking in tongues?
What is the purpose of speaking in tongues [see I Cor.14:21,22]?
v.16-22 How does the passage in Joel relate to what had just happened?
In what ways is it different?
v.23 Who was responsible for the death of Christ? Explain.
v.24,27 Why was it not possible for the Lord Jesus to be held in the power of death?
v.24-36 What specific things resulted due to the Lord Jesus being raised from the dead?
v.38,39 How are men saved; by repenting or by the Lord calling men to Himself? Explain.
On what basis will men receive the Holy Spirit?
Is speaking in tongues the evidence of having received the Holy Spirit? Explain.
v.37-40 Was this all that Peter had said to them?
Does v.38 contain the entire gospel message? Explain.
v.41 What did they respond to?
Did these 3,000 people speak in tongues?
Did they receive the promise of the Holy Spirit according to v.38,39?
v.42 What did they immediately begin doing upon being saved?
How do these things demonstrate a true evidence of having received the promise of the Spirit [see Eph.1:17; 2 Cor.13:14; Jn.16:14; Rom.8:26,27]?
How do these things show what ought to characterize the church?
v.43-47 Who performed signs and wonders, the apostles or the 3,000 [see Heb.2:3,4]?
What does it mean that they had all things in common [see Acts 4:32-35]?
How was their oneness of mind expressed?
Was the focus of the church upward, outward, or inward? Explain.
How do these verses give evidence that they possessed the Holy Spirit [see Rom.5:5; Eph.4:2-4]?
[Session 17] ACTS 7
See Acts 6:11-15. What specific accusations were brought against Stephen?
v.1-7 How does his answer refute the charge that he was speaking against “this holy place”?
Where is there a “holy place” here on earth [see Isa.57:15; 66:1,2]?
v.8-13 How does the life of Joseph parallel that of the Lord Jesus and that of the Jewish leaders?
v.14-16 What comment does this make about “this holy place”?
v.17-37 What comments are made here about Moses as a man?
How does this relate to the charge of “speaking blasphemous words against Moses”?
List specific parallels between the Lord Jesus and Moses.
Why was the burning bush a “holy place”?
Was the God of glory present and manifesting Himself in the temple in Jerusalem at this time [see Ezek.10:3,4,18,19; 11:22,23; Mt.23:38]?
v.35 How did this description relate to the condition of the Pharisees [see Lk.19:14; Jn.19:15]?
v.36-38 How do these verses relate to the charge of “altering the customs handed down to us by Moses”?
What had Moses received and handed down to the people?
What had the Pharisees received and handed down [see Mk.7:3-13]?
v.39 How does this relate to the charge of “speaking against the law”?
Who was actually doing this?
v.39-50 How did this in their history relate to their concept of “this holy place”?
Whom/what were these people worshipping at the time of the Lord Jesus and Stephen [see Mk.7:6-9]?
v.44 What is a pattern?
How does the “pattern” relate to the charge of “destroying this place”?
v.51-53 Who was actually against God, Moses, the Temple, and the Law: Stephen or the Pharisees? Explain.
v.54-60 Idolaters do the works of their father [see Jn.8:44].
v.55,56 What contrast is seen here and in Heb.10:12?
Why was the Lord Jesus standing?
v.59,60 What does this tell you about Stephen [see Lk.23:46,34]?
[Session 18] ACTS 10
v.1,2 Describe Cornelius.
Did all of his commendable deeds save him [see Acts 11:13,14]?
v.3-8 Why was he instructed to send for Peter rather than hearing the gospel from the angel?
What could Peter testify to that the angel could not?
Is Christianity acknowledging correct information or something more? Explain.
v.9-16 Does this vision have anything to do with dietary restrictions such as are found in Leviticus 11? Explain.
v.17-22 Who engineered these events and encounters?
Can we expect the Spirit of God to lead and guide us [see Jn.16:13; Rom.8:13-16]? Explain.
v.19 What was Peter contemplating when the Spirit illumined him?
What is the parallel for us [see Ps.119:18]?
v.23,28 What are the significance of these verses in the history of Christianity?
v.26 What kind of man was Peter at this point?
Why did the Lord choose Peter to come to Cornelius rather than another?
v.35 Who is welcome in the Lord’s presence?
v.36 How does the title “He is Lord of all” relate to v.35?
What kind of peace was being preached [see Rom.5:1]?
v.37,38 To what extent were the person and works of the Lord Jesus known throughout Palestine [see Acts 26:26]?
v.38-43 In every presentation of the gospel, 4 elements are present: the Problem, the Solution, the
Response, and the Result. How are these 4 elements seen in Peter’s message?
v.44-48 What is the relationship between v.43 and v.44?
How was the truth of Acts 2:38,39 evidenced here?
What did the events of these verses demonstrate to all?
[Session 19] ACTS 15
v.1-41 What were the dynamics of “church” in Acts 15:1-41 as seen in the following summary of the verbs?
“Certain men taught…dissension and dispute…describing…reporting…some rose up, saying…much dispute…rose and said…listened…declaring…became silent…answered…listen…then it pleased the apostles and elders, with the whole church…teaching and preaching…with many others also…strengthening the churches.”
v.1-3 Do our typical Sunday morning “church services” allow for men to stand up and teach the brethren?
Is this good or bad [see Rom.15:14; Acts 13:1; I Cor.10:15; 14:26,29,31]? Explain.
When things were taught, did the listeners passively sit without comment while the teaching was going on?
What did they do?
Comment on the statement: Truth fears no error; error always fears truth.
Where were these teachers from?
Where did they come to [see Acts 14:26 to 15:1]?
Were these visiting teachers persuaded of their error by the discussion and debate?
Why did the brethren decide that some from among them including Paul and Barnabas should go up to Jerusalem concerning this [see Mt.18:15-18]?
Who sent out Paul and the others?
v.3,4 What irrefutable evidence did Paul bring before the churches that disproved the false teaching?
v.4-7 Who received the brethren from Antioch?
Was there an open forum context in the church in Jerusalem like there was in Antioch?
Were these visiting teachers persuaded of their error by the discussion and debate?
v.7-11 What irrefutable evidence did Peter bring before the church that disproved the false teaching?
Was the gospel that Peter preached different than that of Paul [see Gal.1:8,9]? Explain.
v.12 Specifically, who were listening to the debate [v.7] and words of the apostles Peter, Barnabas, and Paul?
v.13-18 Was this James an apostle?
Was he a great man exercising authority over the apostles, elders, and the church [see Lk.22:24-26]?
Both Peter and Paul’s testimonies were in agreement with what?
Who initiated the salvation among the Gentiles [nations]?
How was the tabernacle of David rebuilt: in the Old Covenant Jerusalem Temple or in the New Covenant body of Christ, the church? Explain.
Why did it need restoration?
v.19-21 These are the things associated with the “pollutions of idols:” Fornication – [see Ps.106:28,29 and Num.25:1,2; Hos.4:13,14; Deut.23:17] and Blood – [see Deut.14:1; Ps.16:4; 106:36-39; Ezek.33:25].
In essence, what is needful for the Gentiles’ salvation: avoiding offending Jewish people or repentance from idolatry in all its forms? Explain.
If a person wanted Jewish customs and law keeping, where should they go according to v.21?
What should not be brought into the body of Christ which is comprised of both Jew and Gentile?
v.22,25,28 Specifically, who did this seem good to from these verses?
Was the whole church including those who had brought the wrong teaching of one mind? Explain.
Describe the process that brought them to this juncture.
v.23,24 What was their motivation in writing to these Gentiles that Barnabas and Paul had been working with?
v.30-35 Why did the brethren in Antioch rejoice?
What type of reception did Judas and Silas receive in Antioch? Why?
Who taught in Antioch: one “pastor” or many brethren [see Acts 13:1]?
v.36-41 Why did this disagreement arise between them?
What is necessary in order to work together in serving the Lord [see Amos 3:3; Phil.2:19-22; I Tim.1:12; I Cor.4:17]?
Who was Mark in relationship to Barnabas [see Col.4:10]?
Where was Barnabas’ home town [see Acts 4:36]?
Who sent Barnabas to Antioch initially [see Acts 11:22]?
Who sent Barnabas on his ministry work with Paul initially [see Acts 13:1-3; 14:26]?
Were Barnabas and Mark commended by the church to go to Cyprus?
Were Paul and Silas commended by the church to this work of the Lord?
Why does this matter?
Did Paul abandon Mark altogether and never have anything to do with him again [see Col.4:10; 2 Tim.4:11]?
What does this tell us about relationships with brethren who may have failed at some point?
[Session 20] ROMANS 1
v.1 Define slave/bondslave, apostle, set-apart.
v.1-3 What is the central message of the gospel from these verses?
v.4 What is the evidence of the reality of the gospel?
v.5 What is the goal of the gospel [see Rom.16:25,26; I Tim.1:5]?
v.8-15 What is the compelling drive of Paul’s life?
v.16 In what sense is the gospel the power of God [see I Cor.1:17-19]?
What is the gospel?
v.17 In what sense is the word “righteousness” used in this verse?
What is the basis of increased understanding/revelation of this righteousness?
What are the interrelationships between the words “righteousness,” “live,” and “faith”?
v.18 What provokes God’s wrath?
Who merits it?
What do people do with the truth?
v.19 How do people know about God?
v.20 How else do people know truth about God?
What specifically can be known about God apart from the Bible and gospel messages?
What does it mean that they are without excuse?
v.21 What has man done with the truth which he possessed?
Is the issue here one of knowledge vs. ignorance?
Does judgment await only those who have heard the gospel and rejected it? Explain.
Define speculation/imagination.
v.22 What is a fool [see Lk.24:25; Gal.3:1,3; Mt.7:26; Ps.14:1; 107:17; Prov.1:22; 14:9; 10:18; 12:15; 14:16; 15:5; 18:2; 28:26; 29:11]?
v.18-23 Summarize what this section teaches us regarding the sinfulness of man, the wrath of God upon sin, the blameworthiness of men, and the possibility of being saved apart from hearing and believing the gospel.
v.21-28 Outline the stages of departure from the Lord noted in these verses.
What is the first step?
v.25 What was the lie [see Gen.3: 2; Thess.2:10-12]?
What creature is served here in this verse?
v.26,27 Why do people commit wicked acts of immorality?
Is homosexual activity natural/normal [see Lev.18:22; 20:13; I Cor.6:9]?
v.28-32 Wicked acts proceed from where [see Mk.7:20-23]?
v.32 What does this tell us about the disposition or inclination of man?
[Session 21] ROMANS 2
v.1-3 Is it ever possible to legitimately judge others without condemning ourselves [see Mt.7:1-5; I Cor.5:9-13]? Explain.
v.4-11 What two categories of people are noted here?
In what six ways will men be judged [see Mt.12:36,37; I Cor.4:5; 2 Cor.5:10; Ezek.7:8,9; Rom.2:16; 2 Thess.2:10,12]?
v.7,8 Is the external act always an expression of the orientation of the heart [see Mt.7:15-23; 12:33-37; 23:14,25,27,28; Mk.7:20-23]? Explain.
v.9,10 Why will judgment be upon the Jew first [see Lk.12:47,48; 1 Pet.4:17,18]?
v.12-16 On what basis will men be judged here?
Will anyone be saved apart from repenting and believing the gospel? Explain.
Whether under the Law [the Jew] or not under the Law [the Gentile], will anyone be justified before God on the basis of their performance/works?
v.17-24 What can we not rely upon in the judgment?What is God looking for in man [see Ps.51:6; Mt.12:7]?
v.25 What gives value to the external act [see Isa.1:10-18; Jer.7.22,23]?
v.26,27 How does this relate to I Sam.16:7?
v.28,29 What does circumcision picture [see Col.2:11-13]?
v.29 Jew means “praised one.” What contrast is brought to light here?
[Session 22] ROMANS 3
v.1,2 What advantage is it to have the Word of God?
v.3,4 What is true about man’s words?
What is true about God’s Word?
What is man saying about God when he does not believe His Word?
v.5-8 What is the basic premise expressed by this mind-set?
If something good results, does that excuse questionable or wrong means by which it was attained?
Does the “good” end justify the evil means? Explain.
Does the fact that Christ is preached excuse envy, strife, and selfish ambition [see Phil.1:15-18]?
v.9 How does this verse relate to Rom.2:1?
v.10-18 Summarize the condition of man.
What is the fear of God [see Prov.8:13; Heb.12:21; Lk.12:5]?
v.19,20 Why are the Gentiles accountable to God [see Rom.1:18-32]?
Why is the Jew accountable to God?
How does the Law close the mouth of the Jew?
v.21 What is the righteousness of God not dependent upon?
What bears witness to it?
Why is righteousness not based upon law?
v.22 Why does righteousness come by faith?
v.22,23 Why is there no distinction?
Why does the Law not assist in obtaining the righteousness of God?
v.24 What is a gift?
What is grace [see 2 Cor.8:9; 9:8; Eph.2:8,9; Rom.11:6]?
Redemption is a price paid to purchase a possession. Summarize on what basis a person is declared righteous before God.
v.25,26 What is propitiation?
What does it mean that the Lord Jesus is our mercy seat?
How did this demonstrate God’s righteousness?
When was this demonstrated?
Could God justify without being just? Explain.
v.27-30 Why is boasting ruled out?
Why are there not various means of justification?
v.31 In what sense is the Law established?
In what sense is it nullified?
[Session 23] ROMANS 4
v.1,2 Summarize the thought here.
v.3-5 What are the relationships between faith and works?
What types of works are being referred to?
Whom does God justify?
What does this tell us about our works?
v.6-8 What was the occasion of David writing Ps.32:1-5?
On what basis was he commending himself to God?
v.9 What is the blessing that is spoken of here?
v.9-11 What is the relationship between Abraham’s faith and circumcision?
What is the purpose of a sign?
v.12,13 In what sense is Abraham the father of the circumcision?
What was the promise based upon?
v.14-17 What is a promise dependent upon?
What is complying with a law dependent upon?
Why does law make faith void and nullify the promise?
Why does the law bring about wrath?
What is the relationship between faith and grace?
What is the significance of mentioning “life from the dead” and “calling into being that which does not exist” in this context?
v.18-22 What does the “deadness” of Abraham and Sarah illustrate in this chapter?
v.20,21 What is the essence of faith?
v.23-25 What is the basis of our justification?
What does the resurrection of the Lord Jesus demonstrate?
[Session 24] ROMANS 5:1-11
v.1 What is the difference between peace with God and the peace of God [see Phil.4:6,7]?
What is the basis for each?
Define peace [see Jn.14:27; 16:33; Eph.2:14,15; Col.1:20; 3:15].
v.2 On what basis do we stand?
What is grace?
What is our hope?
How does this relate to faith, grace, and to the Lord Jesus?
v.2,3,11 What 3 things do we exult/boast in?
v.3-5 How does this relate to the hope of the glory of God from v.2?
What is the Lord’s purpose for afflictions [see Ps.119:71]?
What do we have in abundance in the midst of tribulation?
Is love something other than God Himself [see I Jn.4:7,8,12,13,16]? Explain.
v.6 What 2 descriptions are given of us in this verse?
What was the “right time” [see Gal.4:4; Mk.1:15; Eph.1:10; Tit.1:2,3]?
v.7,8 What is the contrast presented here?
What is a sinner?
What is the demonstration of God’s love toward sinful man?
v.8,9 What contrast is shown here?
How does the blood of Christ result in justification?
How will we be saved from wrath?
v.10 When can it be truly said that an enemy is reconciled with his antagonist?
What does it mean to be saved by His life?
v.11 What does it mean to exult/boast in God?
[Session 25] ROMANS 5:12 – 6:11
v.12 What is sin?
What is the origin of sin?
What is death?
Why did death spread to all men: from Adam’s one act or due to individual acts of sin? Explain.
v.13 What is the relationship between law and sin?
What does it mean to “impute”?
v.14 Why did death reign?
Why is the phrase regarding Adam’s offense included?
In what specific ways is Adam a type or illustration of Christ?
v.14-21 Outline the contrasting parallels: In Adam or In Christ
Continue with other specifics from these verses:
v.1 What is the logic of this suggestion?
What is the faulty premise?
v.2 In what respect have we died to sin [see Rom.6:11,12]?
v.3-4 What type of baptism is being spoken of here [see I Cor.1:13-17; 10:1,2; 12:13; Gal.3:27]?
What is done with dead and buried things?
What does “the glory of the Father” refer to here [see Eph.1:19-23; 2 Cor.13:4]?
What was the purpose of our being raised up out of death?
v.4,5 What has died?
What is made alive [see Gal.2:20]?
v.6 What is meant by “our old man” [see Rom.5:12-19]?
Is the “body of sin” referring to our individual bodies or to our corporate connection to Adam as the head of sinful humanity? Explain.
In what sense is the body of sin “destroyed/done away with/made powerless/abolished”?
v.6-11 How permanent is this deliverance from sin and death? Explain.
Why will Christ never die again?
Was death ever master over Him?
What kind of life do we now live?
[Session 26] ROMANS 6:12-23
v.12 Why should we not do this?
v.13 How are our bodily members described here?
Who is it that wields a weapon?
How do I Sam.21:8,9 and Lev.14:14,17 illustrate this?
v.14 How does being under law lead to sin being master over you?
What ends the mastery of sin over us?
v.15 What is the logic of this verse?
What is its faulty premise?
v.16-18 What is the condition of every man?
What is a slave?
Whom are you a slave to?
What type of freedom does the Christian have?
What role does the truth play in this [see Jn.8:31,32]?
v.19-22 Describe why slavery to God is true freedom [see Jn.8:34].
What is death?
What is eternal life?
v.23 What is the difference between a wage and a gift?
Outline a gospel message from this verse.
If we are slaves to God, why is eternal life not a reward for our service?
[Session 27] ROMANS 7
v.1-6 What is the main point of this section?
Can we be joined to Christ and under the law at the same time? Explain.
v.4 Did anyone bear fruit for God while under the law?
What relationship does the believer now have with the law?
v.5 “While we were in the flesh” is a synonym for what?
What was the result of the activity of the law?
v.6 What does “released/delivered” mean?
What were we bound to?
How do we serve God? Explain.
v.7 What is the logic behind this question?
What is its faulty premise?
v.7-11 Did Paul covet before “the commandment came”?
In what sense is he meaning that the commandment came: when he first heard it or when it came to him in conviction? Explain.
What then resulted when it did come?
In what sense was Paul “alive” before the commandment came [see Phil.3:4-6]?
v.8-11 “Thou shalt not covet” is the last of the 10 Commandments. It deals with a different realm than the other commandments. What general realm is addressed by the 9 Commandments in contrast to this last one?
v.12-14 What was the problem, the law or man? Explain.
Paul describes himself as dead [v.9,10,11,13,24], of flesh [v.14,18,25], in bondage to sin [v.14,23,24], indwelt by sin [v.17,18,20], having no good [v.18], powerless [v.15,18,19,23], evil [v.19,21], a prisoner of sin [v.23], wretched [v.24], and having only his mind to combat sin [v.22,23,25].
Does this describe a justified person/a true believer or is he describing the state of an unbeliever? Explain.
[Session 28] ROMANS 8:1-17
v. 1 Why is this so?
What type of condemnation is being referred to?
v.2 What is freedom [see 2 Cor.3:17,18]?
Who alone can deliver us?
v.3 Why is the Law ineffective?
What did God do that the Law never could [see Rom.7:10]?
v.4 What was the requirement of the Law?
How is this fulfilled in us?
v.4-11 What two categories of people are seen here?
v.5 What naturally follows if one is “according to the flesh”; “according to the Spirit”?
v.6 What is the contrast between the mind-set of the flesh and that of the Spirit?
Define death; life.
v.7,8 What are unbelievers unable to do?
Are the truths of the Bible universal spiritual principles that will “work” if “applied” whether one is a Christian or not? Explain.
v.9-11 What results from being “in the Spirit”?
What type of life is being spoken of in v.11?
v.12-14 Who are alive?
Who are the sons of God?
What does the Spirit of God lead us to do?
Is this optional? Explain.
v.15 What type of slavery leads to fear?
v.15,16 What is the instinctive cry of the heart from a true son of God?
What is the source of this cry?
What witness does this provide?
v.17 What follows from the fact of being a child?
Who is the pattern/example of being a son of God [see Jn.13:15]?
What is true of every son of God?
[Session 29] ROMANS 8:18-39
v.18 What will be the experience of all of God’s people in this life [see 2 Cor.4:16-18]?
v.19-25 Why does the creation eagerly await the final day?
Why do we?
v.21 What are the contrasts noted here?
How does this describe true freedom?
v.23 Have our bodies as yet been redeemed?
What aspect of redemption do believers presently partake of [see Rom.3:24; Eph.1:7; Col.1:14]?
v.24,25 What is our hope [see Rom.5:2; Col.1:27; I Jn.3:2,3; Rev.21:3,4]?
Do Christians persevere? Explain.
v.26-27 Why do we not know how to pray as we should?
How dependent upon God are we? Explain.
What is prayer?
v.28-30 What is the good toward which all things are working?
What is God’s purpose?
For what have believers been predestined?
What is predestination?
v.30 What is an absolute certainty from this verse?
How does this relate to Phil.1:6?
v.31 What does it mean that God is for us?
How does this relate to Josh.5:13,14?
v.32 What is the logic behind this verse?
v.33 Satan is the adversary, the accuser of the brethren as in Rev.12:9,10 and Job1.
What is the answer to this question?
v.33,34 “God justifies; who condemns?” is the question.
What does it mean to justify?
How does this answer this question?
v.34,35 “Christ intercedes; who separates us from His love?” is the question.
y.35-39 Are all of these things compatible with the love of Christ?
Will God in His love shelter His people from these things? Explain.
v.39 What is the conclusion?
Why is this so?
[Session 30] ROMANS 9
v.1-5 What concerned Paul?
What are your concerns?
What was he willing to do that people might come to know the Lord Jesus [see Ex.32:31,32]?
To what degree does this describe your life?
v.6 What is meant by “Israel” in this verse?
v.7-13 Who are the children of God?
Upon what is this based?
v.13,14 Is this unjust?
Is it unfair?
What is the difference between the two?
v.15-18 What is God’s mercy dependent upon?
What is it not dependent upon?
Is the Lord obligated to show mercy to all? Explain.
v.19 What is the error of this way of thinking?
v.20-23 What is the reply?
Who prepared the vessels for glory?
Who prepared them for destruction?
v.24-29 Who then shall be saved?
What parallels exist between Israel and “the church” today?
v.30-33 How is righteousness obtained?
Who is the Stumbling Stone [see Mt.21:42; I Pet.2:4-8]?
What is the essence of the offense [see Gal.5:11; 6:12,14]?
[Session 31] ROMANS 10
v.1 Describe Paul from this verse [see Rom.9:2,3].
Describe yourself from this verse.
v.2,3 If you seek to establish your own righteousness, what are you stumbling over [see Rom.9:30-33]?
Why are faith in Christ and works of law mutually exclusive and antagonistic principles?
How does a person seek to establish his own righteousness?
How does the record of Cain and Abel illustrate this?
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What is the opposite of subjecting oneself?
v.4 Is Christ the end of the Law in every respect?
In what sense is Christ the end of the law for righteousness?
How does this verse relate to Mt.5:17-19 and Rom.8:2-4?
v.5 What expectation of life is there from the law [see Gal.3:10-12]?
v.6-8 What is the point of this section?
Why do we not have to “ascend or “descend” in order to obtain righteousness?
v.9-11 What is our deliverance dependent upon?
How does it become effective?
Is every person saved?
v.12,13 Why is God no respecter of persons/ partial [see Rom.3:9]?
What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord?
v.14,15 What is a preacher [see Eph.6:15; Isa.52:6-10; 58:1; 2 Tim.4:2,5; Mt.3:1,2; 4:17]?
What is the gospel?
v.16-21 What precedes faith?
In what or in whom is faith placed?
Is faith a power used to obtain things or is it trust in the revealed Word of God contained in the Bible? Explain.
What does God require in response to hearing His Word [see Heb.3:7 through 4:2]?
What was the real difference between Jew and Gentile?
[Session 32] ROMANS 11
v.1-5 What principle does this illustrate?
Who are the true people of God [see Heb.3:12-19; Rev.3:1-5]?
v.6-10 How are grace and works mutually exclusive principles?
What are the parallels between these verses and Isa.6:8-13?
Why were these people hardened?
v.11-16 Why were the Gentiles offered salvation?
What effect was this to have upon the Jews?
v.17-18 What is the rich root of the olive tree?
What supports the branches?
Upon what are believers dependent?
v.19-24 Why were some broken off?
Why were others included?
What is the proper orientation of the heart in light of this?
v.25-32 When will Israel’s salvation take place [see Zech.12:10 through 13:1; Rev.1:7]?
Are the Jews enemies or beloved [see I Thess.2:14-16]? Explain.
v.33-36 Who can know the mind of the Lord [see I Cor.2:16]? Explain.
Can we persuade God about a good idea we have had?
Is God obligated to do anything for us in response to something we’ve done? Explain.
v.36 What are the source, continuance, and goal of all?
What then can we contribute to Him and His purposes?
[Session 33] ROMANS 12
v.1 Explain why this verse is begun with the word “therefore.”
v.1,2 How do Dan.3:28 and Lev.1:3-9 illustrate these verses?
What is worship [see Mt.4:10; Deut.6:13-15; Jn.4:23,24; Phil.3:3; Rev.4:8-11; Josh.5:14; I Chron.16:29; Ps.95:6; 96:7-9; 99:5]?
How does conformity to this age take place?
Is this present age different from other ages? Explain.
How is the mind of the believer transformed?
What renews the mind [see Jn.17:17]?
What does it mean to “prove what the will of God is”?
Summarize the teaching of these two verses.
v.3 What does a renewed mind think about self?
How do we know if we have sound judgment?
v.3-8 What has God given each believer?
What is the relationship of the members of the body to the Head; to each other?
v.9 Define hypocrisy [see Mk.7:6,7; Mt.23:13-15, 23-33; Acts 5:1-11].
What does it mean to abhor evil [see Prov.8:13; Ps.119:127,128]?
v.10,11 How does v.11 relate to v.10?
What is the opposite of giving preference to one another?
v.12-16 What type of people are Christians to be?
Why is this to be so?
v.16 What is the opposite of associating with the lowly?
v.17 How do Mt.7:12 and Mt.18:28-30 relate to this verse? Explain.
v.18 Is it possible to be at peace with all men and with God at the same time? Explain.
v.19-21 Why are we not to seek our own revenge?
What rather should we do?
[Session 34] ROMANS 13 & 14
v.1-7 What is to be our relationship to government? Explain.
What is the purpose of government?
Should the Christian always do everything that the government says to do [see Acts 4:15-20; 5:17-29,40-42]? Explain.
How are good and evil to be defined; by the standards of the government or by the standard of the Bible?
Is the government due our taxes? Explain.
v.8-10 What is the only debt we ought to owe?
How is true love the fulfillment of the Law?
v.11-14 What are believers to be doing until the coming of the Lord?
What is the difference between making provision for the flesh and putting on the Lord Jesus?
v.1,3,13,19-21 What is the basic message of this chapter?
v.1,4,10-12 Who will judge each?
v.2,5,6,15,17,20 What types of issues are at stake or under consideration here?
What is the difference between personal convictions and principles that apply to everyone?
What does the kingdom of God consist in?
What does it not consist in?
v.6-9 What is our focus to be?
What is it not to be?
v.22,23 On non-regulated things [i.e. those not specifically addressed in the Word of God], what is to govern us?
Summarize the principles to abide by when addressing issues such as these among the brethren.
[Session 35] ROMANS 15 & 16
v.1-3 What is to motivate us?
If the Lord Jesus was seeking to please Himself, what would He not have done?
v.4 What does this tell us about the OT?
What type of instruction is he talking about [see 2 Tim.3:16,17; I Cor.10:6-11]?
What does the word “whatever” mean here [see Ps.119:89,160; Mt.5:17-19; 24:35]?
v.4,5 What is the source of perseverance and encouragement?
v.5,6 How is oneness of mind described here?
v.7-13 In this context what does it mean to “accept” one another?
Was it a mystery in the OT that Gentiles would also become the people of God [see Acts 15:14-18]? Explain.
How does this relate to Eph.3:1-12?
v.13 What is hope?
What is its source?
What accompanies belief?
v.14 Who is qualified to carry on ministry in the church?
v.16 How is priestly work described here?
v.17-21 What was Paul’s ambition?
v.25 What characterized his life?
What characterizes your own?
v.27 What principle is shown here [see Gal.6:6; I Cor.9:6-14; I Tim.5:17,18]?
v.29 Why did Paul have this confidence?
v.30-33 What things are we to be praying about?
v.1,2 How is Phoebe described?
v.3-5 What is true of Prisca and Aquila?
Where was the church meeting [see I Cor.16:19; Col.4:15; Philemon 2]?
v.6,7,9,10,12 How are saints described in these verses?
v.17-20 What is characteristic of all saints?
What causes division within the church?
How are people led astray?
v.25,26 What establishes us?
What is “obedience of faith” [see Rom.1:3-6]?
[Session 36] I CORINTHIANS 11
v.1 What are we to imitate?
v.2 In what sense did they remember Paul?
What is the connection between the traditions and v.1?
What does 2 Thess.2:15 tell us about these traditions?
Are these the same as those condemned by the Lord Jesus in Mk.7:5-13?
What is the difference?
v.3 What is the basic theme addressed in this verse?
v.4 Does I Tim.2:8 relate to the prayer spoken of here? Explain.
v.4,5 Is the word “head” used in the same sense in each occurrence in these verses? Explain.
v.5,6,15 Is it disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off?
What should she then do according to these verses?
v.7 What does the man represent? What does the woman [see Eph.5:23]?
v.7-10 What is the basic role/purpose of the woman from creation [see Gen.2:18]?
v.7,10,15 Why should the woman have her head covered [see Eph.3:10; I Pet.1:12; I Tim.3:16]?
What should be seen in the church: the glory of God or the glory of man? Explain.
How does the woman’s head covering relate to this?
v.13 What is the answer to this question?
v.15 Is this covering the same as that of v.5,6? Explain.
v.16 What does this tell us about the practice of the church at large?
v.17 How does this relate to v.2?
v.18-22 What characterized the coming together of the church in Corinth?
v.23-26 List specific things that are to take place at this meeting [see Lk.22:15-38; Mt.26:26-30]?
What has the church been commanded to do [see v.24,25]?
How do the bread and the cup present a parable of what Christianity is and ought to be?
Is there any prescribed formula or ceremony for how this gathering is to be conducted?
How will believers know what to do when they gather [see I Cor.14:12,26,29,33,40; Heb.10:24,25; Acts 2:42]?
v.27-32 What is an unworthy manner?
How does Lev.7:20,21 relate to examining and judging ourselves?
v.33,34 What should also characterize our associations with the saints?
[Session 37] I CORINTHIANS 15
v.1-4 What is the essence of the gospel?
Why is it good news? What saves us? Explain.
How is it possible to believe in vain?
v.5-8,11 What is the point of this section?
What message was preached?
v.9-11 What does Paul think about himself?
What does v.10 tell us about the relationship between grace and works?
What is the only way that a person can perform a good work which meets with God’s approval?
v.12 What was being preached by their proclamation?
v.12-19 Does it matter if the resurrection is a truth? Explain.
Do the Scriptures teach the resurrection of all men [see Isa.26:19; Ezek.37:12-14; Dan.12:2; Lk.20:35-38; Jn.5:28,29; Rev.20:4,5]?
v.20-28 What is the significance of firstfruits [see v.23 and Lev.23:9-14]?
On what basis will men die or be made alive?
What authority and rule will be abolished [see Eph.1:21; 6:12]?
In what sense is the Son subject to the Father?
v.29 The word “for” can mean “in the place of” as well as “in behalf of” in the sense of for their benefit.
Is this baptism doing something to influence the spiritual condition or destiny of those who have already died or is it describing those who continue to join the ranks of Christians because the resurrection is true? Explain.
v.30-34 Of what significance is the resurrection with respect to preaching/teaching?
What kind of bad company and sinning is primarily in view here?
v.35-44 What type of resurrection body shall there be for believers [see Phil.3:20,21]?
Will all believers be identical in heaven? Explain.
v.39 Does this verse have anything to do with evolution? Explain.
v.45 In what sense is the Lord Jesus the last Adam?
In what sense is the Lord Jesus a life-giving spirit?
v.47 In what sense is the Lord Jesus the second man?
v.48,49 Describe what it means to be like Adam.
What does it mean to bear the image of the heavenly?
v.50 If flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, then who can?
v.51 What does “sleep” mean?
Who is “we”?
What change will take place?
v.52-55 When will this happen?
What constitutes victory over death?
v.58 Why is the law the power of sin?
v.57 What victory is referred to here?
Wherein is victory found?
v.58 What is “the work of the Lord”?
What is “toil in the Lord”?
[Session 38] 2 CORINTHIANS 2 & 3
v.14-16 What is being illustrated here?
What is the source of any fragrance?
What is the answer to Paul’s question?
v.17 What does it mean “to peddle” [NASB, NIV] something? [This is the meaning of the word translated in the KJV as “corrupting”].
What does it mean to “speak in Christ in the sight of God”?
v.1-3 Who was Paul’s letter?
How did they serve as such?
How did this letter become written?
What is being written there?
v.4-6 What is our confidence?
What is the source?
What do we have to contribute? Explain.
What is the “letter” and why does it kill?
v.7 What is the ministry of death?
v.7-11 What are the specific contrasts presented here?
v.10 What does this tell us about the law?
v.11,12 What is the hope that is referred to?
v.13-16 What is not seen while the veil lies over their heart [see 2 Cor.4:4-6]?
What is the veil?
What happens to it in Christ?
v.17,18 What does this tell us about the Holy Spirit?
What is liberty?
What does the Spirit allow us to see?
What results from seeing the Lord Jesus?
How does this happen?
[Session 39] 2 CORINTHIANS 5
v.1-4 What is this tent/house?
Who dwells therein?
What is our dwelling from heaven?
v.5 What is the Spirit a pledge of?
v.6-8 Why are we of good courage?
When are we not?
Define faith; sight.
v.9,10 What is the ambition of the Christian?
What pleases God?
Why do we have this ambition?
What is this judgment [see I Cor.3:10-17]?
Upon what bases will we be judged [see Ezek.7:3; Mt.12:36; I Cor.4:3-5; Hos.7:2]?
v.11 What motivates believers?
What is the fear of the Lord [see Heb.12:18-21; Ps.90:11; Prov.8:13; Deut.17:18-20; Job 28:28;
Ps.119:120; 9:20; 19:9; 34:11-14; 60:4; 86:11; 119:38; Prov.1:7; Isa. 8:12,13]?
What are we to do based upon this fear?
v.13-15 What controls us; our love for Christ or His love for us? Explain.
What was the desired goal of Christ’s dying for us?
v.16 How do we recognize Christ now: as what He was as a man upon the earth or what He is now at the right hand of God?
How do we recognize other believers; by what they are in the flesh and in society or by what they are spiritually? Explain.
v.17 Define “in Christ.”
What is a creation?
Who is the Creator?
What has passed away?
What has come?
v.18-20 Define reconciliation.
Who needed this?
Whose work was it?
What are the means now of the world being reconciled?
What type of character, authority, and responsibility does an ambassador have?
v.21 Explain what is being described here?
[Session 40] GALATIANS 1 – 3
v.1,11,12 What was the origin of Paul’s gospel?
v.4 Why did the Lord Jesus give Himself for us?
v.6 In light of the above, explain Paul’s amazement.
v.6-10 What is the gospel?
Why is there only one gospel?
What element of tolerance is to be admitted with respect to different “gospels”?
Whom does a bond-servant please?
What is a bond-servant?
v.15-17 Which came first, the preaching or the revealing? Why?
Why did Paul not consult with flesh and blood [see v.1,11,12]?
v.3-6 What brings believers into bondage?
What becomes of the gospel if one yields to this type of bondage?
v.6,11-14 Is it ever safe to follow any man [see I Cor.11:1]? Explain.
List the specific descriptions of Peter at this point in his life.
v.16 On what basis are we declared righteous before God?
v.18-20 Are we saved by grace and then “grow/mature/are sanctified” by law? Explain.
v.19,20 Does the law impart life? Why?
How does a real Christian live?
What does crucifixion tell us about our contributions?
What is the essence of Christianity and of all godliness?
v.21 If we “contribute” through self-effort/law keeping, what does this say about the cross?
v.1 To adopt another gospel is to be what?
v.2,3 On what basis is the Spirit of God provided?
What is “perfected by the flesh” a synonym for?
v.5-7 What relationship did the law have in the Galatians receiving the Spirit and His benefits?
What relationship did the law have in Abraham being accounted righteous?
v.8 What was the essence of the gospel that was preached to Abraham?
v.8-14 What 2 contrasts are presented here?
Why is law not the means of righteousness?
Why are the works of the law under a curse?
In whom does the blessing of Abraham come to all?
Whom is a promise dependent upon?
v.15-18 Which covenant has priority, that of Abraham or of Moses?
Does the Law modify the covenant of Abraham at all? Explain.
What is the difference between a law and a promise?
v.16 To whom were the promises spoken?
What promise is specifically in view in this section [see v.8]?
In Whom are all nations blessed according to v.8 and v.16?
v.19-21 What was the purpose of the law?
How long was it to be in effect?
Who is the seed to whom the promise has been made [see v.16]?
v.22 What promise is being spoken of [see v.14]?
v.23-25 What was the purpose of the law here?
What relationship do we have to law once we’ve come to Christ?
v.26-29 What spiritual distinctions remain in Christ Jesus?
Are there still slaves and masters, male and female here on earth in the church [see Col.3:18,19,22]?
Are male and female identical [see I Pet.3:7]?
In what sense then are “all one in Christ Jesus”?
What significance does the law have in light of v.27?
v.29 How does this verse summarize the whole 3rd chapter?
[Session 41] GALATIANS 4 – 6
v.1-7 Are Christians slaves or sons? Explain.
Can we be both [see Rom.6:16-22]?
v.3 What are the elementary things of the world here and in v.9,10?
What are they in Col.2:8,20?
v.5,6 If you are under the law, what do you need that you do not possess?
v.11 What does a returning to the law indicate?
v.12-15 What was the occasion of Paul preaching the gospel to them the first time?
Is it God’s will that all believers be well at all times [see I Tim.5:23; 2 Tim.4:20]? Explain.
v.16-30 What was the apparent response to Paul’s message?
v.16-18 What did Paul tell them?
What did the teachers of the law wish the people to follow?
What choice are we always faced with?
What motivates the teachers of law?
What are believers shut out from by following their teaching?
v.19 Will Christ be formed within law keepers? Explain.
v.21-31 What do the following represent in this section: Hagar, Sarah, Ishmael, Isaac?
v.29 Why is this always the case?
v.30 What is the undeniable conclusion of the Scriptures regarding the law?
v.31 What relationship do believers have to Hagar? Explain
v.1 What is freedom [see v.13]?
Are we free to observe the law if we so choose? Explain.
v.2-4 Are Christ and the law compatible? Explain.
v.5 What is the contrast to these things as practiced by the Galatians?
v.6 If circumcision is the sign of the covenant with Abraham [see Rom.4:9-13], why is it not important for all who have faith as he did to also be circumcised [see Rom.2:28,29; Gal.6:15; Phil.3:3; Col.2:11]?
v.9 Describe the process and effect of leaven [see I Cor.5:6-8; Mt.13:33]?
What was the leaven present among the Galatians?
v.11 What is the contrast between the cross and circumcision?
What does this tell us about why Christians are persecuted?
v.13 Define freedom [see v.1; 2 Cor.3:17,18; Jn.8:32,36]?
v.14 How does this fulfill the law?
v.16 What is the desire of the flesh?
How are the tendencies of the flesh overcome?
v.17 What is the conflict that exists between the two of them?
v.18 Who is not under the law [see Rom.8:2-4,14]? Explain.
What does the Spirit lead us to do [see Rom.8:12-14]?
v.22-25 Describe a Christian.
v.1-5 What is to characterize anyone who speaks to another about a fault?
What is the purpose of speaking to someone in this way?
What place does pride or harshness have in helping others?
v.7-10 What is the universal principle in the spiritual life?
Describe the type of sowing that the Galatians were doing.
How is sowing to the Spirit specifically described here?
v.12-15 Why would this keep one from being persecuted for the cross of Christ?
What is the only legitimate thing a believer can boast in? Explain.
v.13 What is the real motivation behind all law keeping?
v.15 Why are these insignificant?
Why is a new creation the only thing that matters in these regards?
[Session 42] EPHESIANS 1
v.1,2 What does it mean to be described as saints and faithful in Christ?
v.3 What is provided for any in Christ Jesus?
What is a spiritual blessing?
How do Josh.1:2,3; 13:1; Num.33:51-56; Obadiah 17; and Eph.6:11-13 illustrate “the heavenlies”?
v.4-6 What was the purpose of God’s choosing of us?
In what sense have we been predestined [see Rom.8:28-30]?
What comparisons are there between the image of His Son and the adoption as sons?
What prompted God to choose us?
Where are all of these blessings to be found?
v.7,8 What is the connection between redemption and His blood?
What is forgiveness?
What is the measure of the extent of God’s forgiveness [see Mt.18:21-35; Isa.43:25; 44:21,22; Jer.50:20; Mic.7:18,19; Ps.103:l0-13; Heb.10:17]?
v.8-12 What is the mystery of His will?
What is a mystery [see Eph.3:4,5]?
What place does Christ have in God’s plan?
What place does He have in your life?
What does it mean for Christ to have first place in everything [see Col.1:18]?
What is the glory of God [see Ex.33:18-23]?
v.13,14 What specific things are we told about our salvation in these verses?
What place does truth play in our salvation?
What is truth [see Jn.14:6; 17:17; I Jn.5:20; Jn.6:63]?
What does a seal indicate?
Describe a pledge.
What does it mean that we are God’s possession?
v.15-19 What specifically does Paul pray for here?
Why is this needed?
Where does this type of understanding come from?
v.19,20 What is the measure or evidence of God’s power?
How is the power of God demonstrated in His people?
What does being at the “right hand” indicate?
v.21-23 What place does the Lord Jesus have in God’s purposes?
In what sense is Christ the head of the church?
In what sense is the church the fullness of Christ?
[Session 43] EPHESIANS 2
v.1 In what sense is dead used here?
What is the difference between trespasses and sins?
v.2 What is the course of the world?
Who is the prince of the power of the air?
What is his realm?
Who is he working in?
Are the sons of disobedience believers or unbelievers [see Eph.5:6]? Explain.
v.3 What motivates those who are in the world?
What is the difference between the desires of the flesh and those of the mind?
How did we become children of wrath?
v.4 What is the measure of God’s love [see Jn.3:16; I Jn.4:9,10; Rom.5:8]?
What is mercy [see Lk.10:33-37]?
v.5 What does it mean to be made alive?
What is grace [see 2 Cor.8:9]?
From what are we saved?
v.6 What does being “in Christ” mean [see Jn.15:1-6]?
v.7 What is God’s purpose as described here?
v.8 How is it that we have been saved?
What is not from ourselves?
What is the gift of God?
Who pays for a gift; the giver or the receiver?
v.9 What is the relationship between works and boasting?
v.10 What are we?
What are the implications of being created?
What are good works?
What does it mean to walk in them?
What does it tell us if we are not walking in good works?
v.11,12 How are Gentiles described?
v.13 What have we been brought near to?
How was this done?
v.14-18 What is peace?
How was it brought about?
How is the law described here?
How was the enmity of the law put to death?
Why was the law enmity?
What type of peace was preached?
What is the contrast between the Spirit and the law in this section?
v.19-22 Is the “foundation of the apostles and prophets” referring to the apostles and prophets themselves or that which has been laid by them [see I Cor.3:10,11]? Explain.
Of what significance is the cornerstone in a building?
How does a temple illustrate what the true church is?
[Session 44] EPHESIANS 3
v.2 What is stewardship [see I Cor.4:1,12; 9:16,17; Col.1:25; Lk.16:1,2]?
v.3-5 What is revelation?
What is its source?
Where will one find this revelation?
v.6 Was it a mystery that the Gentiles would become the people of God [see Acts 15:14-18; Rom.9:22-23; Ps.2:7-9; 22:27,28; Ps 67; 86.9,117; Isa.2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1-7; 49:5-7; 60:1-3; 66:18-21; 55:3-5; Zech.2:10,11; 8:20-23; 14:16-19; Mal.1:11; Deut.32:43]?
v.2-10 What is the mystery [see Rom.11:7,25-32; 16:25,26; I Cor.2:6-10; Eph.6:19; Col.1:25-29; I Tim.3:16]? How do 2 Thess.2:7, Rev. 17:5-7, and Mt.13:10-17,34,35 relate to the mystery Paul is speaking of here?
v.7 What does the word “minister” mean [see I Cor.3:5-7]?
v.8 Why was Paul the least of all saints [see I Cor.15:9; I Tim.1:15]?
v.9-11 What was the purpose of the creation as stated here?
Who are the rulers and authorities in the heavenlies [see Eph.6:12]?
How was the wisdom of God made known to Satan [see Job 1:8-12; 2:3-6]?
v.12 What is boldness [see Heb.4:15-16; 10:19]?
What is its source?
v.14-19 What specific things is Paul praying for?
How is the word “dwell” being used here?
Who will be able to grasp the love of Christ?
How will it occur?
What is the fullness of God [see Col.1:28,29; 2:9-10; Jn.1:16]?
v.20 What is it that God is able to do far beyond anything we may ask or think?
v.21 Has God always been glorified in His church [see Mt.16:18; Jn.17:1-26]? Explain.
[Session 45] EPHESIANS 4
v.1 What is the difference between being a prisoner of Rome and being a prisoner of the Lord?
What is our calling (see 2 Thess.2:14)?
v.2 What is forbearance [see the life of the Lord Jesus; Phil.4:5; Rom.14:1-13; 15:1-3,7; I Thess.5:14,15; I Cor.9:19-23; 2 Thess.3:6,14,15; Jude 22,23]?
Does forbearance require compromise of principle? Explain.
v.3-6 What is unity [see Jn.17:11,13-16; Phil.2:1,2]?
Does unity already exist or must it be created? Explain.
v.7-10 What is the background illustration in view here [see Ps.68:12-15]?
Does this passage indicate that the Lord Jesus descended into hell or that He came from Heaven to earth? Explain.
v.11-13 How does this relate to the prayer of 3:20,21?
What are the purposes of the gifts?
What does God use to equip His people [see 2 Tim.3:16,17]?
What are the saints to be doing?
How is maturity described here [see Heb.5:11-14]?
What is different about the unity of the Spirit in v.3 and the unity of the faith spoken of here?
v.13,14 What is the difference between children and maturity in these verses?
How are false doctrines developed [see Acts 20:30; Gal.6:12,13; 2 Pet.2:1-3; I Kings 12:26-33]?
v.15,16 What prevents the instability described in the previous verse [see 2 Tim.2:14-18]?
What two things are to be present in any word which we speak?
How is it that the body will be built up?
v.17-19 List specific characteristics in the natural condition of man.
v.20,21 How did we learn Christ?
Do we hear Him or hear about Him? Explain.
v.22-24 What needs to be done with the mind as described in vs.17-19?
v.25 What is to characterize all of our speech?
v.26 Is it ever permissible to be angry [see Mk.3:4,5; Jn.2:14-17; Job 32:1-10; Ezek.3:14; Ps.119:53; Neh.13:23-27; Acts 17:16,17]?
Were any of these instances resulting from personal insults or injuries?
What are we to be angry about; what are we not to be angry over?
v.27 What is it that gives the devil a place/opportunity?
v.28 Why should we labor?
v.29 Why should we speak?
v.30 What grieves the Holy Spirit [see Jn.16;14]?
What will be redeemed on that day [see Rom.8:23]?
v.31,32 On what basis are we to forgive each other [see Mt.18:21-35]?
[Session 46] EPHESIANS 5
v.1 What is the relationship between being a child and imitating God?
v.2 What does it mean to walk in love [see I Jn.3:16-18]?
How has Christ loved us?
“Sweet-smelling aroma” is the identical phrase that is used in Gen.8:21. What was the response of the Lord to this offering in Genesis; What is the response in the Lord Jesus?
v.3,4 In what sense should these things not be named among believers?
How is the giving of thanks the contrast to these?
v.5,6 What is the evidence of being a saint?
How is idolatry defined here?
v.7-14 What is to be our association with those walking in darkness?
What are the differences between the fruit of the Spirit/light here and that of Gal.5:22?
In what ways are we to reprove/expose the deeds of darkness?
v.12 Why should we not speak of these things [see Deut.12:30; Ex.23:13]?
v.15-17 How do the wise walk?
How is foolishness described?
What is the relationship between being unwise, not redeeming the time, and foolishness?
v.18-21 Considered in its grammatical structure, what does this passage teach us? The main verb is:
are subordinate to and attendant upon the main verb.
Outlined, the passage appears as follows:
BE FILLED [with the Spirit]
SPEAKING to one another
in Psalms SINGING to the Lord
in the name GIVING THANKS to God
in fear BEING SUBJECT to one another
In Col.3:15-17 what parallels and contrasts are seen?
v.22-33 What is the subject being addressed in this section?
What do we learn about the Lord Jesus as the Bridegroom?
What does being a bride tell us about the Church?
What specific things is the husband to do? What is the wife to do?
v.24 Is this an absolute directive with no exceptions (see Acts 5:1-11,29]? Explain.
v.26,27 How is the church to be sanctified and cleansed?
What effect is the Word of God to have upon the church [see Rev.19:7,8]?
v.31,32 Why is polygamy not the will of God for marriage?
[Session 47] EPHESIANS 6
v.1-3 What is the reason set forth for obedience?
What is the difference between obedience and honor?
How would honoring your father prolong your days [see Deut.6:1-9]?
v.4 How ought children to be brought up?
What does this involve [see Prov.13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13,14; 29:15,17]?
v.5-9 How ought we to perform our duties [see Col.3:22-24; Eccl.9:10]?
Whom are we actually serving in all that we do?
To whom do we look to for reward? Explain.
v.10 What does it mean to be strong in the Lord [see 2 Cor.12:9,10; Job 17:9; 2 Chron.27:6]?
v.11-13 Against whom is our struggle, men or spiritual powers? Explain.
What is required to stand against them?
What is a scheme?
v.14 What is truth [see Jn.17:17; 2 Thess.2:13; Ps.51:6; Ps.119:142,151]?
What role does the truth of the Word of God have in resisting the attacks of the enemy [see Mt.4:1-11]?
What does a breastplate protect?
How critical is guarding one’s heart [see Prov.4:23; Mk.7:18-23]?
v.15 Why do we wear shoes?
How is it that we should walk according to this verse?
v.16 What is the purpose of a shield?
Where does faith come from [see Rom.10:17]?
If the shield is faith, what then are the flaming darts of the evil one?
v.17 What does a helmet protect?
What is salvation?
How does it protect our minds [see 2 Cor.10:5]?
What is the one offensive weapon we are given in this battle?
The word translated “word” [Gk. Rhema] means “a specific utterance.” How is this different from the Word of God considered as a whole?
With which “word” are we to meet each individual attack?
v.18 What role does prayer play in this battle?
How does the Holy Spirit contribute to our being able to pray in this way [see Rom.8:26,27]?
Is this telling us to pray in tongues? Explain.
v.19,20 How are we to preach the gospel?
What is the source of this boldness?
[Session 48] PHILIPPIANS 2
v.1,2 How does v.1 provide the basis for our behavior in v.2?
What is to characterize believers?
v.3,4 What are we to think about ourselves?
What are we to think about others?
What is to occupy our concern?
What place does self-interest and self-seeking have among believers?
v.5 Who is the example for believers?
v.6,7 Even though He was God in the fullest sense, what did the Lord Jesus do?
Was it robbery for Him to be equal with God?
What is robbery?
What is a servant?
In what sense was the Lord Jesus made in the likeness of men [see Heb.2:14-18]?
In what sense was He not like men [see 2 Cor.5:21; Heb.4:15]?
v.8 What does it mean to humble oneself?
What was the extent of the Lord’s obedience?
What did it mean to die on a cross?
What is the point of the Lord becoming obedient unto death in light of v.5 [see Mt.16:24; Lk.9;23; Gal.5:24; 6:14]?
v.9-11 Who exalted the Lord Jesus?
When was this done?
Who exalts believers [see 1 Pet.5:6]?
When will each man’s praise come to him from God [see I Cor.4:5]?
How should we live until that day [see vs.1-5]?
Will anyone ever be exalted like the Lord Jesus?
What will everyone in Heaven and earth do at the name of Jesus [see Isa.45:22-25]?
v.12,13 Are we to work for our salvation or work out our salvation [see Eph.2:8-10]?
What is the difference?
Is it possible for a believer do good works? If so, how?
How dependent are we upon the Lord?
v.14-16 How are believers to live in this world?
What is to be their occupation?
v.19-22 What distinguished Timothy from others?
What are your own interests?
What are the interests of Christ Jesus?
How is proven worth developed?
Who was able to observe this in him [see Acts 16:2; I Tim.4:12]?
How does a child serve his father?
How does Timothy display the characteristics of a true disciple [see I Cor.4:17]?
[Session 49] PHILIPPIANS 3
v.1-3 What is false and true circumcision [see Rom.2:28,29; Gal.6:12,13; Col.2:11]?
What is true worship [see Jn.4:23,24; Rom 12:1,2]?
What is false worship [see Mk.7:6,7]?
Why is confidence in the flesh foolishness [See Prov.28:26; Jer.17:5; Jn.6:63; Rom.7:18]?
v.4-6 Of what value is our religious ceremony, cultural heritage, position among men, education, enthusiasm, devotedness, or strict religious observance?
Paul calls all of these things confidence in what?
v.7,8 “Gain” and “loss” are banking terms. “Gain” means assets, the things of worth, value, and enrichment. “Loss” means debts, things outstanding against us, impoverishment. How did Paul think of his fleshly attainments before he was converted?
How did he see them once he saw Christ?’
Once he knew the Lord Jesus, what did he think about everything listed in vs.4-6?
v.9-11 What is his one desire now?
Where does righteousness come from and how is it attained [see Rom.1:16,17; 2:21,22; 4:4-6; 9:30-32; 10:4,9,10]?
What does it mean to know Him [see Jn.17:3]?
What 3 things are associated with knowing Him in v.10?
What is the power of His resurrection [see Eph.1:19,20; I Cor.4:19,20; Rom.14:17; Phil.3:21]?
Before resurrection comes suffering and death. What is the purpose of suffering [see Heb.5:8; I Pet.2:19-24; 4:12-19; 2 Cor.1:3-11]?
v.12 What had Paul not already obtained?
What was He determined to do?
What was the purpose for which Christ laid hold of him [see 2 Thess.2:14]?
v.13,14 Does Paul forget everything from the past or only selected things? Explain.
What is the goal for which he is striving?
v.15,16 What does “perfect” mean here in contrast to v.12?
What is the focus and desire of the mature?
Why will God reveal to you if this is not your perspective?
Whatever our level of understanding and maturity is, what should we do?
v.17-19 Are we ever to follow men [see I Cor.11:1; Gal.2:11-14]? Explain.
What makes someone an enemy of the cross?
In what sense is the belly a god?
What does it mean to mind earthly things [see Mt.16:23; Col.3:2,5]?
What does it mean to boast in the cross [see Gal.6:14]?
v.20,21 Our “conversation/citizenship/commonwealth” is in Heaven. It is from Heaven that we derive our citizenship. How do the people of any tribe or culture behave?
How do those of the culture of Heaven conduct themselves?
What is the expectation of those whose birth is from Heaven?
[Session 50] COLOSSIANS 1
v.4 What is the relationship between faith and love [see Gal.5:6; I Thess.1:3; I Cor.13:13]?
v.5 What is our hope [see Col.1:23,27]?
v.6 What is the purpose of the gospel coming to believers?
Can there be fruit apart from an understanding of grace? Explain.
v.9-14 What are the key elements of Paul’s prayer?
What part do spiritual understanding, wisdom, and knowledge play in the spiritual life?
What is the purpose of power in v.11?
How are we made meet/qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints?
What does it mean to be in a kingdom?
Redemption is a price paid to purchase a possession. Where is redemption to be found?
v.15-17 If God is invisible, in what sense is the Lord Jesus the image of God [see 2 Cor.4:4; Jn.1:1,14,18]?
Does first born mean the first created or the heir and highest honored of all creation [see Ps.89:27; Deut. 21:15-17; Heb.1:6]?
Who is the Creator?
Could it be possible for the Lord Jesus to be created and yet be before all things?
What is the entire creation totally dependent upon?
v.18 What characterizes the head as opposed to the members?
What is the Lord Jesus the Head of [see Col.2:10]?
What is He the beginning of?
How does this “beginning” relate to Jn.1:1 and Rev.3:14?
In what sense is the Lord Jesus firstborn in this verse [see I Cor.15:20-23; Acts 26:23]?
What place is the Lord Jesus to have in your life?
In what specific ways does the Lord Jesus “have the preeminence/first place” in v.15-18?
v.19 What fullness does the Lord Jesus possess [see Col.2:9; Jn.1:14-17; Col.2:3]?
Why was the Father pleased with the Lord Jesus [see Mt.3:17; Jn.8:29]?
v.20-22 Reconcile means to bring enemies into agreement thereby establishing peace and friendship. What has the Lord Jesus reconciled to Himself [see Rom.5:10,11; 8:20,21; I Cor.15:23-28; 2 Cor.5:18-20]?
Peace is a state of spiritual well-being. What is the primary sense of peace that the cross has secured [see Rom.5:1; Eph.2:14-18]?
What is the purpose of God in reconciliation?
v.23 What condition is stated for this goal to be attained?
v.24,25 Are the afflictions of Christ mentioned here that which He suffered on the cross or what Paul and other gospel servants suffer due to preaching the gospel [see Acts 9:16; 20:23; I Pet.5:9,10]? Explain.
How does this relate to Acts 9:4,5?
v.26,27 What is the mystery?
v.28,29 What is the purpose of gospel ministry?
What should all of our teaching and interaction with others focus upon?
What resource is available to accomplish this?
v.24-29 Why does Paul labor mightily?
Does this describe your life?
[Session 51] COLOSSIANS 2
v.1-4 For what end was Paul laboring?
What is encouragement?
What type of wealth is he speaking of here?
What is the relationship between wisdom/knowledge and Christ?
What is the preeminent occupation of our lives [see Col.1:18,27,28]?
v.3 What sources are there for wisdom and knowledge [see Jas.3:15-17]?
v.4 What will keep us from being deluded?
v.6,7 How are we to walk and be built up?
What does “in Christ” mean [see Jn.15:4,5]?
How do we become rooted, built up, and established?
v.8-15 What is our only protection?
What is true “in Him” and “with Him”?
v.8 See vs.2-4. What does it mean to be taken captive?
What are the elementary principles of the world referred to here [see Col.2-20-23; Gal.4:3]?
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v.9 What does this mean?
v.10 What do we partake of as being in Him?
v.11-13 What does circumcision picture [see Ex.6:12; Jer.6:10; Lev.26:41; Phil.3:3]?
What does baptism picture?
How complete is the forgiveness of God?
v.14 What was the certificate of debt against us [see Gal.2:10,13; 3:21,22; Rom.7:9,10; 8:2-4; Eph.2:14-16]?
v.15 Who were these rulers and authorities [see Eph.1:20,21; 3:10; 6:12]?
v.16 What is the significance of “therefore” here?
Who is our judge [see Jas.4:12]?
What do all these items have in common?
Who was the Sabbath for [see Ex.31:16,17]?
v.17 What is the difference between a shadow and the reality?
If Christ is the reality, what does this tell us about all the ceremonies and external ordinances of the Law which preceded Him?
v.18,19 What defrauds you of your prize and stunts growth?
How do we grow?
What is the warning about relying upon subjective experiences such as angel visitations, dreams, visions, and one’s own understanding?
v.20-22 Who submits themselves to such decrees?
Why is the Christian not to governed or influenced by such things?
What does 2 Jn.8-11 have to say about this?
What warning do Prov.30:6 and I Cor.4:6 give?
v.23 Of what value are these rules, regulations, systems, and formulas?
What place do these things have for the Christian?
[Session 52] 2 THESSALONIANS 2
v.1 What type of gathering is this?
v.2 What influences our minds [see 2 Cor.10:5]?
v.3 Who is responsible for our being deceived?
What must take place before the day of the Lord comes [see I Tim.4:1-3; 2 Tim.4:1-5; Mt.13:31-33; 24:14,24; Lk.17:26-33; 21:8,12-19,34-36; Rev.2:9; 3:9; 17:1-6]?
What prepares the way for the man of lawlessness?
v.4,9,10 What characterizes this man [see Dan.7:17-25; 9:24-27; 11:29-39; Rev.13; 11:7,8]?
v.2-5 Why did Paul tell them these things [see Mt.24:4,5,23-25; I Thess.5:1-5]?
v.6,7 What is the difference between what restrains him and who restrains him [see Jn.15:26,27; 16:7-1 l]?
v.7 What is the mystery of lawlessness [see Mt.13:33]?
Who is the mother of abominations and immorality [see Rev.17:2-5]?
v.9 Are performing signs and wonders an evidence of being truly of God [see Mt.7:21-23; Rev.13:13-15]?
v.10 Why were these deceived?
What must be done to be saved [see Rom.6:17,18]?
v.11,12 Why will God do this [see Prov.1:23-33]?
v.13 What elements comprise our salvation here?
What place does the truth have throughout this section [see v.2,3,5,10,11,12,13,15,17]?
v.14 What is the goal of our salvation?
Glory is the outshining of the excellence of God’s character, the manifestation of moral perfection.
v.13-15 What will ensure this taking place?
What are the means of our salvation according to v.13?
v.16,17 Who alone can accomplish this?
What type of comfort do believers have [see 2 Cor.1:3-7]?
[Session 53] HEBREWS 1
v.1 What is the emphasis of this verse?
What is the difference between speaking “in” and speaking ”through”?
List the various portions and manners in which God spoke in the OT.
v.2 In what sense did this usher in the “last days”?
How did God speak in His Son [see Jn.1:18; 8:26-29,40,42; 10:25-32; 12:45-50; 14:6-11; Mt.24:35]?
What sense of finality does God’s speaking to us in His Son communicate to us?
What is an heir?
What is His inheritance [see Eph.1:18,22]?
How does the phrase “through Whom” relate to Gen.1:3; Jn.1:1-3; Col.1:16?
The word “world” is literally “ages.” The Lord Jesus created both the earth and the ages. What is the difference?
v.3 What do these 3 descriptions tell us about the Lord Jesus?
How do these 3 descriptions explain Col.2:9?
How does “purification” relate to Mk.2:5-12?
How was purification accomplished [see Heb.9:11-15; 10:10-14]?
Where has He been seated [see Eph.1:20-22; Phil.2:8-11]?
v.4-14 In what specific ways is the Lord Jesus superior to angels?
v.4 What do these names of the Lord Jesus mean: Immanuel – God with us [Mt.1:23], Jesus – Jehovah’s salvation [Mt.1:21], King of kings and Lord of lords [Rev.19:16], Word [Jn.1:1; Rev.19:13], Alpha and Omega [Rev.22:12,13; 1:8]?
What names of the Lord Jesus are found in Isa.9:6?
v.5 When were these things spoken [see Ps.2:7; Acts 13:33]?
v.6 Whom does the Father command to worship?
The word “worship” is the same as in Mt.4:10. What type of worship are we to render to the Lord Jesus [see Rev.5:11-14]?
v.7,8 What are angels called?
What is the Lord Jesus called?
v.9 Why was the Lord Jesus full of gladness?
v.10 Of whom is this spoken [see v.8]?
v.11,12 Who is unchanging [see Heb.13:8]?
v.13,14 What is the difference between the Lord Jesus and the angels in their works?
[Session 54] HEBREWS 3 & 4
v.1 How are true believers described here?
What is our focus to be?
Apostle means sent forth with a commission. In what sense is the Lord Jesus an apostle?
What is the main function of a high priest [see Heb.5:1]?
v.2-6 List the contrasts between Christ and Moses.
What is the house of God [see I Tim.3:15]?
v.7-11 Read Ps.95:6-11. When is “today”?
What does it mean to harden one’s heart?
When should we not harden our heart?
What is the difference between seeing God’s works and knowing His ways [see Ps.103:7]?
What provokes the anger of God?
v.12,13 What warning does this give us?
This word for “fall away/departing” is used elsewhere only in Lk.8:13 and in I Tim.4:1. What does it mean?
How are sin and its effects described here?
v.14,15 What insures becoming a partaker of Christ?
What is the relationship between “holding fast” and “hearing His voice”?
v.16-19 How many of Israel were truly saved?
How many in the “church” are saved [see Mt.7:13,14,19-23; Rev.3:1-4,15-20]?
Are disobedience and unbelief the same? Explain.
v.1 Why are we to fear?
v.2 When does the Word of God become profitable to us?
v.3-5 How is this rest described here?
What parallel can be seen in 2 Cor.5:17 and Eph.2:10?
v.6 Who enters His rest?
What is belief?
v.7 When is the time to believe?
v.8 How is the rest described here [see Deut.12:8-10]?
v.9-11 What kind of rest is being described here?
The word “rest/sabbatism/Sabbath-rest” is used only here in the NT and is not the same word used for the weekly Sabbath. What works have we ceased from?
Are diligence and rest compatible? Explain.
v.12,13 What is the relationship of v.12 to the preceding?
What can the Word of God do which no man can?
What implications does this have for psychotherapies?
What does God know?
v.14-16 What kind of High Priest do we have?
What should we then do?
In what sense was the Lord Jesus tempted in all things as we are: by experiencing temptation to every possible conceivable sin or by being tempted in the same manner that we are [see I Jn.2:16]?
[Session 55] HEBREWS 7
[Read Gen. 14: 17-24 as background]
v.1,2 Which is first, king of righteousness or king of peace [see Isa.32:17; Rom.5:1; 14:17]? Explain.
v.3 In what sense did this priest have no father or mother: literally or by having no recorded father or mother? Explain.
What “sacrifice” did he bring to Abraham [see Gen.14:18]?
What does this picture?
v.3,4 Who was he like?
What constituted his greatness?
v.4-10 Who pays homage, the greater or the lesser?
Who blesses, the greater or the lesser?
Since Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek, who is the greater?
Since Levi came from Abraham [through Isaac and Jacob], and Abraham had the promises, who is greater, Abraham or Levi?
Who then is the greater of the two, Melchizedek or Levi [see v.7,9]?
v.11 On what basis did Israel receive the Law?
Did the Law accomplish the perfection of righteousness [see v.18,19]?
v.12 Has the priesthood changed?
As such, what place does the Law have in Christ’s new priesthood?
How is the Law described in v.18,19; 8:7,13; 9:9,10; 10:1,8,9?
Are Christians under the Law [see Rom.10:4]? Explain.
v.13-17 The fact that the Lord Jesus was not a Levite tells us what about His priesthood?
On what basis did the Lord Jesus become a priest?
v.18-22 How is the Lord Jesus superior to the Law?
Why is this a better hope?
Why can He be a guarantee?
v.23-25 What is the Lord Jesus able to do? Explain.
Why couldn’t the former priests do this?
v.26 How is the Lord Jesus described here?
v.26-28 Contrast the priesthood of Christ with that of Aaron.
[Session 56] HEBREWS 8
v.1 What is the significance of a High Priest who is seated?
v.2-5 What kind of tabernacle is He talking about?
Why must it be erected according to the pattern [see Ex.25:40; I Chron.28:19; Ezek.40f; Zech.4:]?
Has anything been built without a plan?
What are the implications of this?
v.6 In each of these, why are they better than the first covenant?
v.7,8 What fault was found with the first covenant?
v.9 What does it mean that God did not care for them?
v.10 What was the Law of Moses written upon [see 2 Cor.3:3,7]?
Where is His Law written now for the Christian?
Is being the people of God different now for the Christian than it was for Israel [see Rom.9:6-8; 2 Cor.6: 14-7:1; Rom.2:28,29]?
v.11 Why will this instruction not be needed?
v.12 In what sense does God not remember our sins: in not recalling them to mind in order to judge us or in not having them in His memory at all? Explain.
v.13 What place does the Law have for the Christian?
[Session 57] HEBREWS 11
v.1 Is this a definition or a description?
What is faith?
What is it based upon [see Rom.10:17]?
v.2 How is a testimony obtained, by faith or by works? Explain.
v.3 Why is it that it is by faith that we understand?
How were the worlds/ages made [see Ps.33:6,9]?
By faith we understand. How does 2 Cor.5:7 relate to this?
v.4 If Abel did this by faith, what does this necessarily presuppose; what was his faith in?
Was it Abel’s attitude or his offering that God testified about? Explain.
In what sense does he still speak?
v.5,6 What does it mean to walk with God [see Gen.5:21-24; Amos 3:8]?
What pleases God [see Col.1:10; Heb.13:21; I Jn.3:22]?
v.7 What did Noah believe?
How does the ark picture salvation?
How is fear compatible with faith?
How did he become an heir of righteousness?
v.8 What is the only appropriate response to the call/Word of God [see Gal.5:6]?
How did he know where to go [see Acts 7:2,3; Rom.8:14]?
v.9,10,13-16 Why does the description “pilgrims and strangers” [see I Pet.2:11] suit believers?
What was his eye set upon?
What of things that they had left?
Who is God not ashamed of?
v.9-12 What is any promise dependent upon?
v.17 Why does God test us [see Jas.1:2-4; 2:21-23; 1 Pet.1:6,7; Ex.15:25; 20:20; Deut.8:2,3,16,17; 13:1-5; Job 23:10]?
v.17-19 How did the birth of Isaac prepare Abraham for the death of Isaac [see Rom.4:19-22]?
Describe the process that led Abraham to the conclusion that God would raise Isaac from the dead.
How was Gen.22:1-10 a type/illustration of Christ?
v.20 In what sense was it by faith that Isaac blessed his sons?
v.21 How is worship by faith [see Jn.4:23,24]?
What is the significance of Jacob worshiping leaning on top of his staff [see Gen.32:24-31; Ps.147:10]?
v.23 Why did Moses’ parents hide him?
v.24-29 What does a choice to believe God necessarily entail?
What must be refused, abandoned, chosen, embraced, and received?
v.30,31 When had Rahab believed, before or after she welcomed the spies [see Josh.2:8-14]?
What was her faith based upon?
v.32-40 What does true faith result in?
Some escaped the edge of the sword [v.34] while some were slain by the sword [v.37]. Which ones had faith? Explain.
What does it mean that the world was not worthy of these people of faith?
[Session 58] JAMES 2
v.1-9 What is the motivation behind partiality?
What place does self-seeking have in true Christianity?
Are riches a sign of being blessed by God?
Is poverty a sign of unbelief? Explain.
What is the great law of the kingdom [see Rom.13:8-10]?
Why can showing partiality never be obedience to the will of God?
v.8-13 What was one of the chief purposes of the Law [see Gal.3:24]?
What is the fulfillment of the Law?
If you do not love in one point, how does this make one guilty of all?
What is the law of liberty [see v.8; 1:25]?
How is love true freedom?
What is the relationship between mercy, love, and liberty in these verses?
v.14-17 What type of works is James saying we must have: works of the law [see Rom.3:28], dead works [see Heb.9:14], works of the flesh [see Rom.4:1,2; Gal.5:19], works of darkness [see Rom.13:12], wicked works [see Col.1:21], our
own works [see 2 Tim.1:9; Heb.4:10], or the work of faith [see 1 Thess.1:3; 2 Thess.1:11], the work of God [see Jn.6:29; Rom.14:20], faith working through love [Gal.5:6], and God working in you [see Phil.2:13]?
James says that the person described in v.14-17 has no faith. John says he has no _________________ [see I Jn.3:16-18].
v.18 Is it possible to visibly demonstrate the invisible reality of faith apart form an external act of obedience? Explain.
v.19 Is faith an acknowledgement of fact?
What is faith?
v.20 If God is not at work in you, do you have genuine faith [see Eph.2:8-10; Phil.2:12,13]?
v.21-24 Does the word justify mean to declare as righteous or to make righteous [see Lk.7:29 where it literally says: they “justified God” as in the KJV]?
The quote “Abraham believed God” occurred in Gen.15:6. Was he justified by faith at this time or by works?
Abraham offered Isaac in Gen.22. Was he justified by faith at this time or by works?
In whose sight are we justified by faith [see Rom.4:2]?
In whose sight are we justified by works, men or God?
v.25,26 In whose sight was Rahab justified by this deed?
Read Josh.2:1-14. Had Rahab repented and believed before or after she received the spies?
[Session 59] 2 PETER 1
v.3,4 How will we become partakers of the Divine nature?
What is the Divine nature [see Rom.8:29; 2 Cor.3:17,18; Jn.1:16,17; 1 Jn.3:2,3; Phil.3:20,21]?
With respect to life and godliness, what do we lack?
What are the means through which we experience this?
What conditions must exist for a promise to be realized?
What is in the world [see Gal.1:4; I Jn.2:15-17]?
v.5 What value does the Lord place upon diligence and self-discipline [see v.10,15; Rom.12:11; I Cor.9:27; I Tirn.4:7,15,16; 2 Tim.2:15; Tit.2:11-14]?
v.5-7 What qualities are we responsible to maintain and pursue in our lives?
v.8-11 What are the results if we have such qualities?
What is the evidence of our being called and chosen?
What is the difference between “blind” and “short-sighted/unable to see afar off’?
How will an abundant entrance into the kingdom of the Lord be provided?
v.12 What does it mean to be established in the truth?
v.13-15 What did Peter have as his utmost concern as his death approached?
v.16 Why was he eager for them to be able to recall his teaching?
v.16-21 What is even more certain than the greatest of spiritual experiences?
Did Peter urge them to follow him because of his experiences or to give heed to the Word of God?
Do we follow the man of God or the Word of God?
What will enlighten us even after the departure of the apostles?
v.20,21 Why ought we to base our faith upon nothing else but the Scriptures?
Are the Scriptures the ideas of men?
How did the men who wrote the Scriptures know what to write?
What does it mean that men were “moved” by the Holy Spirit?
Do all prophesies come from God [see Jer.23:16-32]?
What will we never find in the Word of God?
[Session 60] I JOHN 1 & 2
v. 1-4 What was manifest?
What association did John have with the Life?
Why was he writing to them?
Fellowship means to share in common.
What connection is there between the Word of God and experiencing the manifested life in the Lord Jesus?
v.5-7 God is Light [v.9], God is Love [I Jn.4:8], God is Spirit [Jn.4:24].
How do these 3 descriptions summarize the revealed nature of God?
What is light; darkness?
Describe the process of walking.
What is the basis of fellowship with the saints?
How can one be assured that the blood of Jesus cleanses him from all sin?
What is the blood of Jesus associated with in the NT [These are all the NT references to the blood of Jesus: Mk.14:24; Lk.22:20; Acts 20:28; Rom.3:25, 5:9; I Cor.10:16; 11:25; Eph.1:7; 2:13; Col.1:14,20; Heb.9:12-14; 12:24; 13:12,20; I Pet.1:2,19; I Jn.1:7; Rev. 1:5; 5:9; 7:14; 12:11]?
Is the blood of Jesus ever to be “used” as a protection from evil, danger, or demons? Explain.
v.8-10 Sin [v.8], sins [v.9], and sinned [v.10]: What are the distinctions between these?
What is the remedy for committing sins [see Prov.28:13]?
What can we confidently expect God to do?
On what basis will God say that we have sinned [v.10]?
Why ought we to confess when convicted?
v.1,2 What was another purpose for his writing besides 1:4?
Advocate is “one called alongside to help.” How does the Lord Jesus “help” us when we sin?
To what extent has the Lord Jesus satisfied the righteous demands of the holy God [propitiation]?
v.3-6 How do we know if we are genuine believers?
How did the Lord Jesus “walk”?
v.7-11 What is another evidence of having genuine faith?
What can be said of you if you do not love your brother?
v.12-14 What categories of believers are there?
Are all “little children” [see I Jn.2:1,28; 3:7,18; 4:4; 5:21]?
v.15-17 Are the world and the things in it equivalent?
Is it possible to love both the Father and the world?
What is the world?
What is all that is in it?
What is it that will remain forever?
v.18,19 How do we recognize antichrists, those who are either against Christ and/or presume to take His place?
v.20,21 How do we know?
v.25 Who is this promise dependent upon?
v.26 What is a third reason for his writing to them [see 1:4; 2:1]?
v.27-29 In what sense do we need no one to teach us?
What protection and assurance does the anointing provide us?
In what sense do we need teachers?
What will bring shame at His coming?
What is a third way we can be assured of being a genuine believer [see 2:3,10]?
[Session 61] I JOHN 3-5
v.1-3 What is the measure of the greatness of God’s love?
What will be the cause of our becoming like him?
What is our standard to which we must become conformed?
Is current Christian practice our standard of truth and conduct?
v.4-10 How is sin defined here?
What was one purpose of the Lord Jesus’ appearing?
Can genuine believers continue in practicing sin? Explain.
Does this mean that a believer will never commit even one sin or that a believer will not continue to be characterized by sin as a life-style [see I Jn.2:1]?
If you are not practicing righteousness, what can you have no assurance of?
Can one be like the devil and be of God?
Why does a genuine believer not practice sin?
v.11-15 How are Cain and Abel examples of these truths?
Why would the world hate believers?
How is hate equivalent to murder?
v.16-18 In what sense are we to lay down our lives for the brethren?
How should we love?
v.19-24 How will we know that we are of the truth [see 3:14; 2:10; 4:7,20]?
How will loving the brethren give assurance to our hearts that we are children of God even if we may have sinned?
On what basis will prayer be answered?
What are the 2 great commandments?
What is the 4th test that assures us that we are of God [see 2:3,10,28]?
v.1-6 How do false spirits show themselves?
On what basis have they been overcome?
What is the 5th test if someone is truly of God [see 2:3,10,28; 3:24]?
v.7-14 How do we know love?
Things that we do which are like the Lord Jesus are an evidence of what?
Define love.
v.15-21 What gives confidence in the day of judgment?
Why does perfect or mature love cast out fear?
In this context, what is God like?
How then are we like Him in this world?
Why do we love?
Is it possible to love God but not your brother? Explain.
v.1-5 Whom does the child instinctively love?
What is the evidence of loving the children of God?
What is the evidence of loving God?
In what sense are believers overcomers?
Are all believers overcomers or only some? Explain.
What is the 6th evidence of being of God [see 2:3,10,28; 3:24; 4:6]?
v.6-12 What is the testimony?
Water pictures what [see Eph.5:26]?
What will the Spirit of God never be in conflict with?
What is “the Life” to which John is referring [see 1:2,3]?
What is the 7th evidence of truly being born again [see 2:3,10,28; 3:24; 4:6; 5:4]?
v.13 What is the 4th reason for his writing to them [see 1:4; 2:1,26]?
v.14,15 What is the great condition for answered prayer [see Mt.6:10; 26:42]?
What word describing prayer is repeated in these verses?
What is the difference between asking and demanding or confessing?
v.16,17 Are there categories of sin [see Jn.19:11; 2 Chron.21:13; Ezek.16:51,52]?
On what basis will the guilt and gravity of sin be measured [see Lk.12:47,48; 20:47; Mt.11:20-24]?
How do these passages relate to sin unto death [see Prov.11:19; 29:1; I Cor.11:29-31; Jas.5:19,20]?
How did the Pharisees commit this sin [see Mt.9:34; 12:24,30-32]?
How did Saul commit this sin [see I Sam.15:1-3,9-11,18,19,22,23; I Chron.10:13,14]?
How did Judas [see Jn.6:70,71; 12:4-6; Acts 1:24,25]?
Is prayer always to be made regardless of the sin committed [see Jer.7:16-20; 14:10-12]?
What summarizes sin unto death [see Jer.11:9-15]?
v.18 How are we kept from sin?
What is the final evidence of being born again [see 2:3,10,28; 3:24; 4:6; 5:4,12]?
v.19-21 The world “lieth in wickedness” (KJV), “lies in the power of the evil one” (NASB), “is under the control of the evil one” (NIV). Which of two realms are all men under [see Acts 26:18; Col.1:13]?
What is the purpose of understanding?
Where does it come from [see I Cor.2:9-16]?
Who is the true God?
What idols are we to keep ourselves from [see Ezek.14:3; Col.3:5]?
[Session 62] REVELATION 1
v.1 What is this book revealing?
v.11-13 Where did John find the Son of Man?
Who is the Son of Man [see Dan.7:13,14; Mt.24:30; Rev.14:14]?
What type of robe was He wearing [see Ex.28:2]?
Gold represents what is of God: enduring, costly, and untarnished. He is girded across His breast. What does this communicate to us?
v.14 What does whiteness portray [see Prov.16:31; 20:29; Dan.7:9,10]?
What will the fire do [see I Cor.3:13-15]?
What type of perception does the Lord Jesus have [see Heb.4:13]?
v.15 What will happen wherever the Lord walks?
Where does He walk [see Rev.2:1]?
Who appeared to Daniel [see Dan.10:5,6]?
Describe His word [see Ps.29:3-9].
v.16 What is in His right hand [see v.20]?
How does this illustrate Eph.1:20-22?
What is the sharp two-edged sword [see Eph.6:17; Heb.4:12; Rev.19:15]?
What do we see in the face of Jesus [see 2 Cor.4:6]?
v.17 What is the only proper response one may have when seeing the glory of God [see Ex.3:6; Isa.6:3; Ezek.1:28; 3:23; Acts 9:3,4]?
Who is the First and the Last [see Rev.22:12,13; 1:8]?
v.18 What does the One who has the keys do?
What keys does the Lord Jesus have [see 3:7]?
v.19.20 How does v.19 provide an outline for the book of Revelation [see 4:1]?
What is a lampstand and its purpose [see Zech.4]?
[Session 63] REVELATION 2 & 3
The messages to the 7 churches have significance in several ways. They speak to the individual churches addressed. They speak to the church in general. They speak to individual believers. They outline the course of the church’s history.
Ephesus – The Apostolic Era [until about 100 AD]
Smyrna – The church under Rome’s 10 edicts of persecution [until about 300 AD]
Pergamum – The worldly church as the state religion of Rome [until about 400 AD]
Thyatira – The Roman Catholic system [beginning about 400 AD]
Sardis – The Protestant system [beginning about 1500 AD]
Philadelphia – The revived missionary church [beginning about 1700 AD]
Laodicea – The lukewarm church of the last days [beginning in the early 1900’s AD]
Each message to the 7 churches contains:
[1] A description of the Lord Jesus as found in the vision of chapter 1 which specifically relates to the condition of that assembly.
[2] The Lord’s statement, “I know …”
[3] A message to the overcomer
[4] A call to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.
Only Smyrna, the suffering church, and Philadelphia, the obedient church, have no word of reproof.
Only these 2 churches are contrasted with the pretended “church” which is actually a synagogue of Satan.
From these 7 messages, what does the Lord specifically commend?
What does the Lord specifically condemn?
What is an overcomer [see I Jn.5:1-4]?
v.4 What is our “first” love [see Lk.15:22 where the same Greek word is translated “best”]?
v.6,15 Nicolaitan comes from 2 Greek words, Nikao – ”I conquer” and Laos – “the common people.” What does the Lord Jesus hate in His church [see 3 Jn.9,10]?
v.10 If Christians have authority over “all the power of the enemy” [Lk.10:19], and the Lord Jesus has “all authority in heaven and earth” [Mt.28:18], then how could Satan cast some of them into prison where they would die? Explain.
v.13 “Antipas” means “against all.” What does it mean to be a faithful witness?
v.20 What are the tests of a true prophet of God [see Deut.13:1-11; 18:18-22; Jer.23:14-22; Mt.7:15-23; I Jn.4:1-6]?
v.8 Why was the open door set before them?
“Laodicea” means “the people’s rights.” What is the focus of those whose orientation is “rights”?
v.15,16 Coming into the city of Laodicea travelers encounter a natural cold spring of water for their refreshment. On the opposite side of the city, there is a natural hot spring for healing. How does this relate to the Lord’s statements to this church?
v.17 How does this relate to their spiritual condition and to John 15:5?
[Session 1] GOD
GENESIS 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
When did this occur?
What does this tell us about God in relation to time?
What does this tell us about God in relation to space?
What else can we learn about God from this verse?
What did God do here?
What properties and/or conditions must exist for something to be created?
What does this tell us about God [see Acts 17:24,25]?
What does this tell us about the creation [see Heb.11:3]?
What contrasts are present in this verse?
What are we to learn about God from the phrase “heavens and earth”?
What is true about God from this verse?
If God were the sum of all creation or a spirit permeating or living in all of creation [as in Hinduism], what impossible contradictions would exist in His being if this were so?
What necessary moral consequences for man flow from the fact that God created?
How does this verse disprove evolution?
Did God use evolutionary means to bring about the universe as we know it [see I Cor.15:39]? Explain.
Why does the Bible not begin with a philosophical inquiry into the being and nature of God [see Job 11:7; I Cor.2:9-14]?
What is the foundational spiritual principle found in this first verse of the Scriptures?
[Session 2] GOD
GOD is SPIRIT [Jn.4:24]. The following characteristics relate to God as Spirit.
LIVING [Ps.42:2; Acts 14:15]
What distinguishes life from non-life?
Are all living things identical?
What differing types of life can we observe [see I Cor.15:39]?
Can we expect that a dog will understand everything about a man?
Can we expect that man will understand everything about God? Explain.
INVISIBLE [I Tim.1:17]
Will we ever see God [see Mt.5:8; I Tim.6:16]? Explain.
INCORPOREAL [not made up of matter: see Lk.24.39]
If God has no form or bodily parts, what do these passages mean [see Isa.65:2; Neh.1:6; Ps.34:16; Ps.91:4]?
INFINITE [Ps.90:2; 139:7-10; 147:5; I Kings 8:27; Rev.4:8]
Where is God?
With respect to what is God infinite?
PERSONALITY [Ps.139:17; Jas.1:18; Gen.28:13; Ps.78:40; Ezek.6:9; Isa.43:24; Ps.147:10,11; Zeph.3:17]
What are the basic elements of personality that God possesses?
Does God have any needs? Explain.
OMNIPOTENT [All powerful: Job 42.2; Lk.1:37]
What can God do?
What can God not do [see Hab.1:13; 2 Tim.2:13; Tit.1:2; Heb.6:18]?
Does this contradict Lk.1:37? Explain.
IMMUTABLE [Unchanging: Mal.3:6; Ps.119:89; Heb.6:17; 13:8; Jas.1:17]
Does Jer.18:8 contradict this? Explain.
Does the fact that God doesn’t change mean that He must always do the same things at all times [see Josh.5:12]? Explain.
OMNISCIENT [All knowing: I Sam.23:11; Ps.139:4; 147:4,5; Isa.46:9,10; Mt.6:8; 10:29,30; 11:27;
I Cor.2:10,11; 4:5]
List the specific categories of things that God knows.
[Session 3] GOD
GOD IS LIGHT [I Jn.1:5]. The following characteristics relate to God as light.
TRINITY I Cor.8:6, Jn. 1:1,14, Acts 5:3,4.
In these verses, who is referred to as God?
What do these OT passages and their NT parallels tell us about the Lord Jesus?
Compare these pairs of passages: Isa.6:1 and Jn.12:37-41; Joel 2:32 and Rm.10:9,13; Isa.40:3 and Mt.3:3; Ps.68:18 and Eph.4:7,8; Isa.45:23 and Phil.2:10; Deut.32:39 and Jn.8:58.
What attributes of God are seen in the Lord Jesus in each of the following verses? Jn.1:4; Heb.7:3; Heb.13:8; Jn.14:6; I Jn.5:20; I Jn.3:16; I Jn.4:16; Lk.1:35; Jn.17:5; Mt.28:20; Col.2:3; Mt.28:18; Isa.9:6.
What works of God are ascribed to the Lord Jesus in the following verses? Jn.1:3; Col.1:16; Jn.5:27-29; Col.1:17; Heb.1:3; Mt.25:31,32; Mk.2:10.
What was the Lord Jesus willing to receive from men and angels in the following verses? Jn.5:23; Jn.20:28; Heb.1:6; Rev.5:8-14.
What claims did the Lord Jesus make about Himself in the following verses? Mt.22:42-45; Jn.5:23; Jn.8:19; Jn.8:58,59; Jn.10:28-33; Jn.14:8,9; Jn.17:3,5.
What do these OT verses tell us about the Messiah? Isa.7:14; Isa.9:6; Mic.5:2; Ps.45:6,7;
Ps.110:1; Jer.23:5,6.
What is the Angel/Messenger of the Lord revealed to be in the following verses? Gen.16:7-13; Gen.22:11-18; Ex.3:2-4; Jud.13:15-23.
The Angel of the Lord is never mentioned in the NT [as distinguished from an angel]. Based upon who He was revealed to be in the OT and that He never appears in the NT, who do we conclude that He is? [Note: both the Hebrew and the Greek words for “Angel” also mean “Messenger” and are translated that way in various OT and NT passages].
How do these OT verses demonstrate the Trinity at work? Gen.1:26; Gen.11:7; Isa.6:8;
What is true of the Holy Spirit from the following verses? Heb.9:14; Ps.139:7; I Cor.2:10; Lk.1:35; Neh.9:20; Rom.15:30; Jn.16:13; I Cor.2:11; Eph.4:30; I Cor.12:11; 2 Cor.13:14; 2 Cor.3:17.
What works of God are seen in the Holy Spirit from the following verses? Gen.1:1,2; Ps.104:30; I Cor.12:4-6; Jn.6:63; I Pet.1:10-12.
UNITY Deut.6:4, I Tim.2:5.
In what sense is God one?
GLORY Ex.33:18-23.
What is the glory of God?
What is the united purpose and practice of the Godhead [see Jn.17:1; Jn.16:13,14]?
[Session 4] GOD
GOD IS LIGHT [I Jn.1:5]. The following characteristics relate to God as light:
TRUE “the only true God…Thy word is truth…” [Jn.17:3,17]
Define “truth.”
Are the following statements true or false? Explain your answer for each:
Truth can be known.
Truth can be communicated.
Truth is not a matter of one’s own perspective.
There is absolute truth.
Truth is one: i.e., anything that is true is in harmony with all other truths.
The Bible contains both absolute truth [e.g. All have sinned] and relative truth [e.g. Lazarus is dead].
The only valid basis upon which anything can be known for certain is if there is revelation from an infinite, personal, non-arbitrary source.
RIGHTEOUS/JUST “For the Lord is Righteous: He loves righteousness” [Ps.11:7].
What is the basic idea of righteousness?
What does this tell us about the nature of God?
What is meant by justice [see Ps.58.10,11; Mt 10:41,42; Mt.16:27]?
JEALOUS “For you shall not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” [Ex.34:14].
In what sense is God jealous?
Is jealousy on our part appropriate in some situations or at no time [see Gal.5:19,20; 2 Cor.11:2]?
HATE Ps.5:4-6; 11:5; Jer.12:8; Hos.9:15; Mal.1:2,3.
Does God love everyone? Explain.
What is hate as it relates to God?
SOVEREIGN I Chron.29:11,12; Ps.115:3; Isa.14:24; Dan.4:35; Eph.1:11; Col.1:17; Heb.1:2,3; Prov.21:1.
Is there anything outside the realm of God’s ordering and control? Explain.
HOLY “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty” [Rev.4:8].
How is holiness different from righteousness?
What does it mean to be holy?
[Session 5] GOD
GOD IS LOVE [I Jn.4:8]. The following characteristics relate to God as love:
Describe the love between the Father and the Son [see Jn.3:35; 5:20; 10:17; 14:31; 15:10].
What elements comprise God’s love to man [see Rom.5:8; Eph.2:4-8]?
How can an inferior/subordinate show love to a superior [see Jn.14:15,23,24; 15:9,10; I Jn.5:3]?
What is the relationship between purity and love [see I Tim.1:5; 1 Pet.1:22]?
Is love primarily an emotion [see Mt.5:44]? Explain.
The following verses use a different word for love [Gk. Phileo – affectionate devotion]. What element[s] does this add to the concept of love [see Jn.16:27; I Cor. 16:22; I Pet.1:22; Heb.13:1]?
What do these verses tell us about true love [see Mk.10:21; Eph.4:15]?
Is God’s love unconditionally given to everyone [see Rom.8:35-39; Lam.3:22,23; Ps.78:58,59; Hos.9:15; Mal.1:2,3]? Explain.
What is the difference between God’s love for the world and His love for the believers [see Jn.3:16; 14:21-23]?
COMPASSION/MERCY Eph.2:4; Lk.10:33-37.
Define mercy [see Lk.10:33-37].
Is God obligated to show mercy equally to all [see Rom.9:15-18]?
How is the patience of God expressed in these verses?
PROVIDENCE/BENEVOLENCE Acts 14:17; Mt.5:44,45; Lk.6:32-35.
How else is the goodness and love of God shown to men?
GRACE 2 Cor.8:9; Eph.2:5-8; Eph.1:7,8; Tit.2:11,12.
What is grace?
GOOD Ps.119:68; Mk.10:18.
Describe goodness.
GUIDE Ex.15:13.
What does it mean that God guides?
JOY Zeph.3:17; Heb.12:2.
Describe the joy of God.
PRESERVER Deut.32:10.
What does the Lord preserve His people from?
SAVIOR Isa.12:2,3.
What does God save us from?
KINDNESS Rom.2:4; Eph.2:7; Lk.6:35.
How is God’s kindness shown to men?
[Session 6] MAN
“Then God said ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; and let them rule…over all the earth…in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them'” [Gen.1:26,27].
What attributes of God would you expect to be seen in man from the above passage?
What was man’s relationship to the creation to be and is this a present day reality [see Rom.8:20-25; Heb.2:5-8]? Explain.
As being created, what does this tell us about man?
Many people believe that there is no God. They think that man was not created but rather evolved from other life-forms. From this standpoint, what does evolution tell us about man with respect to:
[1] humanness in contrast to animals.
[2] responsibility/accountability.
[3] purpose.
[4] spirituality.
[5] man’s place in the universe.
When is a man constituted a human being [see Ps.58:3; Ps.139:13]]?
What does this tell us about abortion?
What is freedom [see Gen.2:15-17; Jn.8:34,36]?
In what sense were Adam and Eve free?
Man is viewed as a unity, as acting as one [see Mk.8:35; Lk.9:25; 2 Cor.5:10]. Is it possible for one’s heart to be right and the actions through the body to be sinful? Explain.
How many parts of man’s constitution are noted here and what are they [see Mt.10;28]?
What is the soul capable of [see Ps.107:9; Lev.26:11; Job 30:16; S. of S.1:7; Ezek.18:4]?
How many parts is Man viewed as having here and what are the general aspects of each [see I Cor.6:12, 13; 9:27; I Thess.5:23]?
What role does the human spirit take [see Rom.8:16; I Cor.6:17]?
What is the purpose of the body [see 2 Pet.1:13; I Cor.6:13; 2 Cor.4:7; Heb.10:5]?
On what basis does fellowship exist [see Amos 3:3; I Jn.1:7]?
How long will man exist [see Mt.25:46; Acts 24:15]?
What is the created role of the woman in relation to the man [see Gen.2:18; I Cor.11:9]?
Man is viewed as one yet as two. How does male and female being one relate to the image of God [see Gen.2:24]?
Describe man and his environment as created by God [see Gen.1:28,31; 2:8,9,25].
Could man have been like God without working [see Gen.2:15]? Explain.
[Session 7] SIN
What characterized the nature of sin as seen in its origin in Ezek.28:15-18 and Isa.14:11-14?
Review OT Key Passages, Session 2.
What is the essence of sin?
Consider carefully the steps that led to sin, the nature of temptation, and the relationship between Eve, the Lord, and Satan during this process. Describe how sin came to be.
[Session 8] SIN
What do these verses tell us about the extent of sin [see Gen.3:16-19; Rom.3:23; 8:19-22; Job15:14-16; Job 25:5,6; Prov.20:9; Ps.14:1-3; Rom.3:9-18; I Kings 8:46]?
Are some sins worse than others [see Jn.19:11]? Explain.
Are all men equally evil [see Ezek.16:51,52; 2 Chron.21:13; Mt.11:21,22; Lk.20:47]? Explain.
What effects has sin had upon our:
MINDS [see Rom.1:28-31; 8:5-7; Eph.4:17-19]?
BODIES [see Rom.1:24; Eph.2:3; 4:19]?
HEARTS [Rom.1:21; Mk.7:20-23; Eph.4:18; Gen.6:5]?
WILL [see Rom.1:32; Jn.8:34; Rom.7:14-24; Jn.5:40]?
What penalties does sin bring [see Rom.6:23; Isa.59:2; Ezek.18:20; Prov.14:12; Rom.2:5-8; 2 Thess.1:5-10; Gal.6:7,8]?
How did sin enter the world [see Rom.5:12]?
What resulted for all men because of Adam’s sin [see Rom.5:15-17]?
What connection has developed because of sin [see I Jn.3:8,10; Acts 26:18; 2 Cor.4:4; Jn.8:44]?
What do men, by their basic nature, lack [see 2 Tim.3:14; Jn.5:42; Jn.3:19; Rom.33:11]?
Describe man’s abilities since sin [see Rom.5:6; 8:7,8].
Against whom is sin committed [see Ps.51:4; Mt.18:21]?
What is conscience [see Rom.2:15]?
What else do we learn about conscience from the following [see I Cor.10:29; I Tim.4:2; I Tim.1:5; 2 Cor. 1:12; 8:7; Rom.9:1]?
What is its standard of right and wrong?
Does everyone’s conscience direct them to do good [see Prov.30:20]?
Is our conscience to be our guide? Explain.
See Mt.9:11-13. How do these diseases illustrate sin and its effects: fever – lame – blind – mute/dumb – deaf – leprosy – withered hand – palsy – epilepsy?
[Session 9] SIN
Sin has resulted in all men becoming:
GUILTY [deserving of punishment. See Ps.32:5; Jas.2:9,10; Jas.4:11,12; Prov.20:9].
CORRUPT [see Rom.3:9-18; Ps.14:1-3; Gen.6:11,12; Eph.4:17-19,22; Mk.7:20-23; Job15:14-16; Gal.6:7, 8; Rom.1:24; Eph.2:3].
in BONDAGE/POWERLESS/CAPTIVES [see Jn.8:34; Rom.6:16-23; 2 Pet.2:19; Rom.7:7-24; Eph.2:3; Rom.5:6; 8:7,8; Ps.16:2; Isa.64:6; Jer.13:23; Job14:4; Ps.49:7,8; Jn.6:44,65; Jn.8:44; Acts 26:18; 2 Cor.4:4; I Jn.3:8-10; I Jn.5:19].
MISERABLE [see Mt.11:28; Isa.57:20,21; Ps.16:4; 32:3,4,10].
DEAD [Rom.5:17; 6:23; Eph.2:1,5; 4:18; Rev.20:13-15].
ENEMIES [Rom.5:10; Col.1:21; Jas.4:4].
DARKENED [Rom.1:21; Jn.12:35,36; Eph.4:18; I Jn.2:11; 2 Cor.4:4].
[Session 10] CHRIST
Review Basic Doctrine, Session 3.
Is the Lord Jesus fully God [see Jn.1:1; Col.2:9]? Explain.
Which verses other than these two will you use to demonstrate this truth?
Why did the Lord Jesus become man [see Jn.1:14,18; Heb.1:2,3; I Tim.1:15; Mk.10:45; Lk.19:10; Ps.40:6-8; Heb.2:14,17; I Jn.3:5,8]?
How did the Lord Jesus become man [see Isa.7:14; Lk.1:30-35; Mt.1:2-23; Phil.2:5-8]?
What did He empty Himself of [see Phil.2:5-11; Jn.17:4,5]?
How did He live while upon earth [see Jn.4:34; 5:19,30; 8:28,29; 12:49; 14:10; Lk.2:49; 3:21,22; Lk.4:1,14; Lk.5:16,17; 6:12; 9:18,28,29; 10:21,22; 11:1; 22:17,19,31,32,40-46; 23:46; Heb.9:14; Acts 10:38]?
Describe the Lord’s quality of life as a man [see Jn.8:29,46; 17:4; 2 Cor.5:21; Heb.4:15; 7:26; I Pet.2:22].
What do these verses tell us about the moral perfection of the Lord Jesus [see Jn.1:17; Mt.11:19,29; Lk.2:40,51; Mk.3:5; Lk.19:41; Jn.11:5; Mk.10:13-16,21; Mt.9:36; Jn.8:11; Lk.10:21; Jn.2:14-17; 7:7]?
[Session 11] CHRIST
“Jesus said to him, ‘Follow Me”‘ [Mt.8:22]. “I gave you an example that you should do as I did to you” [Jn.13:15].
How did the Lord Jesus conduct Himself with the following types of people and in the following contexts?
In religious meetings [see Mt.4:23; 9:35-38; Mk.1:21-28; 3:1-6; 6:2-6; Lk.4:16-37; 13:10-17; Jn.6:41-67; Jn.7:14-44; 8:12-20; 10:22-39; 18:19-21].
At dinner [see Lk.5:29-39; 7:36-50; 10:38-42; 11:37-54; 14:1-24; 19:1-27; 22:14-34; Jn.12:1-8].
Legalists [who say: “My rules are the same as God’s law.” See Mk.7:1-13; 6:6-11; 10:25-37; 15:1-32; Jn.5:16-18,36-47].
Enthusiasts/fans [see Lk.8:4,9,10; 9:57-62; 11:27-32; 14:15-35; Jn.2:23-25; 6:2,11,14,15,25-41; 8:30-59; 12:12-19].
Outcasts [see Lk.5:12-14,29-32; 7:36-50; 8:26-39,43-48; 13:11,12; 18:35-43; 19:1-10; Mk.7:24-30; 9:10,11; Jn.4:4-26; 5:1-14; 9:1-11,35-41].
Children [see Mt.18:1-14; Mk.10:13-16; Lk.18:15-17].
Devil [see Mt.16:23; Lk.4:1-13; Jn.12:31; 14:30].
Multitudes [see Mt.9:36; 14:14; Mk.6:33,34; Lk.6:17-19].
Rich [see Mk.12:41-44; Lk.6:24,25; 12:13-21; 16:14,15,19-31; 18:18-30; 19:1-10].
Self-righteous [see Lk.5:30-39; 6:1-5; 10:25-37; 16:14,15; 18:9-14].
Hypocrites [see Mt.23:13-36; 27:1-14; Lk.6:39-46; 11:37-54; 12:54-59; 13:14-17; Jn.8:1-11].
Hardhearted [see Mt.26:57-68; Mk.12:1-12; Lk.5:17-26; 11:29-32; 17:20,21; 20:1-8; 22:52,53,66-70; Jn.2:14-22; 18:19-23].
Sincere [see Mt.8:5-13; 9:18-30; 11:2-6; 15:20-28; 20:29-34; Mk.12:28-34; Lk.4:38,39; 5:12-14,18-25; Lk.7:6-10; 18:35-43; 23:39-43; Jn.1:36-51; 3:1-15; 4:39-42,46-54; 11:21-44; 20:11-18].
Family [see Mt.12:46-50; Mk.3:21; Lk.2:48,49; 8:19-21; Jn.2:3-5,12; 7:3-8; 19:26,27].
Politicians [see Mt.27:11-14; Lk.13:31,32; 23:7-12; Jn.18:33-38; 19:9-11].
[Session 12] CHRIST
“Jesus said to him, ‘Follow Me”‘ [Mt.8:22]. “I gave you an example that you should do as I did to you” [Jn.13:15].
How did the Lord Jesus respond to His own disciples when they displayed:
Ignorance [see Mt.3:14,15; 9:14-17; 11:2-6; 13:10-23,36-52; 17:10-13,19-21; 18:1-14,21-35; 19:10-12,25 through 20:16; 24:1 through 25:46; 26:17-19; Mk.11:20-26; Lk.9:33-36; Jn.4:31-38].
Worldliness [see Mt.8:21,22; 16:24-28].
Pride [see Mk.9:33-37,38-50; 10:41-45; Lk.9:54-56].
Unbelief [see Mt.8:23-27; 14:30,31; 26:33-35; Mk.16:14,15; Lk.22:60-62; 24:13-32,36-43; Jn.20:11-29].
Need of instruction [see Mt.5:1 through 7:27; 9:36-38; 10:1 through 11:1; 15:32,38: 17:9,22-27; 18:15-20; Mt.19:23,24; 20:17-19; 21:1-7; 23:1-13; 26:1,2,26-30; 28:16-20; Lk.10:1-20; 10:21-24; 16:1-13; 18:1-8; Lk.24:44-49; Jn.13 through 16.
Unconcern/irritation at others’ needs [see Mt.14:15-21; 15:21-28; 19:13-15; 26:6-13,36-46,50-54; Mk.10:46-52; Jn.9:1-7].
Fear [see Mt.14:25-31; 17:1-8].
Self-seeking [see Mk.10:35-40].
Reproof [see Mt.15:12-14; 15:21-23; 20:20-28; 26:20-25; Mk.1:37-39; 4:36-41; 5:30-34; 8:31-38; Lk.5:3-11; 10:38-42; Jn.6:60-70; 11:7-16].
Lack of responsiveness [see Mt.15:15-20; 16:5-12; Mk.6:49-52; Lk.9:43-45; Jn.2:23-25; 8:31-59; 21:3-23].
Responsiveness/belief [see Mt.16:15-21; Lk.11:1-13; 17:5-10; Jn.1:35-39,43-51].
Self-confidence [see Mt.26:31-35; Lk.22:24,31-38].
[Session 13] CHRIST
The offices of the Lord Jesus are three. He is Prophet, Priest, and King. He is the Way [King], the Truth [Prophet], and the Life [Priest].
PROPHET Acts 3:20-23; Jn.1:1,14,16; 3:11,32,34; 4:19,25,26,41-44; 5:24,25,34,43,47; 6:45,63,68; 7:16-18,46; 8:14,16,26,28,31,32,37,38,40,45,47,51; 9:39; 12:46,48-50; 18:37; Mt.7:28,29; Mk.1:38.
As the Word He speaks to our ignorance, blindness, delusion, futility, foolishness, dullness, hardness, demonic wisdom, distortion, and enmity. He is the image of the invisible God [Col.1:15], and has fully set forth, declared, and explained Him [Jn.1:18; Heb.1:2].
PRIEST As priest, what works are performed by the Lord Jesus [see Heb.9:11-15; I Tim.2:5; Jn.17:1-26; Heb.4:14-16; 7:22-28; 9:24,25]?
KING What are the primary things that a king does [see I Sam.8:20; 2 Sam.11:1; Prov.8:15; 16:10-15; 20:8,26,28; 29:4,14]?
[Session 14] CHRIST
What do the following symbols / illustrations tell us about the Lord Jesus?
Word – Jn.1:1 Door – Jn.10:7,9 Shepherd – Jn.10:11,14,16,27,28; I Pet.5:4; Heb.13:20
Vine – Jn.15:1-8 Light – Jn.1:4; 8:12; 12:35 Lamb – Jn.1:29; I Pet.1:19; Rev.5:6,8
Bright Morning Star – 2 Pet.1:19; Rev.22:16 Alpha & Omega – Rev.1:18; 22:12,13
Root and Offspring of David – Rev.5:5; 22:16 The Way – Jn.14:6 Passover – I Cor.5:7; Ex.12
Rock – I Cor. 10:4; Ex.17:1-7 Manna – Jn.6:31f; Ex.16 Tabernacle – Jn.1:14; Heb.9:1-15; 10:19-21
Serpent in Wilderness – Jn.3:14; Num. 21:4-9 Temple – Jn.2:19-22 Physician – Mt.9:10-13
King – Jn. 18:36-37
[Session 15] SALVATION
Why do men die [see Gen.2:17; Ezek.18:4; Rom.6:23]?
What caused the Lord Jesus’ death [see Jn.10:17,18; Mt.27:50; Isa.53:12]?
For what reasons did the Lord Jesus die [see Isa.53:5,8; I Cor.15:3; Rom.5:6,8; I Pet.3:18; Rom.6:10; 8:3]?
What two ideas are contained in the word “for” [see 2 Cor.5:14; Gal.3:13]?
What is the essence of substitution [see Rom.5:12-21; 2 Cor.5:21; Isa.53:6; Gen.22:12-14]?
Review the Day of Atonement in OT Key Passages, Session 24. How does this illustrate the Lord Jesus being our substitute’?
Heb.9.14. For whom or for what was the death of Christ intended in this verse?
What necessitated His being offered up unto God [see Heb.9:22; Rom.1:18; Jn.3:14 withNum.21:4-9; Rom.2:5,8,9; Heb.10:27,30,31]?
“Propitiation” means “satisfaction.” What was it that was satisfied by the death of the Lord Jesus [I Jn.2:2; 4:10; Rom.3:25; Isa.53:10,11]?
The word “propitiation” in Rom.3:25 is the same word for “mercy seat” in the Old Testament. “Seat” here means a place where mercy is given. What made this a mercy seat and not a judgment seat [see Lev.16:2,11-17,32-34; Heb.9:3-15]?
What was the most significant aspect of the mercy seat [see Ex.25:17-22]?
What was under the mercy seat [see Heb.9:4]?
What do each of these items represent with respect to Israel: Law [see Ex.31:18 – 32:8], Manna [see Num. 11:1-6; 21:5], Rod [see Num.17:1-10]?
What do each of these items represent with respect to the Lord Jesus: Law [see Jn.8:29], Manna [see Jn.6:31-35], Rod [see Eph.1:19,20]?
What do the Cherubim represent [see Gen.3:24]?
What happens if you try to approach God apart from the blood upon the mercy seat [see Num. 4:5,18-20;
I Sam.6:19,20]?
Summarize how these aspects of the mercy seat describe the Lord Jesus and His work of propitiation.
Explain the significance of Rom 3:25 in light of the above.
What can pay the debt of our sin [see I Pet.1:18,19]?
What has this payment resulted in for believers [see I Cor.6:19,20; Col.1:14; Rev.5:9]?
How complete was this payment [see Jn.19:30]?
The word “it is finished” is translated elsewhere as “paid in full.” What did the death of Christ “finish” or “pay in full”?
RESURRECTION [Footnotes are in italics and are listed in the appendix following]
[I] The Lord Jesus Christ is the revelation of the infinite God.
1. He claims this Himself [1-9]
2. His followers acknowledged that He is God. [10-12]
3. His enemies recognized that He made this claim. [13]
[II] The resurrection of the Lord Jesus demonstrates that His claims are true.
1. That the Lord Jesus knows all is displayed by His prediction of His death by crucifixion and His bodily resurrection on the 3rd day following. [14]
2. That He has all power is seen in His statement that He had the power and authority to raise Himself from the dead. [15]
3. He suffered an actual death by crucifixion for the sins of all men. [16-21]
4. He was buried in a tomb with Roman soldiers assigned to guard the tomb from tampering. [22-27]
5. On the 3rd day He arose as He had predicted and showed Himself alive to a wide audience of eyewitnesses. [28-40]
6. The soldiers were bribed by the Jewish leaders to spread a lie that His body was stolen. [41-43]
[III] These lies about the facts of the resurrection are disproved by the following.
1. Some unbelievers say, “The whole thing never happened”
A. If so, how could His followers accuse the Jewish people of the rejection and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, their Messiah, if He never existed? [44]
B. Why did more than 3,000 of these antagonists of Christianity feel remorse, ask forgiveness from, and become followers of a non-existent person? [45]
C. If so, the message of His followers would have been repudiated by the 1,000s of people who supposedly had known of and seen this non-existent person, Christ. [46]
D. If so, why did these followers speak and write known lies since they themselves taught that liars shall not obtain the very eternal life they spoke of? [47]
E. Why did these followers die cruel and torturous deaths for a known lie that they had fabricated themselves? [48]
2. Others claim, “No one knows what really happened”
A. All that the Lord Jesus did was public and widely known. [49-52]
Skeptics of our day, far removed from the actual events, may claim ignorance of what really occurred, but this is precisely what the contemporary audience could not do. They were the very ones who were eyewitnesses of the things being told them by His followers. [53]
It is impossible to embellish and contrive myths when your audience is the very ones who experienced the things you are speaking of! Following generations may be deceived into believing untruths, but not the initial eyewitnesses.
B. These multitudes, initially indifferent or antagonistic, were not fooled. Neither were they fools. They believed the obvious.
“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” – Psalm 14:1
Appendix to Resurrection
I. 1 The Lord Jesus Christ claims that He is:
[1] infinite in time [Jn.8:58]
[2] infinite in space [Mt.28:20]
[3] LORD [Mt.22:42-45]
[4] equal with God [Jn.10:30]
[5] the final Judge of all men [Jn.5:22,27-29]
[6] the source of life [Jn.5:21]
[7] the absolute Truth [Jn.14:6]
[8] infinite in knowledge [Mt.11:27; Jn.1:48]
[9] possesses all authority in heaven and earth [Mt.28:18]
I. 2 His followers acknowledged His claim to be God:
[10] He did the works of God [Jn.10:37,38]
[11] He received worship as God from men [Jn.9:38]
[12] He accepted the titles of GOD and LORD [Jn.20:28]
I. 3 [13] His enemies recognized His claims to be God when they accused Jesus of blasphemy [Jn. 10:33]
II. 1 [14] The Lord Jesus demonstrated that He knows all when He predicted His death and resurrection [Mt.20:18,19]
II. 2 [15] That He has all power was demonstrated by raising Himself from the dead [Jn.2:19-22]
II. 3 The facts of His crucifixion:
[16] He was beaten with fists [Mt.26:67]
[17] Scourged [whipped on the back until raw] [Mt.27:26]
[18] Beaten on the head with a reed [Mt.27:30]
[19] Crucified by hanging on a cross by nail-pierced hands and feet [Jn.19:18; 20:25]
[20] He died [Mk.15:44,45; Jn.19:33]
[21] His side was thrust with a spear [Jn.19:34]
II. 4 The facts of His burial:
[22] His body was bound in linen wrappings with about 100 pounds of spices according to Jewish burial custom [Jn.19:39,40]
[23] He was laid in a tomb cut out of the rock [Lk.23:53]
[24] A large stone was rolled against the entrance [Mt.27:60]
[25] Several of His followers watched [Mt.27:61; Lk.23:55; Jn.19:40]
[26] The Jewish leaders asked of Pilate, the Roman governor, and received permission for a guard in order to prevent theft of the body [Mt.27:62-65]
[27] They made the tomb secure and set a seal on the stone to verify any tampering [Mt.27:66]
II. 5 His resurrection was verified by a large number of eyewitnesses:
[28] On the morning of the 3rd day, His followers found the tomb empty [Lk.24:1-3]
[29] They were informed by an angel that the Lord Jesus was risen from the dead [Mt.28:5-6]
[30] The resurrection was confirmed by the Lord Jesus’ bodily appearance [Lk.24:36-43]) to these:
[31] Mary Magdalene [Jn.19:16-18]
[32] the 2 Marys [Mt.28:1,9]
[33] 2 men on the road to Emmaus [Lk.24:13-35]
[34] Peter [Lk.24:34]
[35] 10 disciples [Jn.20:19-20]
[36] Others [Lk.24:33-36]
[37] 11 disciples including, Thomas, a doubter [Jn.20:26-29]
[38] 7 followers [Jn.21:1-3]
[39] 500 people at one time who still were alive as eyewitnesses in 55 AD, 22 years after Christ’s resurrection [I Cor.15:6]
[40] These convincing proofs continued over a period of 40 days to these and other eyewitnesses [Acts 1:3]
II. 6 The only contemporary explanation for the empty tomb was an obvious lie.
[41] The guards, as well as the 2 Marys, saw the angel and heard the announcement of Christ’s resurrection [Mt.28:1-10]
[42] The guards told the Jewish leaders what had happened [Mt.28:11]
[43] The leaders bribed them to lie that His body had been stolen by His followers [Mt.28:12-15]
III. Everything about the life and death of the Lord Jesus was public and well known.
III. 1. A [44] Peter accused the crowd at Pentecost of nailing Jesus to a cross and killing Him [Acts 2:22-24]
III. 1. B [45] 3,000 of those accused by Peter repented and were baptized to show that they were becoming followers of the resurrected Christ [Acts 2:36-41]
III. 1. C [46] Paul speaks to the King, Agrippa, about Jesus as if it was a well attested fact and known widely even outside of Palestine [Acts 26:19,22-26; I Cor.15:6]
III. 1. D [47] All forms of lying were condemned by the writings of His followers [Col.3:5-9; Rev.21:8,27]
III. 1. E [48] Paul affirms that living dangerously for an obvious lie was a piteous situation [1 Cor.15:12-19,30-32]
III. 2. A All that the Lord Jesus did was public and widely known:
[49] The news about Jesus went out everywhere into all the surrounding district of Galilee [Mk.1:28]
[50] Another time, the whole city had gathered around and many were healed [Mk.1:33,34]
[51] Great multitudes from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, and outside the bounds of Palestine proper crowded to Christ and He healed many [Mk.3:7-10]
[52] Once, He miraculously fed a crowd of over 5,000 people [Mt.14:21]
[53] Cornelius, a Roman soldier, along with his family and friends living some 50 miles from Jerusalem, knew in much detail about the life and deeds of the Lord Jesus [Acts 10:1,37-43]
[Session 17] SALVATION
Describe the properties of Jesus’ resurrection body [see Lk.24:31,39; Jn.20:26; I Cor.15:42,43]
Where is Jesus now [see Jn.20:17; Acts 1:11; 3:21; Heb.8:1; 10:12]?
What is the importance of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension [see Jn.16:7; Acts 3:26; 5:31; Rom.1:4; 4:25; 5:10; I Cor.15:17,20,45; Eph.1:20,22; 4:8; Heb.7:25]?
What is intercession [see Rom.8:34; Heb.7:23-25; 9:23,24; I Jn.2:1]?
See Ex.28:9-12,15-21,29,30,36-38.
What is different about the 2 stones upon the shoulders of the high priest and the 12 individual stones upon his heart?
Describe how this illustrates intercession.
What does the golden plate, “Holiness to the Lord” tell us about intercession?
On what basis are we accepted before God?
What are the parallels with the Lord Jesus Christ?
[Session 18] SALVATION
Romans 9:6-24
v.11 On what basis did God choose individuals?
v.13 Is God obligated to love all individuals at all times [see Hos.9:15]? Explain.
v.14,15 Is God obligated to treat all men identically? Explain.
What is the difference between “fair” and “just”?
Which is true of God? Explain.
v.16 What does it mean, “the man who wills and he who runs”?
What is God’s choice dependent upon?
What is it not dependent upon [see 2 Tim.1:9; Jn.15:16]?
v.18-20 Summarize what is taught here [see Job 33:13; Isa.45:9,10].
v.21-24 Again, summarize the teaching of these verses.
Compare I Pet.1:1,2 and Rom.8:29. Is there a difference between foreknowledge and predestination? Explain.
What do these verses tell us about predestination [see Mt.11:25-27; Rom.8:29,30; Eph.1:11; 2:10; Jn.15:19; 6:70; 3:37; Rom.11:5-8]?
How are believers described in these verses [Jn.6:37,39; 17:6]?
How can a person come to faith in the Lord Jesus [see Jn.6:44,63-65; Acts 16:14; 2 Tim.2:25; Mt.13:11]?
Repentance means, literally, “to have a change of mind-set.”
Is it the same as being sorry [see 2 Cor.7:9,10; Mt.3:2,8; Lk.13:5-9; Acts 3:19; 11:18; 20:21; 26:20]? Explain.
Were these people sorrowful or repentant [see Mt.19:22; Mk.6:36; Mt.27:3; Heb.12:17]? Explain.
Who should repent [see 2 Pet.3:9; Acts 17:30]?
How is it that one gets from one to the other (see Acts 26:18; Rom.8:6; Col.1:13]?
What does it mean to believe [see Acts 16:31; Jn.2:23,24; Jas.2:19; Mt.7:21-23; Jn.8:31,32]?
To whom is the offer of salvation extended [see Mt.11:28; Jn.1:12; 3:15,16; 5:24; 7:37,38; Acts 2:21; Rom.10:9-13; Rev.22:17]?
Why will men be judged [see Jn.3.18; 5:40]?
Jn.7:17. What promise is made here?
Acts 2:23; 13:48. What two complementary truths are seen in these passages?
Can we harmonize in our minds the sovereign choice of God and the responsible choice of man without denying one or both of them? Explain.
Is salvation obtained by merely believing certain facts [see Jas.2:19]?
Explain Jn.14:6 in light of this.
What are we to receive in order to be saved [see Jn.1:12; Acts 26:18; Rom.5:17; 2 Thess.2:10; Rev.3:20]?
[Session 19] SALVATION
How can man justify God [see Rom.3:4; Lk.7:29]?
Is this the same as making God righteous? Explain.
Define justification.
How is man justified before God [see Rom.4:2-8,21-25; 3:20,24,26-28; 5:9; Gal.2:16; Tit.3:7]?
James 2:20-26 [See NT Key Passages, Session 57]
When was Abraham justified by faith [see Rom.4:2,3,21,22; Gen.15:4-6]?
When was he justified by works [see Gen.22:1-19]?
Which came first?
What is the relationship between these two events [see v.22,23]?
Was Rahab justified by faith or by works [see Heb.11:31; Jas.2:25]? Explain.
Was Rahab a practicing harlot at the time the spies came to Jericho [see Josh.2:6; Isa. 19:9]? Explain.
When had she believed in the Lord, before or after the spies came to her [see Josh.2:8-13]? Explain.
When was she justified by works [see Jas.2:25]?
On what basis is a man justified before men?
What type of works are there [see Rom.3:20; 9:30-32; Heb.9:14; Gal.5:19; Mt.5:16; Eph.2:10; Phil.2:13; I Thess.1:3; 2 Thess.1:11; Gal.5:6]?
Whom does God justify [see Lk.18:9-14; Rom.4:5]?
[Session 20] SALVATION
The word “forgive” means, literally, “to send away.”
What does it mean for God to forgive [see Acts 10:43; Col.1:14; 2:14; Eph.1:7; lsa.43:25; 44:22; 55:7; Jer.50:20, Ps.103:12; I Jn.1:9; 2:12]?
In what sense does God not remember our sins [see Heb.8:12; Isa.43:25]?
In what sense does He remember them [see Mt.12:36,37; Rev.20:12]?
How can we know if God has forgiven our sins [see Mt.6:12,14,15; Mk.11:25; Mt.18:21-35]?
See Mt.18:21-35
To whom are we being compared in the parable?
What is our debt?
By comparison, how great are offenses against us?
What will happen to us if we do not forgive from our hearts?
What qualities of heart must we possess in order to forgive?
What was our relationship to God prior to believing in the Lord Jesus [see Rom.5:10; Col.1:21,22]?
Who was reconciled, us or God [see Rom.5:10,11; 2 Cor.5:18-20; Col.1:21,22]? Explain.
Define reconciliation.
Why does man need a new birth [see Jn.3:3,5; Eph.2:1; Tit.3:3-5]?
How does a person become born again [see Jn.1:12,13; I Jn.5:1]?
What means does God use to accomplish the new birth [see Jn.3:6; Tit.3:5; Jas.1:18,21; I Pet.1:23]?
What does the new birth result in [see Jn.3-3-6; I Jn.2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1,4,18]?
How can we know if we have been born again?
Gal.3:23-26; 4:1-7.
What was the job of the tutor or child-conductor?
When the child grew up was he subject to tutors?
Who then was the child in direct relationship to?
What specific things have resulted from our adoption in the above passages?
[Session 21] SALVATION
What does it mean to have died with Christ [see Gal.2:20; 2 Cor.5:15; I Pet.2:24; Rom.6:2-11]?
What does it mean to live in Christ [see Jn.15:1-8; 17:21-23; 1 Cor.1:30; 6:17; Rom.5:10; 8:9-11; 2 Cor.3:5,6; 4:10,11; 5:17; Eph.1:3; 2:5,6,14,18,21,22; Col.1:27,28; 2:2,3,8-14; 3:1-4]?
Who is our life? Col.3:4
Who is our hope? Col.1:27
Who is our wisdom? I Cor.1:30
Who is our righteousness? I Cor.1:30
Who is our sanctification? I Cor.1:30
Who is our power? I Cor.1:24
Who is our peace? Eph.2: 14
Who is our glory? Jn.17:22
Are these “things” that can be given or distributed apart from the Giver Himself? Explain.
Christ is all: Col.3:11
To live is Christ: Phil.1:21
Apart from Me you can do nothing: Jn.15:5
What is the essence of genuine Christianity?
[Session 22] SALVATION
What is the essence of any law?
What does any law not provide us?
There are at least 15 ways the word “law” is used in English. The NT uses the word “law” in at least 7 ways. Identify these 7 ways:
1. Rom.4:16
2. Rom.7:21,23; 8:2
3. Jn.10:34; 1 Cor.14:21,34
4. Rom.2:12. Acts 13:39, Eph.2:15
5. Gal.5:23; 6:2; Heb.7:16; Jas.1:25; 2:8
6. Rom.2:15; 7:22; 8:7; I Cor.9:21; Jas.4:11,12
7. Rom.4:14; 6:14; 10:4; Gal.2:16,21; 3:2,11; 5:4,18; Phil.3:9
In a single verse the word “law” can be used in more than one way. How is “law” used in these verses?
Rom.2:14; Rom.4:15; Rom.5:13; Rom.7:25; Rom.9:31; I Cor.9:21; Gal.3:21; Gal.4:21
[Session 23] SALVATION
Rom.11:6; Gal.2:21. How does the Law nullify the grace of God?
What does the death of Christ tell us about the Law?
Galatians 3
Why are works of the Law under a curse?
Why are men not justified by the Law?
Since the Law is not of faith, upon what principle does it operate?
What does the Spirit bring that the Law could never do [see v.2]?
What then must be the basis of our justification, redemption, and sanctification?
What was the blessing of Abraham [see v.6-8]?
How does the promise of the Spirit come?
What is a promise dependent upon?
What is obeying a law dependent upon?
The word “promise” is used in v.14,16,17,18,19,21,22. How does “promise” contrast with “law”?
Who is the “Seed”?
How long was the Law to be in effect?
Was the role of the Law ever to impart life?
What was its role?
What is its relationship to the one who has faith in Christ Jesus?
Galatians 4
What results from being under Law? Explain the argument of Paul in these verses.
Rather than wanting to be under the Law, what does God say ought to be done with it?
Galatians 5
Are the Law and faith compatible? Explain.
What is the contrast in these two verses?
2 Cor.3:5-11
List specific contrasts seen in these verses.
What is the “letter that kills”?
On what basis did the people receive the Law?
Did that Law bring about perfection, fullness, life, and blessing?
What need existed which necessitated a different priesthood?
With the change of priesthood came also a change in what?
Is the priesthood of Christ based upon the priesthood of Levi?
If Levi is set aside, then what else has been set aside?
What could the Law not do? Explain.
Why is the Law totally impotent to give life, righteousness, or holiness?
Who alone can accomplish these things?
List the specific descriptions of the Law and what its relation is to the Christian [see Heb.7:12,18,19; 8:6,7,13; 9:8-10,24; 10:1,8,9,15-17; Acts 15:9-11; Rom.10:4].
[Session 24] SALVATION
Rom.8:1 What is true of those who are in Christ?
Jn.17:24; Rom.11:29.
What is a gift?
Who is a gift dependent upon, the giver or the recipient?
Does the Father take back what He has given?
What was the desire of the Lord Jesus in this prayer?
Will it be answered?
Do all that the Father has given the Son come to Him?
Will the Lord Jesus refuse or expel any who do? Explain.
Whose responsibility does this gift become?
What is true of all that have been given to the Lord Jesus?
What will never happen to those having eternal life? Explain.
Can God’s predetermined purpose fail?
I Cor.1:8; Phil.1:6
What is God doing in these verses?
Upon whom is this dependent?
2 Cor.1:22
What is a seal?
What is a pledge?
What does this assure us of?
Upon whom is a promise dependent, the giver or recipient?
What is the promise spoken of?
Eph.1:3; Col.2:10
What do believers lack?
Who is the Savior?
Can we undo His saving work?
How long will the Lord Jesus intercede for believers?
What is He thus able to do?
What is our salvation dependent upon?
Romans 8:30-39
v.30 What is seen as an already accomplished fact?
v.31 What does it mean for God to be for us?
v.32 What are the “all things” that God is giving?
v.33,34 If God justifies, who can condemn? Explain.
v.34,35 If Christ died, arose, and intercedes for us, who can separate us from His love? Explain.
v.35-39 Can anything finite thwart the infinite God? Explain.
Can a genuine believer lose his salvation? Explain.
I Jn.5:11-13
Can a person know if he has eternal life?
If you have the Son of God, what do you have?
What is eternal life?
2 Cor. 13:5
What should we do?
What are the things that indicate whether we have eternal life or not [see I Jn.2:3-6,15-17,29; 3:10,14,18,19,24; 4:13,20; Rom.8:16; 2 Cor.5:9; I Pet.2:2; Jn.8:31,32; 10:4,5,14,27-29; Mt.7:13,14,24-27; 10:22; Lk.21:19; Heb.10:36-39]?
What two complementary truths are seen in these passages [see Phil.2:12,13; Jas.2:17,20]?
[Session 25] SALVATION
Romans 5:12 – 8:17
Trace the following words through this section. Mark each with a different color, shape, or symbol.
After marking the text, go over the passage again, observe the consistent and repeated themes throughout and then answer these two questions:
[1] What broad contrasts are seen in this section? For example, either we are in Adam or in Christ; we are either dead or alive. Continue to add to this list with as many contrasts as you can discover.
[2] What does it mean for a person to be justified/sanctified?
Romans 5 [Words in italics are not in the Gk. text but are supplied to complete the sense in English]
12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned –
13 for until the Law sin was in the world; but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.
15 But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.
16 And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned, for on the one hand the judgment arose from one transgression resulting in condemnation, but on the other hand the free gift arose from many transgressions resulting in justification.
17 For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
18 So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men.
19 For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.
20 And the Law came in that the transgression might increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more,
21 that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6
1 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase?
2 May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?
3 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death?
4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.
5 For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection,
6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that we should no longer be slaves to sin;
7 for the one who has died is freed from sin.
8 For if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him,
9 knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is no longer to die again; death no longer has dominion over Him.
10 For in that He died, He died once unto sin; but in that He lives, He lives unto God.
11 Thus also consider yourselves to be dead unto sin but living unto God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body with the result that you should obey its lusts,
13 neither present your members to sin as weapons of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as living out from the dead, and your members as weapons of righteousness unto God.
14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be!
16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves as slaves unto obedience, you are slaves of the one to whom you obey, either of sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness?
17 But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you obeyed from the heart that type of teaching into which you were committed
18 and having been set free from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness.
19 I speak as a man would because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to uncleanness and to lawlessness unto further lawlessness, thus now present your members as slaves to righteousness unto sanctification.
20 For when you were slaves of sin, you were free unto righteousness.
21 Therefore, what fruit did you then have from which things you are now ashamed? For the end of such things is death!
22 But now, having been set free from sin and being enslaved to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end, eternal life.
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 7
1O or do you not know, brethren, [I speak to those knowing law] that the law rules over a man as long as he lives?
2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband so long as he is living. But if the husband should die, she is released/free from the law of the husband.
3 So then, the husband being alive, she shall be called an adulteress if she be joined to another man.
4 So that, my brethren, you also have been made dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you might be joined to another, to the One who has been raised out of the dead, in order that we might bear fruit to God.
5 For when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins, the ones through the law, worked in our members to bring forth fruit to death.
6 But now we are released/free from the law, having died in that which we were held, so that we should serve as a slave in newness of the spirit, and not in oldness of the letter.
7 What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! But I had not known sin except through law; for I would not have known lust except the Law said, “You shall not lust.”
8 And the sin, taking occasion through the commandment, released in me all manner of lust. For apart from law, sin is dead.
9 And I was living apart from law once; but the commandment having come, the sin revived and I died;
10 and the commandment which was to be unto life, was found to be to me, to death.
11 For sin, taking occasion through the commandment, deceived me, and through it, killed me.
12 So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous, and good.
13 Therefore did that which is good become death to me? May it never be! But the sin, in order that it might be manifest to be sin, working death to me through that which is good in order that through the commandment sin might become exceedingly sinful.
14 For we know that the Law is spiritual. But I am fleshly, sold under the sin.
15 For that which I am working, I do not know; for not what I wish, this I practice; but what I hate, this I do.
16 But if what I do not wish, this I do, I consent with the Law that it is good.
17 But now, it is no longer I that am doing it, but the sin which is dwelling in me.
18 For I know that good does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh; for to wish is present with me but to do the good is not.
19 For I do not do the good that I wish, but the evil I do not wish, this I practice.
20 But if what I do not wish, this I do, I am no longer doing it but the sin which dwells in me.
21 I find then the law to me, the one wishing to the good, that to me, the evil is present.
22 For I delight in the Law of God according to the inner man,
23 but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
24 O wretched man that l am! Who shall deliver me out of this body of death?
25 I give thanks to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. For, on the one hand, I myself with my mind serve as a slave the Law of God, but on the other hand, with the flesh, I serve as a slave the law of sin.
Romans 8
1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and of death.
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3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, having sent His own Son in likeness of flesh of sin, condemned sin in the flesh,
4 in order that the righteous requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
5 For those who are according to the flesh, set their mind on the things of the flesh. But those who are according to the Spirit, set their mind on the things of the Spirit.
6 For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set of the Spirit is life and peace.
7 Because the mind-set of the flesh is enmity unto God, for it is not subject to the Law of God, for neither is it able to do so;
8 and they who are in the flesh are not able to please God.
9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, that one is not of Him.
10 But if Christ is in you, on the one hand the body is dead because of sin, but on the other hand, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
11 But if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the One who raised Jesus from the dead will give life also to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
12 So then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh;
13 for if you live according to the flesh, you are about to die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the practices of the body, you shall live;
14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery again unto fear, but you received a Spirit of adoption, by which we cry, Abba, Father.
16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,
17 and if children, heirs also; heirs of God, and fellow heirs of Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him in order that we might also be glorified with Him.
[Session 26] SALVATION
What is the goal of our salvation [see Rom.8:29; 2 Thess.2:14; I Thess.3:13; 4:7,8; 5:23,24; Jude 24; Eph.5:26,27; Eph.3:16-21]?
What needs to take place for this to be accomplished [see Rom. 12:1,2; 2 Cor.4:16-18; 10:3-5; Eph.4:20-24; Col.3:1-10; Tit.3:5,6; 2 Cor.3:17,18]?
How does God effect this transformation [see 2 Thess.2:13; I Pet.1:2; I Thess.2:13; Ps.119:11; Jn.6:63; 2 Pet.1:3,4; 3:18]?
What is the normal Christian experience [see 2 Cor.5:7; Gal.5:1,5,13,16-18,24,25; Rom.8:12-16; Col.3:5; I Cor.9:24-27; I Pet.2:11]?
[Session 27] SALVATION
What role does the Word of God play in our salvation [see I Pet.1:22-25; Jas.1:18; Rom.6:17; I Thess.2:13; I Tim.4:16; Gal.2:5; Col.1:5,6; I Tim.2:4; Ps.119:41; 2 Tim.3:15-17]?
Of what significance is the truth [see Jn.6:63; Deut.32:47; 30:11-20; Prov.30:6; Jn.3:19-21; 4:23,24; 8:31,32,43-47; 16:13-15; 18:37; Rom.1:18,25; 2:8; 2 Cor.2:17; 4:2; Gal.2:14; 4:16; 5:7; Eph.4:21; 6:14; 2 Thess.2:10-12; I Tim.4:6,7; 3:15; 6:3-5,20,21; 2 Tim.2:14-18,23; 3:7,8; 4:2-4; Jas.5:19,20; 2 Pet.1:12,13; I Jn.1:8,10; 2:4,5; 4:5,6]?
List the specific roles that the Word of God plays in sanctification: Ps.119:9,11,24,25,28,29,37,38,42,45,50,59,66,76,77,87,92,93,94,98,99,100,104,105,111,114,
116,120,128,130,133,141,144,147,152,153,154,163,165,169,171,173,175,176; and also the following, Ps. 19:7-11, 2 Thess.2:13; I Thess.2:13; Jn.17:17,19; Heb.4:12; Jer.23:22; 2 Pet.3:18; 1 Jn.2:24,27; 2 Tim.3:14-17.
[Session 28] SALVATION
A disciple, by definition, is a learner.
For one to be a learner, what does this imply about oneself?
Who is the teacher [see Mt.23:8,10]?
Why is the Lord Jesus qualified above all others to teach [see Col.2:2,3; Job 36:22]?
What is a slave [see I Cor.6:19,20; Rom.6:16-23]?
Describe the relationship between a slave and his master.
What type of slaves are we [see Lk.17:10]?
How is it that the disciple is to learn?
What does it mean to take His yoke upon you?
What is the goal of discipleship?
When does this occur?
The word translated “perfect/fully trained” is used in Mt.4:21 of the “mending” of nets. In Gal.6:1, it is translated “restore.” What additional elements does this add to the idea of being “perfect/fully trained”?
Who is the Disciple above all others [the word “learned” in some translations is the same as “disciple”]?
What was it that the Lord Jesus heard?
How often did He listen and learn?
On the basis of what He heard, what did He do?
For what two reasons did the Lord appoint disciples?
Which comes first? Explain.
What does being a disciple of the Lord Jesus involve?
What does v.31 mean?
Is it possible for one man to disciple another?
What did John teach his disciples [see Jn.1:35-37; 3:25-30]?
v.26 What is required of every disciple?
v.27 What does “your own soul” have in common with the rest of this list?
What is the purpose of a cross?
Where must it be carried before one was crucified upon it?
.28-32 Why would someone build a tower [see Isa.5:1,2]?
Why would a king go to battle?
What happens to your vineyard without a tower?
What happens if you do not fight the enemy?
When we look at the resources we have to contribute to fruitfulness and victory, what must we conclude?
v.33 What is the conclusion of the Lord’s teaching on discipleship?
What are the possessions/resources the Lord is speaking of here [see Phil.3:4-11]?
What is the essence of salt?
What is the essence of a disciple?
What is the central command of this passage?
What two things which are true of the Lord Jesus enable us to do this?
What three things are associated with making disciples?
What is the significance of baptism?
What are men to be taught?
Timothy – A Disciple Indeed
Acts 16:1-3
Describe Timothy from this passage.
What attracted Paul to him?
I Cor.4:14-17
What relationship is a child to have with his father?
In what sense are we to imitate our spiritual leaders?
What qualities were necessary for Timothy to have this written about him?
What does it mean to be like-minded/of a kindred spirit?
What was Timothy concerned about?
How does one obtain proof/proven worth?
What does the word “serve” mean?
How does a child serve his father?
I Tim.4:6-16
What was Timothy to be devoted to?
What was he to be above all else?
What was he to give himself wholly to?
What two things was he to take heed to?
I Tim.6:10-14,20
What was he to flee from?
What was he to pursue?
What two things was he to keep?
What was he to avoid?
2 Tim.1:8,13,14
What can any disciple expect?
What was he to hold fast?
How can a disciple keep these things?
What is the “good thing/deposit” which was entrusted to him [see I Tim.1:11; 6:20; 2 Tim.1:12-14; 2:2]?
2 Tim.2:1-7
What are the main points of being a son, a soldier, and athlete, and a farmer?
How does v.2 describe the essence and process of discipleship?
2 Tim.2:15
What will cause a disciple to be unashamed before the Lord?
What type of work is required to meet with this approval?
Why is it called work?
What is the “word of truth”?
2 Tim.3:14-17
What role do the Scriptures play in the life of a disciple?
What is the purpose of the Scriptures?
What will furnish/equip a disciple for every good work?
2 Tim.4:1-5
What was Timothy to do?
How did he know what to preach and teach?
What did those with itching ears and their teachers not do?
[Session 29] SALVATION
For what reason(s) was the Lord Jesus anointed [see Lk.4:18]?
Who else has been anointed [see I Jn.2:20,27; 2 Cor.1:21]?
What classes of people were anointed in the OT [see Ex.30:30; I Sam.15:1]?
In the NT, who are priests [see I Pet.2:5-9; Rev.1:6]?
With what/whom is the believer anointed [see I Jn.2:20,27; Jn.16:13; Prov.1:23]?
Is there any special class of anointed men among the NT priests of which all believers are a part? Explain.
What should a priest do with the truth he has been taught [see Mal.2:7]?
As priests, what sacrifices do NT believers bring [see Rom.12:1; Heb.13:15,16; Rom.15:16; Heb.4:15,16; 10:19]?
What is a sacrifice?
Summarize what it means to be an anointed priest
How does the NT priest differ from the Levitical priesthood?
Who is the High Priest in the NT [see Heb.4:14-16; 8:1; 10:21-25]?
What is our relationship to the High Priest to be?
[Session 30] SALVATION
What is the Gospel?
There are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
But though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed
There are 4 aspects that comprise the gospel message, apart from which, the gospel has not been preached.
They are:
The Problem The Solution The Response The Result
The disciple should memorize at least one reference in each descriptive category following each of these 4 subdivisions.
The Gospel: The Problem
The basic problem confronting man is that God is holy, man is sinful, and hell is eternal.
Man is Sinful – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God [Rom.3:23]
All are GUILTY [Ps.32:5; Jas.2:9,10; Jas.4:11,12; Prov.20:9]
All are CORRUPT [Rom.3:9-18; Ps.14:13; Gen.6:11,12; Eph.4:17-19,22; Mk.7:20-23; Job 15:14-16; Gal.6:7,8; Rom.1:24; Eph.2:3]
All are in BONDAGE [Jn.8:34; Rom.6:16-23; 2 Pet.2:19; Rom.7:7-24; Eph.2:3]
All are POWERLESS [Rom.5:6; Rom.8:7,8; Ps.16:2; Isa.64:6; Jer.13:23; Job 14:4; Ps.49:7,8; Jn.6:44,65]
All are CAPTIVES [Jn.8:44; Acts 26:18; 2 Cor.4:4; I Jn.3:8-10; I Jn.5:19]
Sin brings MISERY [Mt.11:28; Isa.57:20,21; Ps.16:4; Ps.32:3,4,10]
All are in DEATH [Rom.5:17; Rom.6:23; Eph.2:1,5; 4:18; Rev.20:13-15]
All are ENEMIES [Rom.5:10; Col.1:21; Jas.4:4]
God is Holy – I am holy [I Pet.1:16] Your eyes are too pure to approve evil, and You cannot look on wickedness with favor – [Hab.1:13]
The very NATURE OF GOD prevents sinful men from being accepted in His presence [Ps.11:7; Rom.2:5,8; Heb.10:31; Heb.12:29; Heb.9:27; Ezek.7:8,9; Ps.90:11; Nah.1:6; Rom.1:18; 2 Thess.1:8,9]
Hell is Eternal – The wicked shall he turned into hell and all the nations who forget God [Ps.9:17]
CONSCIOUS ETERNAL TORMENT awaits every man [Mt.3:7-12; Mt.25:41,46; Lk.16:19-31; Jn.5:28,29; 2 Thess.1:8,9; Rev.14:10,11; Rev.20:11-15]
[Session 31] SALVATION
What is the Gospel?
The Gospel: The Solution
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Solution
For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son that whoever believes
in Him should not perish but have eternal life [Jn.3:16]
PROPITIATION – The Lord Jesus satisfied every righteous demand of the holy God against men [Rom.3:25,26; 1 Jn.2:2; 4:10; Heb.2:17].
SUBSTITUTION – The Lord Jesus suffered in our place the judgment deserved by all [2 Cor.5:21; I Pet.3:18; I Pet.2:24; Rom.8:3; Heb.2:14,15].
REDEMPTION – The death of the Lord Jesus has fully paid the price to purchase us for God and to pay for our sins against God [I Pet.1:18,19; I Cor.6:19,20; Jn.19:30; Rev.5:9; Col.1:14].
INTERCESSION – Christ Jesus Himself now represents us forever before the throne of God [Heb.7:24,25; 9:24; I Jn.2:1].
RECONCILIATION – God has made His enemies into servants and friends through the death of Christ [2 Cor.5:18-21; Rom.5:10,11; Col.1:20-22].
JUSTIFICATION – God declares righteous all who put their trust in Christ and His righteousness [Rom.3:20-30; Rom.4:1-9,16; Rom.5:1,9; Gal.2:16,21; Gal.3:8-14; Phil.3:8,9].
REGENERATION – God imparts His life through being spiritually born again [Jn.3:3-7; Tit.3:4-7; I Pet.1:23].
RESURRECTION – The bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus proves His teaching, provides us with His life, and is the reason we are accepted before God [I Cor.15:12-20,45; Rom.1:4; Rom.4:24,25; Rom.5:10; Rom.8:11; Eph.1:19-23; Eph.2:5,6; Col.3:1-4; Jn.15:4,5; Mt.28:18-20].
[Session 32] SALVATION
What is the Gospel?
The Gospel: The Response
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved [Acts 16:31]
REPENT – Repentance is a change of mind and direction of life so that the old is forsaken and the new pursued [Mt.3:1-12; Mt.4:17; Lk.13:3,5; Acts 2:38; Acts 3:19; Acts 17:30; Acts 26:20; 2 Cor.7:9,10; Rev.2:5].
BELIEVE [Jn.1:12; Jn.3:16,36; Jn.5:24; Jn.8:24; Jn.20:31; Acts 10:43; Acts 16:31; Rom.4:4,5; Rom.10:4,9-11; Eph.2:8,9; 2 Thess.2:11,12; Heb.11:6; 1 Jn.5:11-13].
RECEIVE [Jn.1:12; Acts 26:18; Rom.5:17; 2 Thess.2:10; Rev.3:20].
CONFESS [Mt.10:32; Rom.10:9,10; I Jn.2:23; I Jn.4:15].
COME [Mt.11:28; Jn.5:40; Jn.6:35; Jn.7:37; I Pet.2:4,5].
FOLLOW – Mt.4:19; Mt.8:22; Mt.16:24; Lk.9:23; Jn.10:4,5,27].
LOVE [Mt.22:37,38; Jn.14:23,24; I Cor.16:22; I Jn.4:8,20].
ABIDE [Jn.15:4,5].
Be BAPTIZED – The outward testimony of an inward reality [Mt.28:18-20; Mk.16:16; Acts 2:38,41,42; Acts 8:12,13,35-38; Acts 9:17,18; Acts 10:43-48; Acts 16:14,15,31-34; Acts 18:8; Acts 19:4,5; Acts 22:16; Rom.6:3-6; I Cor.1:14-17; I Pet.3:21].
Does baptism save?
Who are to be baptized, believers or unbelievers?
The Gospel: The Results
But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption – I Cor.1:30
SALVATION [Acts 4:12; Rom.1:16; Rom.10:9,10; 2 Cor.6:2; I Thess.5:9; 2 Tim.3:15; Tit.2:11-14; I Pet.1:5,7-9].
FORGIVENESS [Acts 26:18; Eph.1:7; Col.1:13,14].
ETERNAL LIFE [Jn.3:16,36; Jn.4:14; Jn.5:24; Jn.17:3; Rom.6:23; I Jn.5:11-13].
CLEANSING [Isa.1:18; Ezek.36:25-27; Jn.15:3; Eph.5:26; I Jn.1:7,9].
NO CONDEMNATION [Jn.3:18; Jn.5:24; Rom.8:1,34].
POWER [Acts 1:8; Rom.1:16; I Cor.1:18; 2 Cor.4:7; 2 Cor.12:9; Eph.1:19; Eph.3:20; Col.1:11; I Thess.1:5; 2 Tim.1:7].
[Session 33] HOLY SPIRIT
Review Basic Doctrine, Session 3, sections i. and j. On what bases would you conclude that the Holy Spirit is God?
What do these verses tell us about the Holy Spirit [see Gen.1:1,2; Heb.9:14; Ps.139:7; I Cor.2:10,11; Lk.1:35; Neh.9:20; Jn.16:13; Eph.4:30; I Cor.12:4-6,11; 2 Cor.13:14; 2 Cor.3:17; Jn.6:63; I Pet.1:10-12]?
What specific things are said about the Holy Spirit’s work in people in the OT [see Num.27:18; Jud.3:10; Ex.31:3; I Sam.16:14; Ps.51:11; Prov.1:23]?
Are these verses speaking about the same Spirit [see Lk.4:18; I Cor.3:16; Rom.8:9; Lk.3:22; Eph.4:4]? Explain.
[Session 34] HOLY SPIRIT
What is the indisputable evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit [all NT references to being “filled” with the Spirit follow: Lk.1:15-17,41-45,67f; 4:1f,14-15; Acts 2:4; 4:8-12,31; 9:15-20; 13:9-11; Eph.5:18,19; Acts 6:3-7; 7:55,56; 11:23,24]?
What do these verses tell us about the nature of baptism [see Mt.20:22,23; Lk.12:50; Rom.6:3,4; I Cor.1:13-18; 10:2; 12:13; Gal.3:27; Eph.4:5; Col.2:12; Heb.6:2; I Pet.3:21]?
What is the baptism in/with/by/of the Holy Spirit [all NT references to being “baptized” in the Holy Spirit follow: Mt.3:11; Jn.1:33; Acts 1:5; 11:15,16; 1 Cor.12:13]?
Is the filling of the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit the same? Explain.
What is the power of God/Holy Spirit [see Mt.22:29; Mk.9:1-8; Lk.1:17,35; 4:14; 5:17; 9:1; 10:19; 24:49; Acts 1:8; 4:7-12,33; 10:38; Rom.1:4; 15:13,18,19; I Cor.1:18,24; 2:4,5; 4:19,20; 5:4,5; 6:14; 2 Cor.4:7; 6:7; 12:9; 13:4; Eph.3:20; Col.1:11; I Thess.1:5; 2 Thess.1:11; 2 Tim.1:7,8; 3:5; Heb.1:3; I Pet.1:5; 2 Pet.1:3]?
[Session 35] HOLY SPIRIT
What do the following illustrations/symbols tell us about the Holy Spirit and His work?
Dove [Lk.3:22] Water [Jn.7:38,39] Wind [Jn.3:8] Oil/anointing [Lk.4:18]
Zechariah 4
What does God want us to become awakened to see?
To whom does God show the truth and significance of His Word?
v. 2
What is a lampstand for?
What does it picture [see Rev.1:20; 2:1]?
Why is this one entirely of gold?
What is the relationship between the olive trees and the lampstand?
Why are they living trees rather than baskets of olives?
What do the trees and the lampstand represent for Zerubbabel?
v.7 What does a mountain picture here [see Mt.17:20; I Cor.13:2]?
v.7-9 What will be the means of Zerubbabel completing the work God gave him to do?
v.10 Man looks on the outward appearance, God looks on the heart [I Sam.16:7]. Who thought this was a day of “small things” [see Neh.4:2-4; Hag.2:3-9]?
Who are “these seven” [see Rev.5:6]?
What is the purpose of a plumbline?
How does a plumbline work?
What is the spiritual significance of a plumbline [see Amos 7:7,8]?
What brings joy to the Spirit of God from this verse?
v.14 Who are the 2 anointed ones in the OT [see Ex.30:30; I Sam.15:1]?
Who are they ultimately representing [see Zech.6:12,13]?
Who then supplies the oil to the lampstand?
Who then builds the house of God [see Zech.6:12,13; Mt.16:16-18. The Heb. word “Messiah” and the Gk. word “Christ” both mean “Anointed One”]?
Summarize this chapter and how it illustrates the truth:
“not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.”
[Session 36] WORD OF GOD
How is the Word of God described in each of the following? Explain the significance of each.
1. Jas.1:23-25; 2 Cor.3:18
2. Eph.5:26; Ex.30:17-21; Ex.38:8
How is understanding of God’s Word and ways obtained [see I Cor.2:9-16; I Jn.2:20-27; Jn.16: 13-15; Ps.119:10,12,18,19,27,29,34,66,73,102,130,135,147,171; 2 Tim.2:15; Job 36:22; Prov.1:23; Jer.33:3]?
[Session 37] THE WORD OF GOD
2 Tim.3:16
What is inspired, men or the Scriptures they wrote? Explain.
Inspiration with reference to the Word of God means God’s supernatural supervising of the human authors of the Scriptures so that His truth was recorded without error in the 66 books of the Bible. Inspiration extends to what only?
What is each Scripture profitable for?
2 Pet.1:2-4
Describe the role of the Word of God for the believer.
2 Pet.1:19-21
How did the Scriptures come to be?
How do we know that the Scriptures are the Word of God?
There are ever 2 appeals to the heart of man. We are persuaded by and yield to one or the other only [see 2 Cor.5:7].
How do the 2 women of Proverbs 1-9 illustrate these 2 perspectives?
WISDOM [Prov.1:20-33; 3:13-18; 4:4-9,13; 8:1-36].
THE HARLOT/ADULTERESS/STRANGE WOMAN [Prov.2:16-19; 5:1-23; 6:20-29; 7:1-27; 9:13-18].
[Session 38] WORD OF GOD
Types are anything from the Scriptures that validly illustrate Biblical teaching. They are any Divinely adopted historical person, place, event, or thing which also prefigures, foreshadows, illustrates, or amplifies spiritual reality later to be revealed.
Whether it is spoken of as a “type” in the NT or not does not determine whether it legitimately functions as such. The key is whether a parallel or correspondence exists between the illustration and its fulfillment.
It ceases to be a legitimate illustration at the point in which the parallel no longer exists and the correspondence no longer is clearly evident. For example, Adam is a type of Christ as in Rom. 5:12-21. The type ceases to be valid at the points of Adam being created, his sin, etc.
The fact that there are not 100% parallels in every detail does not negate the legitimate ones. Any type, example, illustration, foreshadowing, or picture, in the very nature of the case is partial and incomplete. Otherwise, it would cease to be a type at all.
The NT writers’ usage of the OT shows how the Holy Spirit used the OT to set forth the doctrine and principles of the NT. Augustine observed this centuries ago:
“The New in the Old is contained; the Old by the New is explained.”
Bless the Lord for any genuine glimpse of the Lord Jesus afforded to our hearts from His most excellent Word! The Lord Jesus said about the Scriptures, “It is these that testify of Me” [Jn.5.39].
Familiarize yourself with the following list of some of the leading types in the Scriptures.
Light – God/holiness/truth – I Jn.1:5; 2 Cor.4:4
Dark – Moral corruption/error – Jn.12:35; Acts 26:18
Sun – Christ – Mal.4:2
Moon – God’s people [as reflecting the glory of the sun]
Stars – Saints – Phil.2:15
Sabbath – Spiritual rest – Heb.4:1-10
River/Water – life from the Holy Spirit – Jn.4:14; 7:37-39
Adam – Christ as the head of the race – Rom.5:12f and also as the Bridegroom – Eph.5:31,32
Eve – Church or bride – Eph.5:31,32
Coats/Garments – Imputed righteousness – Gen.3:21; Isa.61:10
Cain and Abel – Works and Faith or Wicked and Righteous – I Jn.3:10-12
Noah – Remnant – Gen.6:5,8
Flood – Judgment on the world – Heb.11:7
Ark – Deliverance from the curse, through judgment, into newness of life in Christ – Heb.11:7
Rainbow – Finished work of Christ – Rev.4:3
Altar – Worship/Dependence/Obedience
Abraham – Life of faith – Rom.4:16,23,24
Famine – Test from the Lord
Isaac – Death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus – Gen.22; Heb.11:17-19
Bethel – House of God; God dwelling with His people – Gen.28:10-17; I Tim.3:15
Melchizedek – Mediator based on accomplished sacrifice – Heb.7
Oak – Strength
Ishmael and Isaac – Flesh and the Spirit – Gal.4:21-31
Tent – Stranger and pilgrim on earth/citizen of heaven – Heb.11:9,13,16 or the body – 2 Cor.5:1,2
Hagar and Sarah – Law and Grace – Gal.4:21-31
Genesis 24 – Abraham corresponding to God the Father, Isaac to Christ, servant to the Holy Spirit seeking a bride for the Son, Rebecca as the church
Hebron – Fellowship
Lot – Believer walking by sight rather than by faith
Moab – Pride as the enemy of God – Jer.48:29
Sodom fire – Final judgment – 2 Pet.2:6
Ammon – Idolatry as detestable – I Kings 11:7; Lev.20:2-5
Ram – Christ as substitutionary sacrifice – Gen.22:13,14
Joseph – Christ as Beloved of His Father, hated and rejected by His brethren, through suffering is raised to the throne as Lord of all
Asenath – Church as the bride from among the Gentiles
Bread – Christ as the food of His people – Jn.6
Groom – God and His people – S. of S.
Moses – Christ as Savior and Prophet – Acts 7:25,35-37
Israel – God’s people redeemed from bondage and led into fullness through conflict – Deut.6:23
Egypt – World system – Rev.11:8
Pharaoh – Satan as prince of this world system
Magicians – Satan’s servants/demons – 2 Cor.11:15; 2 Tim.3:8
Leaven – Corrupting influence – I Cor.5:6-8
Lamb – Redemption in the Lord Jesus – I Cor.5:7; Jn.1:29
Blood – Life poured out in death – Lev.17:11
Pillar of Cloud and Fire – God’s leading of His people – Ex.13:21,22
Red Sea – Death to power of world/sin – I Cor.10:1,2
Tree – Cross – I Pet.2:24
Manna – Christ as the bread of Heaven – Jn.6:49-51 or God’s Word – Deut.8:3
Rock – Christ [smitten provides gift of the Holy Spirit] – I Cor.10:4; Jn.7:37-39
Edom/Amalek/Agag – The flesh – Heb.12:16
Tabernacle – The Lord Jesus – Jn.1:14; Heb.9:11,12
High Priest – Christ as mediator/intercessor – Heb.7
Priests – Spiritual consecration, access, and ministry of believers – I Pet.25
Priest’s Garments – Glory and beauty of Christ – Ex.28:2
Precious Stones – God’s people – Ex.28:9,21
Girdle – Preparedness – I Pet.1:13
Linen Breeches – Absence of fleshly effort
Laver – Confession/cleansing of the Word – Eph.5:26
Horns – Power – 2 Chron.18:10
Table – Fellowship – Rev.3:20
Lampstand – Christ as the Light or God’s testimony upon earth – Rev.1:20
Incense – Prayer – Ps.141:2; Rev.8:3f
Veil – The earthly body of the Lord Jesus – Heb.10:20; Mt.27:51
Ark of the Covenant/Mercy Seat – Christ as the satisfaction for our sins – Rom.3:25
Tables/Tablets of the Law – Christ as the perfect standard
Aaron’s Rod that budded – Christ in resurrection life – Num.17; Eph.1:19,20
Curtains of the Tabernacle – Various aspects of Christ’s glory
Badger/Porpoise Skins – Resistance to corruption or undesirable outward appearance
Ram’s Skins dyed red – Sacrificial devotedness – Jn.1:29; Isa.1:18
Acacia Wood – Incorruptible humanity of Christ – Jn.8:29; Heb.7:26
Gold – God’s glory – Job 22:25; Rev.21:11,18
Silver – Redemption price – Ex.30:11-16
Brass – Judgment – Lev.26:18-20
Blue – Heavenly
Purple – The Lord Jesus as the God-Man or Royalty – Esth.8:15
Scarlet – True glory of man or redemption or guilt of sin – Ex.12:13; Isa.1:18
White – Purity – Rev.19:8
Fine Linen – Righteousness – Rev.19:8
Fire – God’s holiness and judgment or presence – Ex.3:2 or God’s acceptance – Lev.9:22-24
Spices – Christ as a fragrance to God – 2 Cor.2:14-16
Oil – The Holy Spirit – I Jn.2:20,28; Zech.4
Salt – Retards corruption/brings out what is naturally there/creates thirst/heals – Mt.5:13; Mk.9:50; Col.4:6
Honey – Natural sweetness or goodness – Lev.2:11
Wine – Joy – Jud.9:13
Vessel – The individual – 2 Cor.4:7
Offerings – The Lord Jesus as our sacrifice.
Goat – atonement – Lev.16:5-22
Whole Burnt- total voluntary self-giving – Lev.1
Meal – perfect consistency of life/righteousness – Lev.2
Peace – Christ as the basis of fellowship – Lev.3
Sin – complete removal of sin – Lev.4
Trespass – restoration – Lev.5
Shoulder – Strength
Breast – Love and affection
First Fruits – Resurrection – I Cor.15:20
Trumpet – Spiritual alertness
Leprosy – Sin’s inner workings shown by outbreaks of the flesh – Lev.13 & 14
Hair – Old natural life – Lev.14:8,9
Sword/Razor – God’s Word – Heb.4:12; Eph.6:17; Josh.5:2
Nazarite – Separation unto God – Num.6
Long Hair – Shame – I Cor.11:14
Ashes of Red Heifer – Finished work of Christ – Num.19:9; Jn.19:30
Cedars – Glory/pride – I Kings 4:33
Hyssop – Humility/lowliness – I Kings 4:33
Brazen Serpent – Christ crucified as remedy for the poison of sin’s inner workings – Jn.3:14
Cities of Refuge – Christ as safety from vengeance on sin – Num.35
Joshua – Spiritual leadership or Christ
Caleb – Walking by faith – Josh.14:6f
Canaan – Spiritual blessings in the heavenlies – Eph.1:3
Jordan River – Death to self
Circumcision/Gilgal – Self-judgment/the flesh cut off – Col.2:11
Produce of Canaan – Christ as food for His people
7 Nations of Canaan – Complete spiritual powers of wickedness – Deut.7:1/Idolatry – Deut.12:31
Jericho – Power of the world-system
Walk – Life-style
Hands – Works
Right Hand – Power/Honor
Midian – Oppression and sensual bondage of the world – Isa.9:4; Num.25
Samson – Power of a separated Life – 2 Tim.3:5
Philistines – Organized ritualistic religion whose source is in Egypt [the world] and Casluhim [as forgiven] and Caphtorim [as if to interpret] – Gen.10:13,14
Delilah – Sensual appeal of the Philistine leading to compromise of separation unto God
Boaz – Christ as our kinsman-redeemer
Nearer of Kin – The Law
Ruth – The church
David – Christ as shepherd and victorious king
Solomon – Christ as king of glory and of peace
Mountain – Kingdom/obstacle – Zech.4:3
Sea – Restless unbelieving multitudes – Isa.57:20
Assyria – Violent opposition to God – Hab.1:6,7,9
Babylon – Moral corruption/man’s glory/idolatrous religious system: the great whore – Rev.17 & 18
Vine – Christ as life unto the fruitfulness of His people – Jn.15:5
1 – Primary, unity, source
2 – Testimony, confirmation
3 – Reality, resurrection, spiritual activity
4 – Earth, weakness, experience
6 – Number of Man
7 – Completeness, perfection, rest
8 – New Beginning
10 – Human Responsibility
12 – God in Government
40 – Testing
[Session 39] WORD OF GOD
How do the NT writers under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit use and interpret the OT in the following Passages?
Mt.1:23 and Isa.7:14
Mt.2:15 and Hos.11:1 with Ex 4.22,23
Mt.2:23 [no direct OT passage but see Isa.53:3 and Jn.1:46]
Mt 3.3 and Isa 40.3
1 Cor.9:8-10 and Deut.25:4
I Cor.10:1-11
Gal.4:21-31 and Gen.16:15; 17:16f; 18:10f; 21:1f; Isa.54:1
What does the OT tell us [see Lk.24:25-27,44-47; Jn.5:39,46; I Pet.1:10-12; Rev.19:10]?
What is the purpose of the OT [see Gal.3:24; 2 Tim.3:15-17; I Cor.10:1-11; Rom.15:4]?
[Session 40] PRAYER
What are we to be doing?
What categories comprise prayer?
Is this passage telling us what to pray or how to pray?
What is the difference?
With what are we to be occupied in Worship [see Ps.145:5; 150:2; I Chron.16:29; Phil.3:3]?
What is Confession [see Prov.28:13; Ez.9:3 to 10:1; Dan.9:3-19; I Jn.1:9]?
What Personal Requests do we make [see Mt.6:11,13; Col.4:2-4]?
What is Intercession [see Mt.6:10; Col.4:12; Rom.10:1; 1 Tim.2:1,2; 3 Jn.2; Jas.5:17,18]?
Jas.5:16 can be translated “the fervent/working effectually/in-working supplication of a righteous man has much power.” What does this tell us about the nature of prayer?
What conditions are there in prayer (see Jn.15:7; I Jn.3:22,23; 5:14,15; Ps.37:4; Heb.11:6]?
What hinders prayer [see Prov.28:9,13; Jas.1:5-8; 4:3; Ps.66:18; Mt.23:14; 2 Cor. 12:8,9; Ps.106:13- 5; I Pet.3:7; Isa.59:2; Mk.11:25,26]?
Summarize the nature of prayer, its conditions, and hindrances.
Why should we pray [see I Thess.5:17; Eph.6:18-20; Mk.1:35; Lk.5:16; 6:12; 18:1-8; 2 Cor.3:5; Jn.15:5]?
What does it mean to pray “in Jesus’ name” [see NT Key Passages, Session 12 and Jn.14:13,14; 16:24]?
Is it possible to say the words yet actually be taking His name in vain [see Mt.7:22,23]? Explain.
Is prayer asking or decreeing/commanding/positively confessing [see Lk.11:1-4; 18:1,7; Mt.7:7-11; 21:22; Acts 1:14; Rom.15:30-32; Eph.6:18,19; Col.1:9]?
Acts 12:5,11-17
What does this tell us about the relationship between our faith and the will of God?
Does fervency [v.5] and numbers of people in agreement [v.12] indicate that we believe God?
Were these prayers answered because they believed or because of the will and mercy of God? Explain.
[Session 41] PRAYER
What elements are to comprise our prayers?
What elements comprised the Lord Jesus’ prayer?
Acts 4:23-31
What elements comprised the prayer of the church?
Were they all praying different things out loud at the same time? Explain.
Evaluate the prayers of Paul recorded in the following passages and answer the following 2 questions:
[1] What elements comprised the prayers of Paul?
[2] What basis do they give us for the content of our prayers?
Ephesians 1:15-19
Ephesians 3:14-21
Philippians 1:9-11
Colossians 1:9-12
I Thessalonians 1:2,3
I Thessalonians 3:9-13
I Timothy 2:1,2
Philemon 4-6
Are the words of these prayers those of Paul or of the Holy Spirit? Explain.
What elements comprised the prayers of Epaphroditus [see Col.4:12,13]?
What elements comprised the prayers of John [see 3 Jn.2]?
[Session 42] ANGELS
The word “angel,” both in Heb. and Gk., means “messenger” or “angel.”
Describe The Angel of the Lord [seeGen.16:7-14; 22:11-18; 31:11-13; 48:16; Ex.3:24; 13:21,22; 14:19; 23:20-23; Jud.2:1-3; 5:23; 6:11-24; 13:3,6,8-23; 2 Sam.14:20; 24:16,17; 2 Kings 19:35; I Chron.21:12,15-20,26,27,30; Ps.34:7; 35:5,6; Isa.63:9; Zech.1:12; 3:1; 6:7; 12:18].
Who is The Angel of the Lord [see Basic Doctrine, Session 3, section “g”]?
What works/services/activities do angels perform [see Heb.1:14; Gen.24:40; Dan.3:28; 6:22; Mt.1:20; 28:2-7; Lk.1:11,19,20,26; 2:9-14,21; 22:43; Jn.5:4; Acts 5:19; 8:26; 10:3-7,22; 12:7-11,22,23; 27:23,24; Rev.1:20; 5:2,11; 7:1-3; 8:1 to 9:4; 9:13-17; 10:1-11; 11:19; 12:7; 14:6-10,14-20; 15:1,6-8; 16:1-21; 17:1,7; 18:1,21; 19:17; 20:1-3; 21:9,10,12,17; 22:6,8,9,16; Gen.28:12; Ps.8:5; 68:17; 91:11; 103:20; 104:4; 148:2; Mt.4:11; 13:39-41,49; 16:27; 18:10; 22:30; 24:31,36; 25:31; 26:53; Lk.12:8,9; 15:10; Jn.1:51; 1 Cor.6:3; 11:10; I Tim.3:16; Heb,1:6,7; 2:16; 12:22; 13:2; I Pet.1:12; 2 Pet.2:11]?
[Session 43] SATAN
Describe this Cherub before his corruption.
What caused his profaning?
What happened to Lucifer, the anointed Cherub of Ezek.28 [see v.12]?
What did he do to the inhabitants of the earth?
What is associated with him in v.11?
What was/is his ambition [see v.13,14]?
What repeated phrase is attributed to him?
What does I Tim.3:6 say about this section in Isaiah?
Where is Satan now [see Job 1:7; Eph.2:2; I Pet.5:8]?
How does he appear to men [Gen.3:1; 2 Cor.11:14]?
What will happen to Satan [see Rev.12:7-12]?
What events are yet to take place with him [see Mt.25:41; Rev.20:2,3,7-10]?
What do we learn about Satan in the following [Jn.8:44; Eph.2:2;Rev.12:9,10; Rev.9:11; Mt.12:24,26,29; 2 Cor.11:14; Jn.12:31; I Jn.5:19; Rev.12:9,10; Mt.4:3; I Thess.3:5; Mt.13:28; 1 Pet.5:8]?
[Session 44] SATAN
“…in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan,
for we are not ignorant of his schemes” – 2 Cor.2:11
Review OT Key Passages, Session 2.
Genesis 3:1-7
v.1 What 6 things do we learn about Satan from this verse?
v.2 What was the woman’s first error and one of the greatest snares of the enemy?
How does this verse show the effectiveness of his schemes? A scheme is a well thought out plan.
v.3 What perspectives of the devil had the woman already adopted?
Where did the idea of not touching the tree come from [see Gen.2:17]?
Who both have access to our minds [see Mt.16:16,17,21-23]?
Whom and/or what did the woman not consult in this interchange?
v.4-5 On what basis was she to believe that she would not die?
How was she to know that “God knows”?
What type of knowledge does the serpent impart?
What lies are contained in these verses?
v.6 What does the serpent urge us to focus upon?
What was motivating the woman at this point?
On what type of input did she determine that the tree was desirable to make her wise?
Why did this appeal to her?
What happened when she touched the fruit?
What did this convince her of?
What happened when she ate?
What did this convince her of?
Why did Adam eat of it?
Did he know what it was that he was doing [see I Tim.2:14]?
v.7 Why did they sew fig leaves together?
Where did they get this idea?
Summarize the main schemes of the evil one.
[Session 45] SATAN
Who is the ruler of the world [see Eph.2:1-3; 1 Jn.5:19; Lk.4:5,6; 2 Cor.4:4; Jn.12:31]?
How does he rule it?
What is the world [see I Jn.2:15-17]?
What characterizes the world (see I Jn.2:15-17; 2 Pet.1:4; Jn.15:19]?
What is Satan’s desire with respect to believers [see I Pet.5:8; I Thess.3:5; 2 Cor.11:3; Rev.12:9,10,17; 13:8]?
Job 1:5-12
What is Satan’s basic accusation against man?
What charge could he have against God if this were true?
What do we learn about the extent of Satan’s authority [see Rom.13:1; Job 1:12; Lk.22:31; 2 Thess.2:7]?
What authority does he possess [see Heb.2:14; Acts 10:38; 2 Cor.12:7; Lk.4:5,6; Jn.13:2]?
Whom else is associated with him [see Mt.25:41; Mk.3:22,23; Rev.12:3,4,7-9]?
What characteristics and abilities do unclean spirits have [see Acts 19:15; Mt.12:45; Mk.5:9; Mt.8:29; 2 Cor.11:14,15; 1 Tim.4:1]?
Eph.6:10-18 What defense do believers have against the schemes of the devil?
2 Cor.10:3-5 Where does this war take place?
What is it that is lifted up against the knowledge of God [see Jas.3:15]?
What are we to do with our thoughts?
How can evil thoughts be “put to death/destroyed”?
Mt.4:1-11 How did the Lord Jesus resist the temptation of the devil?
How does the devil use the Scriptures [compare v.6 with Ps.91:11-13]?
Why did he not quote v.13 to the Lord Jesus?
[Session 46] CHURCH
Matthew 16:16-19
This is the first mention of the church in the Scriptures.
Where did Peter obtain this understanding about the Lord Jesus?
Where does such knowledge originate for anyone [see Mt.11:27; 13:11; Jn.6:44,65; 12:37-40; 17:6; Acts 5:31; 13:48; 16:14; Rom.9:14-18; I Cor.2:9-14; Eph.1:17,18; 2:8-10]?
What will the church be built upon?
Who will build the church?
Whose church is it?
Why will the gates of hell not prevail against the church?
What is the relationship of Peter [a “stone/rock”] to the rock [a “large rock/bedrock”]?
The NASB translates: “whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in Heaven.”
The NIV margin translates: “whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in Heaven.”
The NET translates: “whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in Heaven.”
Does this verse indicate that Heaven bows to the will of man or that man bows to the will of Heaven? Explain.
Summarize what Mt.16:16-19 tells us about:
[1] The headship of the church
[2] Responsibility in the church
[3] Lordship of Christ
[4] The permanency of the church
[5] The authority of the church
[6] The ownership of the church
[7] The foundation of the church
[8] Our relationship to Christ in the church.
THE DESCRIPTION OF THE CHURCH – The Church is not defined in the Word of God; it is rather described by these 8 illustrations
[1] Father & Sons/Children [Gal.3:26; Mt.18:3,4] who, then, are Brothers [Mt.23:8; 18:21]
How does having God as our Father define our relationship to Him?
How does it define our relationship to one another [see I Jn.5:1]?
In a family, which brother is exalted over the others with special privilege?
Who is “firstborn” in the church of the Lord Jesus [see Heb.12:23]?
What are the characteristics of children?
[2] Master/Lord & Slaves [Lk.17:7-10; Rom.6:15-23]
How many masters can a person serve [see Lk.16:13]?
What kind of servants are we according to the Lk.17 passage?
What are the basic aspects of being a slave [see I Cor.6:19,20; Rom.6:15-23]?
What are all servants to submit to and obey [see I Cor.7:23; Gal.1:10]?
[3] Shepherd & Sheep [Jn.10]
John 10
How many shepherds does the church have?
What does the Lord Jesus do as the Good Shepherd?
What do His sheep do?
What do they not do [see v.5]?
What do we learn about sheep from Ps.119:176; Isa.53:6; and I Pet.2:25?
What reason does this give us for not following men?
[4] Foundation/Cornerstone & House/Building/Temple [I Cor.3:10,11,16; Eph.2:19-22]
Who is the church built upon?
How does this relate to the Mt.16 passage?
Are the apostles themselves the foundation or are they the ones who laid the foundation of Christ Jesus through their preaching? Explain.
What is the purpose of a house?
Name at least 5 characteristics of a temple.
What relationship does the cornerstone sustain to the rest of the building?
With what is this house/temple being built [see I Pet.2:4,5]?
Is the church a physical building [see Acts 7:48-50; 2 Cor.6:16]? Explain.
[5] High Priest & Priests [Heb.4:14-16; I Pet.2:5,9]
What does every priest have equal access to?
Are there priests in the NT who have a higher rank and privilege than others? Explain.
What sacrifices do priests in the church bring [see Rom.12:1,2; 15:16; Heb.13:15,16; 1 Pet.2:3,9]?
What ministry does the Lord Jesus perform in Heaven in our behalf [see Heb.7:22 to 8:1,2]?
[6] Vine & Branches [Jn.15]
Why is verse 5 the key to this section?
Define fruit.
Where does fruit come from?
What is spiritual fruit [see Gal.5:22,23; Eph.5:9]?
[7] Head & Body [Col.1:18]
How many heads does a body have?
What would result if there were more than one?
How should the members of a body relate to one another [see I Cor.12:25]?
What is the contribution that the head makes to the body?
How do the members of the body know what to do?
How is unity and orderliness maintained in a body?
Does the foot dictate to the hand? Explain.
If the foot has a need or is distressed, how does it make this known?
Is the leg superior to the arm? Explain.
On what basis will one member of the body submit to another?
[8] Bridegroom & Bride [2 Cor.11:2,3; Rev.19:7-9]
What characterizes this relationship?
What qualities are expected from a bride-to-be [see 2 Cor.11:2; Eph.5:26, 27]?
What is expected from the bride who is now a wife [Eph.5:22-33]?
He is the head of the body, the church…so that He Himself might come to have
FIRST PLACE [pre-eminence/supremacy] in everything – Col.1:18
In all of these 8 illustrations, who has the first place and prominence?
Who guides, controls, directs, commands, and gives life?
Are men ever to occupy the place that the Lord Jesus has in His church? Explain.
[Session 47] CHURCH
Let him who is the greatest among you become as the youngest,
and the leader as the servant – Lk.22:26
Why would a dispute arise as to who is the greatest [see I Cor.4:6,7,10]?
To what does the Lord compare this consideration of “greatness” [see Mt.20:25]?
Describe leadership among the Gentiles.
What specific things are not to be found among the people of God, especially their leaders?
Is it possible to lead without exercising authority or lording it over others [see 2 Cor.1:24; I Pet.5:3]? Explain.
How does the youngest behave towards others?
What pattern does this set for leaders?
What is the difference between a servant/slave and a lord?
Which would a leader in the world choose?
Which would a leader in the church choose?
Can one be both a slave and a lord in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ? Explain.
Did the Lord Jesus leave us an example of “lording” or of “serving”?
Summarize what this passage teaches us about true leadership in the church.
I Pet.5:1-6
v.1,2 Are the elders “among” the flock over” them?
What is the difference?
How does Peter describe himself in this verse?
Is he a “lord” or a servant?
What is the two-fold work an elder performs for the flock of God?
What is the primary work of a shepherd?
What is ”oversight/overseer” [all NT references to these words are: Lk.19:44; Acts 1:20; 20:28; Phil.1:1; I Tim.3:1,2; Tit.1:7; Heb.12:15; I Pet.2:12,25; 5:2]?
How should this work be done according to v.2?
What things should not be present in an elder/overseer?
v.3 Above all else, what is an elder to be?
What is he not to be?
How does this relate to the Lord’s instruction in Lk.22:24-27?
v.4 Who is the Chief/Ruling Shepherd?
What reason does this provide for elders not lording it over the flock?
Who is our Shepherd [see I Pet.2:25]?
Who is our Bishop/Overseer [see I Pet.2:25]?
How many shepherds does the church have [see Jn.10:16]?
v.5 Why should the younger men be subject to their elders: because they are “lords” or for other reasons? Explain.
Why should all be clothed with humility?
I Tim.3:1-7 Oversight is described as a work. What is the work of an overseer?
Summarize the qualities of life that would make him an example to the flock.
v.4,5 The word “rule” means, literally, “to stand before.” It is translated as “lead, attend to with care and diligence, manage, maintain, conduct, be
concerned about, care for, give aid, direct, rule” [all NT references are Rom.12:8; I Thess.5:12; I Tim.3:4.5,12; 5:17; Tit.3:8,14].
What is the overseer to do with respect to his own family?
What he does in his own home will qualify him to “take care of” the church of God [see Lk.10:34,35 for the only other times that this word “take care of” is used in the NT]. What specific things did the Samaritan do to “take care of” the man who was robbed?
How does this relate to the work of an overseer?
Is the work of an overseer best described as ”ruling” over the church or as “leading, attending to with care, and standing before as an example”?
v.6 Why should he not be a novice/new convert?
Tit.1:5-9 Is there a difference between an elder and an overseer? Explain.
Is being an elder in the church a matter of reaching an older age physically? Explain.
Why were elders to be appointed [see Acts 14:23]?
Who were they appointed by? Why?
What is the cultural concept of being an elder?
What is the biblical concept?
Are they the same? Explain.
In addition to being able to teach as in I Timothy 3, what must the overseer be able to do?
If he is unable to do this, in what sense is he overseeing?
[Session 48] CHURCH
Acts 20:28-32
v.28 What is the first thing that the overseer must be on guard/take heed to?
Why is this of first importance [see Rom.2:1-3,17-24]?
Why are you unqualified to oversee others if you do not first take heed to yourself?
What makes an elder/overseer: length of years, the appointment of men, position and status in the community, wealth, education, and/or the Holy Spirit? Explain.
Is it a work for which one is carnally/naturally qualified or spiritually equipped? Explain.
Is it possible for a man to be an elder in the community but not in the church? Explain.
Is it possible for a younger man to do the work of an overseer even among his physical elders in age who are to submit to the younger among them [see Job 32:2-10]?
What is the work of an overseer [see Jer.3:15]?
Whose church is it and how was it acquired?
How will this affect the manner in which one oversees the church?
v.29 How will these wolves come in among them [see Mt.7:15]?
From Mt.7:15, in what sense will they not spare the flock?
v.30 From where else will danger and evil arise for the flock?
What added significance does this provide for the exhortation of Tit.1:9?
v.31 What was it that Paul had done while among them that prevented the evils mentioned in vs.29,30?
v.32 What are the “resources” that the overseer has for the work?
y.33 Why does Paul remind them of this [see 2 Cor.2:17]?
The phrase “them that have the rule over you” [KJV] is a translation of the exact same word that is found in Lk.22:26 as “the leader/chief.” In Lk.22:26, according to the word of the Lord Jesus, His leaders are servants/slaves. Based on this, is the translation “ruler” or “leader” more suited in Heb.13:7,17? Explain.
Is it possible to lead without ruling over? Explain.
v.7 What are the believers to remember about their leaders?
Are they to imitate them or imitate their faith?
What is the difference [see Gal.2:11-14]?
In Gal.2, should the Christians have imitated Peter? Explain.
What about their leaders’ lives is persuasive to the believers who are observing them?
v.17 The word “obey” in this verse is not the usual word used in the NT of obedience of an inferior to a superior such as in a servant to his lord, a citizen to a king, or a child to his father. The word used here is from the verb “to persuade.” The appeal to obey is based upon persuasion from that which is observed in the leaders as in v.7 rather than an appeal to authority as such.
In light of that, why should believers submit to their leaders?
In what sense will the leaders give account?
What characterized these false shepherds?
What did they not do?
v.4 How did they behave toward the flock?
v.10 What shall the Lord do for His flock here?
v.11-16 In what specific ways does the Lord shepherd His own flock?
What pattern or example does this provide for those who would oversee the flock of God?
How was Diotrephes like these false shepherds [see 3 Jn.9,10]?
In the Epistles addressed to churches or assemblies of believers, were these letters addressed to the “rulers” in these assemblies or to the believers themselves [see Rom.1:7; I Cor.1:2; 2 Cor.1:1; Gal.1:2; Eph.1:1; Col.1:2; I Thess.1:1; 2 Thess.1:1; I Pet.1:1]?
Are the believers addressed as inferiors/underlings or as spiritual equals in the NT Scriptures [see Rom.15:14; I Cor.5:12,13; 10:15; 12:17,18-27; 14:26,29-35; 2 Cor.1:24; I Pet.5:1; Rev.1:9]?
Is there one man who leads or rules in a given local assembly or is leadership a plurality in the NT church [see Acts 6:1-6; Acts 13:1-3,13; 14:23; 15:2,4,6,7,12,13,22,32,35; 20:17,28; Phil.1:1; I Tim.1.3,6,7; 3:1,8; 4:14; 5:17-20; 2 Tim.2:2; Tit.1:5; Philemon 1-3; Heb.13:7,17; I Pet.5:1-5]?
In the NT Scriptures there is no priest, bishop, reverend, pastor, general overseer, vicar, or “man of God” who is the leader in a local assembly of believers or group of churches. To Christ Jesus alone belongs such a right and position.
[Session 49] CHURCH
The NT Pattern
I write so that you may know how one ought to conduct himself
in the houseof God, which is the church of the living God
I Tim.3:15 Is there a pattern for the house of God throughout the Scriptures [see Heb.8:5; I Chron.28:19; Ezek.40:4; Ezek.43:10-12; Zech.4:9,10]?
Is there a pattern for the church [see I Cor.3:9-17; 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:33,37,38; 2 Thess.2:15; I Tim.3:15; 2 Tim.1:13,14]?
The NT pattern that transcends all cultures, whether British, African, American, Chinese, Indian, or any other local beliefs and practices, is illustrated in the following diagrams.
Christ is represented by the Throne.
The Church is represented by the Circle, showing its relationship to Christ as well as to One Another. Every believer is joined to Christ in a living union as his Head. Leaders are among the brethren but not over them. All are joined together by the same Holy Spirit.
In the NT church, everything revolves around the Lord Jesus Christ. He truly has “first place in everything” [Col.1:18]. Illustrated here is that throne of grace to which every believer is urged to draw near with confidence in order to “receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” [Heb.4:16].
Upon the throne is found a great HIGH PRIEST who “always lives to make intercession for us” [Heb.7:25] represented by the Lamb. There is no other “mediator between God and men” [I Tim.2:5].
Christ Jesus is the LORD and KING as shown by the Lion. None other is to command and rule His people for “you were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men” [I Cor.7:23].
“No man can lay a FOUNDATION other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” [I Cor.3:11]. He Himself is the “CORNERSTONE, in whom the whole building… is growing into a holy temple in the Lord” [Eph.2:20,21]. The church of the Lord Jesus is built on nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else than Christ Himself.
There exists no other source of life and fruitfulness for the church except the Lord Jesus Christ, the TRUE VINE. He says: “Apart from Me, you can do nothing” [Jn.15:5].
He guides and feeds His flock as the GOOD SHEPHERD as pictured by the Shepherd’s crook. There is but one true Shepherd in His church [Jn.10:16] and His “sheep follow Him because they know His voice. And a stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers” [Jn.10:4,5].
As the BRIDEGROOM, seen in the heart shaped back of the throne, He has exclusive right to the love and devotion of His bride. “I betrothed you to one husband…to Christ” [2 Cor.11:2].
No one’s body has more than one HEAD. All life, direction, coordination of, and rule over the body comes from the Head, symbolized by the crown. Christ Jesus the Lord is “Head of the body, the church” [Col.1:18].
The circle diagram portrays the teaching of the NT regarding the relationship of each believer to the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. It also shows the relationship which exists in the church between believers through “the one and the same Spirit [who] works all these things, distributing to each one individually, just as He wills” [I Cor.12:11]. In the circle diagram, the Throne represents the Lord Jesus, B means “believer,” and L means “leader”; leaders are among the brethren but not over them.
Every believer/PRIEST has direct access to the Lord Jesus Christ as his HIGH PRIEST [Heb.4:16] apart from human intermediaries. The Father is worshipped in Spirit and truth [Jn.4:24] with spiritual sacrifices [I Pet.2:5] which are offered up continually through the Lord Jesus Christ [Heb.13:15,16]. All are priests.
Each member of the BODY receives life [Col.3:4], direction [I Cor.2:16], enabling [I Cor.1:24], and spiritual gift [Eph.4:7,8] directly from the Lord Jesus as HEAD of the church. No member is exalted over any other.
All the SHEEP of His flock follow their one SHEPHERD [Jn.10:16]. He is fully capable of leading His own [Jn.10:3,4] and feeding them in the pastures of His Word [Ezek.34:23]. Sheep are not dependent upon man’s rule and man’s voice.
Fruitfulness in every BRANCH is totally dependent upon the life of the VINE transmitted to all abiding in Him [Jn.15:1-8]. “Apart from Me, you can do nothing” [Jn.15:5]. No man can make us fruitful.
SLAVES obey and serve their one and only LORD [Rom.6:15-23; 1 Cor.7:23]. No man can serve 2 masters [Lk.16:13].
The TEMPLE of God [Eph.2:21,22], built of individual “living stones” [I Pet.2:5], has no other FOUNDATION upon which it is built [1 Cor.3:11], or any other reference point besides its CORNERSTONE [Eph.2:20] which is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The church is not a literal building and is not built upon any man or ministry.
A BRIDE [2 Cor.11:2,3; Eph.5:24-27] needs no artificial or external incentive for her to love her BRIDEGROOM [Jn.3:28,29] with purity of devotion. No “worship leader” can or need direct the church to express her love when in the presence of her Beloved.
[Session 50] CHURCH
In the NT Church:
No man governs and rules. It is the prerogative of the Lord Jesus alone to have such place among His people.
The Lord actually has First Place. Only among false shepherds/rulers, who love to have first place themselves as in 3 Jn.9,10 will this not be found to be so.
Christ Jesus dwells in the midst as the focus of every obedient, worshipful, and loving heart [Rev.2:1].
Our Lord leads, commands, directs, and draws out a response of love from those belonging to Him [Rev.19:7,8]).
He is truly honored as Lord as there are no competing “lords” among His people [2 Cor.1:24; I Pet.5:1-3].
Leaders are among the flock not over them. Overseers watch over as servants but do not lord over as rulers.
Like Christ Himself, leaders lead by godly example and the persuasive power of truth: not by force.
Each time His flock gathers unto Himself, the One Great Shepherd guides into the pastures of His choosing.
All is done “decently and in order” [I Cor.14:40] because He is not a God “of confusion but of peace” [I Cor.14:33].
No pre-arranged program is needed. The Spirit of God, whose work it is to glorify Christ [Jn.16:13,14], will lead the people of God [Rom.8:14] to “worship the Father in Spirit and truth” [Jn.4:23].
True unity is evident as the Holy Spirit unites all believers to glorify Jesus as Lord [Eph.4:3,4].
The believers are “sanctified in truth” [Jn.17:17]. Any man who is led “speaks the truth in love” [Eph.4:15].
Truth prevails, not the thoughts of man. “I speak as to wise men; you judge what I say” [I Cor.10:15].
Each one contributes to the edification of all [I Cor.14:26] and all judge what is spoken by any [I Cor.14:29].
Every one submits to each other in the fear of Christ, whether believer or leader, young or old alike [Eph.5:21].
No hierarchy exists as all are one in Christ Jesus [Jn.17:20,21; I Cor.12:12-14].
No comparison to the business world’s corporate organizational structure can be made. The church is wholly other than that.
No pattern can be drawn for the church’s practice from the OT priesthood of Levi as the church is a wholly new thing unknown to previous generations [Eph.3:3-6].
Roman Catholic and Protestant forms of church “government,” with few exceptions, have not reflected this simple NT pattern.
BREAKING OF BREAD Do this in remembrance of Me [Lk.22:19; I Cor.11:24]
In this simple request is contained the only command from our Lord regarding the meeting of Christians. All other meetings, however beneficial, are optional. This one is not. Several profound truths are contained in this text.
[1] The Lord Jesus is the central object and reason for the gathering. The focus is upward, upon Him. It is primarily a meeting unto and for the Lord. Benefit and blessing to others, though present, is secondary.
[2] One cannot remember someone that has never been known. It is a meeting for believers.
[3] “Do this” refers to something. It is not a new routine, a prescribed ritual. The Lord said these words after He had done something. He had given thanks. We are to do as He did. We are to give thanks for all that He is to us represented by the bread – His body. We are to give thanks for all that He has done in our behalf represented by the cup – His blood. Who He is and His work of salvation is the focus of and cause for our thanks.
[4] The command is plural. It is not a ceremony performed by others to be passively and ritualistically received by the majority as onlookers. We, believers, are to give thanks for so great a Lord and for so great a salvation.
[5] In that first meeting, the Lord Jesus was the central focus in their midst [Lk.22:15-20]. Prayers of thanks were offered [Lk.22:19,20], teaching occurred [Mk.14:22-25], exhortation was given [Lk.22:31-33], and hymns were sung [Mt.26:30]. No formula is dictated to show our love to Him at this gathering; a pre-arranged program is unnecessary and even a hindrance.
Though not specifically commanded to do so, what other purposes of meeting do we see in the NT [see Lk.22:14-20; Acts 1:14,15; 2:44-46; 4:23-32; 5:42; 8:25; 9:31; 11:26; 12:12; 13:1-3,42,43; 14:1,2,21-23,26-28; 15:1-35; 16:13-15,30-34,40; 19:9,10; 20:7-11,17-37; 21:4,5,17-19; I Cor.10:14-22; 11:1-34; 14:1-40; Heb.10:23-25]?
[Session 51] CHURCH
Mt.5:13-16 In what sense is the church salt?
In what sense is the church the light of the world [see Eph.5:11-14; Phil.2:15,16]?
Gal.6:1-3 What is the individual believer responsible to do in relation to others?
Is this something for church leaders only [see Rom.15:14; I Thess.5:14]?
What does it mean “you who are spiritual”?
If he will not be restored, what further ought the believers to do [see 2 Thess.3:6,14]?
How is purity, love, and truth to be maintained among believers [see Rom.15:14; 16:17,18; I Thess.5:14; Tit.1:10-13; Jude 3,22,23]?
Who is responsible to do this?
Who has the Lord equipped to do this?
Mt.18:15-20 What ought to be done if someone sins against you?
What is the purpose of going to the brother [see Gal.6:1,2]?
Is this a matter of personal offense or of sin committed? Explain.
What should be done if the brother does not repent?
Why is this necessary?
Why does it say “even” the church?
What is the “final court of appeal”?
What role do the pastor, reverend, priest, or leaders have in this process?
What does it mean to be as a “Gentile or publican/tax gatherer” [see 2 Thess.3:6,14,15]?
In this context, what is it that the 2 or 3 are agreed upon?
As discipline is administered by the church, where is the Lord Jesus in this process?
I Cor.5
v.1,2 How widely known was this sin among the Corinthian church?
What was their response to it?
v.3-6 What did Paul do that they were unwilling to do?
How do “being removed from your midst” and “delivered over to Satan” relate to being as a “Gentile and tax-gatherer” in the Mt.18 passage?
v.6-8 What effect does leaven have upon what it is in contact with?
In the context of this chapter, what was the leavening influence in the Corinthian church?
When the Passover lamb was sacrificed, what was to be removed from every home?
Since Christ has been sacrificed, what is to be removed from every church?
v.9-13 What are we to always be morally and spiritually separate from in our personal behavior?
What ought to be done with a professed Christian who continues in sin after reproof?
In what sense are believers to act as judges?
How does this chapter relate to Mt.18:15-20?
[Session 52] LAST THINGS
What influences are present in the kingdom of Heaven [see NT Key Passages, Session 5]?
Are these good things?
To what extent will these elements abide and increase?
From the beginning, what should we expect to find within the church [see Mt.7:15; Acts 20:28-30; 2 Cor.11:13-15; 2 Pet.2:1-3; I Jn.4:1-3; 2 Jn.7; Jude 4; Rev.2:2]?
Mt.24:3-5, 9-14, 23-28 What is the first thing the Lord Jesus warns us about in the last days?
How many will be misled [see v.5,11,24]?
What can genuine believers expect from those who are misled [see v.9,10]?
v.10 says, “and then shall many be offended” [KJV], ”many will fall away” [NASB], “many will turn away from the faith” [NIV]. What will occur on a widespread basis in the last days [see I Tim.4:1; 2 Thess.2:3; 2 Tim.3:1,5; 4:3,4]?
What will this falling away from the true faith ultimately result in [see 2 Tim.3:13; 2 Thess.2:3-10; Rev.13:1-18; 17:1-18]?
I Tim.4:1-3
In the last days what will men fall away from?
What will they turn to?
Who will be teaching such things?
Why is trying to regulate spirituality by insisting on external rules destined to fail [see Col.2:20-23]?
2 Tim.3
v.1,2,4 What 3 things will men love in the last days?
What will they not love?
v.5-7 Rather than the genuine faith which they have fallen away from, what will be the substance of their religion?
v.8,9 Jannes and Jambres were Pharaoh’s magicians who opposed Moses with satanic signs and wonders [see Ex.8:16-19]. What will also be true of these men in the last days?
Will their folly be obvious to every single individual or to all the elect genuine believers [see Mt.24:23-26]?
What is the relationship between “sound doctrine” and “the faith” in I Tim.4:1?
What is the motivation for them in turning to doctrines of demons?
How many men will these people find to teach them error according to their own lusts?
2 Pet.2:3
What will be the motivation of these false teachers?
What will be their method?
How will they be paid for their “services”?
What does it mean to “make merchandise” of someone?
Summarize the conditions that will be prevalent in the last days.
What aspects of these can be observed in our generation?
[Session 53] LAST THINGS
The word “rapture” originally meant the act of transporting. It became a term to describe the carrying-away of living believers upon earth into the presence of the Lord apart from normal physical death.
I Thess.4:13-18
What does “asleep” mean in this context [see I Kings 2:10; Jn.11:11-14; Acts 7.59 to 8:1; I Cor.15:6]?
Where are the souls of those believers who have already died at the time of the Lord’s coming [see v.14; 2 Cor.5:6-8; Rev.6:9-11]?
v.15 The word “prevent” [KJV] is translated “precede” [NASB, NIV].
Is the “coming of the Lord” in this context referring to the physical return of the Lord Jesus to the earth or to His coming with clouds in the air [see v.17]?
v.16 Are the “dead in Christ” referring to believers’ souls being raised or to their bodies being resurrected [see Jn.5.28,29]?
v.17 What will then happen after the bodies of the dead saints [genuine believers] have been raised?
Will the living saints at the time of the Lord’s coming experience physical death?
What will be the final result of the rapture?
I Cor.15:50-58
v.50 Who shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
v.51.52 What must take place before anyone can do so?
Who is the “we” that shall be changed in these verses?
Will everyone experience physical death?
When will this happen [see I Thess.4:16,17]?
v.52-54 What is the perishable that must be changed [see 2 Cor.5:1-8]?
What is the imperishable that is put on?
When ought we to expect the rapture to take place [see Mt.24:42-44; 25:10-13; Lk.12:35-40; 21:34-36]?
Daniel describes this final 7-year period of man’s history [see Dan.9:26,27, OT Key Passages, Session 34].
What will happen in the middle of this 7-year period [see Mt.24:15-22; Dan.9:27; 11:31,36-39; 12:11]?
Who is this man who will exalt himself above all gods [see Dan.7:23-25; 8:23-25; 2 Thess.2:3-10; Rev.13]?
What will those who dwell upon the earth wholly and willingly give themselves over to during the
tribulation [see Rev.9:20,21; 11:7-10; 13:3,4,8,11-17; 16:8-11,21; 17:1,2; 18:2,3, 9; 19:17-21]?
From your general reading through Revelation, what judgments will the Lord God bring upon the earth at this time?
Second Coming and Reign of Christ
What will happen immediately after the tribulation [see Mt.24:29-31; Rev.19:11-21]?
How will the Lord Jesus return to earth [see Acts 1:9-11; Mt.16:27; 26:64; Dan.7:13,14; 2 Thess.1:5-10; Rev.1:7; Zech.14:3-9]?
What begins upon this return of the Lord Jesus to earth [see Rev.11:15-18; 19:15; 20:1-6; Ps.2:1-9; Dan.2:44,45; 7:27]?
What part will believers have in this reign [see I Cor.6:2,3; Rev.2:26,27; Lk.19:11-27]?
[Session 54] LAST THINGS
Is physical death the final event of one’s life [see Heb.9:27]?
What will surely take place for all men who have ever lived upon the earth [see Acts 24:15; Isa.26:19; Dan.12:2; Jn.5:28,29]?
After being raised, where will they appear [see Mt.25:31,32; Rev.20:11-15]?
The Scriptures warn that men will be judged on several accounts. Specifically identify these from the following passages.
[1] Eccl.12:14; Rom.2:6; 2 Cor.5:10; Rev.20:12; Hos.7:2; Rev.22:12
[2 Mt. 12:36; Prov. 18:7,21
[3] I Cor.4:5 “counsels” [KJV], “motives” [NASB, NIV]
[4] Ezek.7:3,4,8,9; 22:31
[5] Rom.2:8,16; 2 Thess.1:8,9; 2:10-12; Jn.3:36 “believeth not the Son” [KJV], “does not obey the Son” [NASB], “rejects the Son” [NIV]
[6] Rev.20:15
[7] Rom.1:18; 2:5
[8] Mt.12:41,42
Besides men, who else will be judged [see 2 Pet.2:4; Jude 6; Rev.20:10]?
Will the devil be the ruler in hell or will he suffer torment like all else who are there [see Rev.20:10]?
Heaven & Hell
One of two possible destinies awaits every man. What are they [see Mt.25:34,41,46; Mt.13:30,37-43,47-50; 2 Thess.1:5-10]?
Hell “The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God” [Ps.9:17]
How is hell described in each of the following:
[1] Mt.3:10-12; 13:42,50; 25:41,46; Rev.14:9-11; 20:15
[2] Mt.8:12; 13:42,50; 22:11-13; 24:51; 25:30; Lk.13:27,28
[3] Jude 13; 2 Pet.2:17; Mt.22:13; 25:30
[4] Mk.9:43-48; Isa.66:24
It is not stated whether this is a parable or a literal description of the 2 individuals mentioned. It is irrelevant to debate it; either way, the point of the narrative remains the same. What do we learn about hell from this passage?
v.22,23 Where was the poor man immediately upon death?
Where was the rich man’s body; his soul?
v.23-25 Did the rich man continue in conscious existence after physical death?
How is his experience in hell described?
v.26 How does this description agree with Mt.25:46?
What is the duration of hell [see Rev.14:9-11; 20:10; Mt.25:41]?
Roman Catholics have invented the concept of Purgatory – a temporary place of suffering for one’s own sins. It is claimed that after sufficient torment, which can be lessened by the living paying money to the Roman Catholic Church, one can be cleansed or “purged” from sin and thereby released from Purgatory into Heaven. Is this idea supported by v.26 [or any other passages either]? Explain.
v.27-31 According to the judgment of Heaven, what is sufficient to keep one from being cast into hell?
According to the man in hell, what else is needed?
Why is this not so?
How can one escape the judgment of hell [see Jn.3:16-18; 5:24; Rom.8:1; I Thess.1:9,10; 2 Thess.1:7-10; Rev.12:11]?
What will not be found in Heaven [see Rev.7:16,17; 21:1,4,8,22,23,25,27; 22:3,5,15]?
What will be there [see Heb.12:22-24; Ps.16:11; Mt.25:21; Rev.4:1-11; 5:5-14; 7:9-12,15,17; 19:7,8; 21:2,3,5-7,10,11,18-26; 22:1-5,14]?
How ought we to be ready for the Lord’s coming [see Rev.16:15; 3:4; 22:14]?
How can this be done [see Rom.13:11-14; 1 Thess.5:1-9; 2 Pet.3:10-14; Rev.7:13-15; I Jn.1:7-9]?
What does this necessitate on our part [see 2 Tim.4:7,8; 2 Pet.1:2-11]?
“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to
every man according to what he has done. The Spirit and the bride say,
‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who
is thirsty come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life
freely. He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming
quickly.’ Amen. Even so, Come Lord Jesus.”